Article 5293 Video - International Public Notice: The Federal Reserve Plan By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5293 Video - International Public Notice: The Federal Reserve Plan - Friday, February 28, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

The essence of the Federal Reserve Plan as stipulated in 1913, like Theodore Roosevelt's Natural Resource Plan of 1908, was founded on diabolism. It's simple, anti-intuitive, and deceptive.

Roosevelt's Natural Resource Plan basically said --- we will rathole our own resources for a rainy day and buy everyone else's resources for pennies on the dollar; then, when the resource becomes more scarce, we will open up production at our discretion and charge high prices for our resources. Meantime, we will use "conservation" and cute pictures of Bambi to sell this to the public, and we will benefit our cronies already in these resource-connected businesses by tying up any nascent competitors.

That is and remains the dictum for American Natural Resource Development today. Behind the Tree Hugger memes and themes and the glories of the National Parks lurks a very cynical resource management plan that is still ticking away, year after year, decade after decade.

You are seeing this policy in action today. America has always had more oil and more natural gas than Saudi Arabia. We simply agreed to buy our crude oil from the Middle East, despite the transport costs, and refine it here, so that we not only saved our gas and oil resources, but got the Fat End of the value-added product profits.

As Trump moves to open up the oil spigot, he has to keep his loyal suppliers in the Middle East happy and mollified. So who is getting a split on the refinery business profits from the Eastern Mediterranean Basin development? Saudi Arabia.

This is also presumably why you don't hear a word from the Saudis about the carpet bombing of Gaza.

Now turn your attention to other commodities --- money and credit.

The first part of the Federal Reserve Plan conceptualized in 1910, just two years after Teddy Roosevelt's Natural Resource Conservation scheme, was to get ourselves and every other country off the "inelastic" gold standard and later, off the "inelastic" silver standard, too, and to replace these "supply limited" asset-backed currencies with an "elastic" fiat currency system based on government debt.

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