🚀Inversion Fair Value Gaps indicator in tradingview IFVG ICT Signal| Alert [TradingFinder]💫

3 hours ago

🚀Inversion Fair Value Gaps indicator in TradingView (IFVG) ICT Signal | Alert [TradingFinder]💫

TradingFinder introduces the Inversion Fair Value Gaps (IFVG) indicator, now available on TradingView. This tool identifies scenarios where a Fair Value Gap (FVG) is breached, signaling a potential shift in price momentum.

⚡️Key Features:

Bullish IFVG: Occurs when a bearish FVG is invalidated by a price close above it, acting as a support level and indicating a shift from selling to buying momentum.

✅Bearish IFVG: Occurs when a bullish FVG is invalidated by a price close below it, acting as a resistance level and indicating a shift from buying to selling momentum.

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