Article 5294 Video - International Public Notice: A Far Greater Asset Claim By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5294 Video - International Public Notice: A Far Greater Asset Claim - Friday, February 28, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

Trump's Administration has discovered, with the help of Gun Owners of America, an insidious FBI operation designed to coerce people into signing away their gun rights forever.

Once again, as we've seen before, medical professionals were used as "Uniformed Officers" to sign off and justify this.

Americans were being pushed into signing NICS Indices Self-Submission Forms that waive their gun rights, the same way that Mothers have been coerced into signing away their babies' birth rights as Americans.

Even the Schtick about having Medical Doctors affirm and act as Witnesses is the same.

Good on the Trump Administration for putting an end to the NICS form and those who created and promoted this attempt at an end-run around the Constitution. Charge them all. Throw them in jail. Lose the keys. Charge the King for their upkeep.

Throw the Board of Directors of the United States Government, Inc. --- the umbrella corporation that owns and operates the CIA and the FBI and DHS --- in jail right along with them. It's not just the employees at fault for this.

Employees of the FBI are presumed to know that we, Americans, have the absolute and guaranteed right to keep and bear arms, so they have no excuse for participating in a program designed to coerce relinquishment of that right or misrepresent us as Federal citizens.

Those responsible for running the FBI, Incorporated, are just as responsible for knowing these same facts.

Everyone from the Field Agents to the Chairman of the Board are liable and are in conspiracy against the Constitutions when they organize and promote a scheme to coerce Americans into signing away their Second Amendment guarantees.

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