KingCobraJFS Mar 4, 2025 "food hack" **FACEBOOK VIDEO**

10 hours ago

On this day, King Cobra created a unique food hack sandwich called Sleeping with the Fishes. He assembled the sandwich using toasted white bread, cherrywood bacon, mozzarella, red onions, mayo with olive oil, and his signature seasoning blend. The key ingredients were prosciutto (processed meat) and King Oscar sardines in extra virgin olive oil, topped off with sour cream and cheddar Lay’s chips for extra crunch. While enjoying Jack Daniels mixed with Mountain Dew Voltage, Cobra excitedly presented his creation, acknowledging that some might find it unappetizing but insisting that he enjoys making these experimental sandwiches. He teased a follow-up video to reveal whether the sandwich gets his seal of approval, encouraging viewers to subscribe for more of his wild food hacks.
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