Article 5292 Video - The Divine Web - Thursday, February 27, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 5292 Video - The Divine Web - Thursday, February 27, 2025 By Anna Von Reitz

In our recent article addressed to the Christian churches, we pointed out numerous incongruities, like calling a Jewish rabbi named Yeshuah by the name Jesus --- which literally means "I Zeus", and it makes even less sense to associate him with a High Priest's Office in the Old Religion of Phrygia -- that of the "Christ".

Once you know this, "Jesus Christ" doesn't appear to have anything much to do with our Jewish rabbi, does it? So what are we doing, preaching salvation in the name of "Jesus Christ"?

There are a lot of things like this, that just don't add up, whether it's names or scripture, history or doctrine --- rather, when you really dig into it, the whole "Christian" tradition appears to be pieced together like a crazy quilt, with many such crucial incongruities and contradictions.

For insight into the reasons behind this and the roots of western civilization, we have to return to Troy and the blind Greek poet, Homer, some 800 years before Yeshuah walked the Earth.

The crucial part that is hidden from us, is the importance of Troy and the spread of its trading routes and cultural outposts westward from home bases in modern day Syria and Turkey to the Phrygian Empire in modern Romania, Bulgaria, northern Greece, Serbia, Croatia, and down the Italian Peninsula.

When Troy fell the triumphant Greeks did everything possible to erase it from history; if not for Homer, we would have little of it to remember, and we would not know that Rome was founded by Trojans --- even in myth. Quite apart from the Remus and Romulus story, there is very solid evidence that Rome was founded by Romanians who were part of the ancient Phrygian Empire of Central and Eastern Europe.

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