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Prophet Julie Green - A Firestorm of Truth Will Set the Establishment Ablaze - Captions
Prophet Julie Green begins by wishing everyone a happy Valentine's Day and emphasizes the significance of recognizing the freedom granted through Christ. She discusses how the enemy has attacked freedoms in various aspects of life and elaborate on biblical scriptures, particularly from Galatians and Deuteronomy, to reinforce the belief in the freedom purchased by Jesus. She highlights the importance of understanding and reclaiming these freedoms. The video transitions into a prophetic message about the exposure of deep-rooted corruption within the government and other institutions, stressing the urgency for political reset and the eradication of dark secrets involving financial fraud, child trafficking, and abuse. Julie calls for persistent prayers and faith, urging people to stand firm against the establishment's resistance and to use the Word of God as a weapon. She concludes with a series of prayers, encouraging believers to realize their redemption rights and divine strength.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 02-14-2025 and may be watched here: 👉
Understanding and Embracing Your Spiritual Freedom: A Valentine's Day Message
In this Valentine's Day special, Julie emphasizes spiritual freedom and how it’s under attack from various fronts. Through a series of encouraging scriptures from Galatians, Deuteronomy, and Psalms, the message focuses on reclaiming the freedom that Christ has purchased. A prophetic word titled 'A Firestorm of Truth Will Set the Establishment Ablaze' reveals deep corruption within the U.S. government and global systems. The message urges listeners to stand firm in their faith and pray for their nation, stressing the importance of understanding their spiritual and civic responsibilities. Upcoming event on June 20th and 21st is also announced.
00:00 Introduction and Valentine's Day Greetings
00:20 Encouraging Words on Freedom
01:53 Scriptural Insights on Freedom
04:58 The Power of the Blessing
05:35 Galatians and Deuteronomy: Understanding Redemption
12:13 Prophetic Word: A Firestorm of Truth
14:04 Exposing Government Corruption
20:56 God's Assurance and Encouragement
23:51 The Importance of Faith and Trust in God
28:32 Standing Strong in God's Promises
35:46 Daily Spiritual Practices
40:16 Divine Strength and Faith
41:25 God's Unchanging Nature
42:30 Prophetic Word: Firestorm of Truth
43:18 Corruption in Big Government
44:40 Prayers for Justice and Exposure
45:20 Financial Deception and Recovery
13:33 Military and Government Corruption
55:38 Dark Secrets and Child Trafficking
01:05:53 Prayers for Protection and Revelation
01:11:25 Concluding Prayer and Encouragement
Video Information:
MUSIC: First Song - Together by LNDO
Second Song - All This Time by LNDO
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
Feb. 14, 2025-A Firestorm of Truth Will Set the Establishment Ablaze
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Ps. 118:24
Hos. 4:6
Gal. 3:13-14
Gal. 4:4-7, 31
Deut. 28 (the blessing and the curse)
Gal. 5:1
Wage war against the enemy and take back what is rightfully yours.
Jesus Christ redeemed you from the curse.
You are free and have been bought with a price by Jesus.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Num. 14:1-3, 9, 11
Heb. 13:8
1 John 4:4
Josh. 1:5-6, 8-9
Josh. 23:9-10
2 Cor. 5:7
The Body of Christ needs to stand up and use the Word of God against the enemy.
Earnestly remember ALL that God has done.
Continue to pursue the enemy and believe God's report.
Do not fear your enemies.
Listen to God and do not fear, worry or doubt.
Have the Word of God in your heart day and night. Get into the Bible daily.
Renew your mind with the Word of God.
God wins so you win!
God is your deliverer. He is your everything.
You need to continue to intercede on behalf of your nation.
Pray down the establishment and those in government that are evil and corrupt.
You need to fight with the Sword of the Spirit-Word of God.
There is nothing your enemies can do to stop Almighty God!
You need to take your promised land and freedoms that have already been purchased for you.
Prayer Scriptures:
Hos. 4:6
Gen. 18:25
Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Friday. It's February 14th. It's Valentine's Day. So I want to wish each and every one of you a happy Valentine's Day, however you're celebrating it. Happy Valentine's Day to each and every one of you. Today is a day that The Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Now, I want to give you some encouraging words this morning. One of the things that The Lord was showing me to give you this morning for encouraging scriptures is about freedom. We don't realize that our enemy has been attacking our freedoms in every way. And not just politically, and not just in any parts of just our nations.
But he's been attacking our freedoms in our body, he's been attacking freedoms in our mind, he's been attacking freedoms in our finances, he's been attacking freedoms in our marriages, and every single way he can attack freedom. That's what our enemy has done. He has waged war with our freedoms in every way that he could.
So we, as children of Almighty God, are waging war back against our enemy, taking back what is rightfully ours, what Jesus has already paid for. He's paid for our freedom. We're not hoping and wishing to be free people. We have already been declared free. The price has already been paid. Jesus has already ransomed us.
He's already paid that price for our freedom. But because Hosea 4 or 6, we were destroyed for a lack of knowledge, people haven't realized that their freedoms have been taken away from them. And so God now is giving us this wisdom and knowledge and understanding in the spiritual war that has been against our freedoms in every way, shape, or form.
God has given us the tools to fight back. And the first scripture I want to give to you today is Galatians 3 and 13. Galatians 3 and 13, and it says, Christ purchased our freedom, redeeming us from the curse and the doom of the law, and its condemnation, by himself becoming a curse for us. For it is written in the scriptures, Curse is everyone who hangs on a tree, And is crucified look at that first part christ purchased our freedom He redeemed us from the curse.
Yes, there's still a curse that is in this earth But he purchased our freedom out of that curse so we don't have to continually deal with it on a daily basis But if we don't have a knowledge that Christ has purchased our freedom, that he paid that price, then when the curse comes, people accept it.
Let's go to verse 14, Galatians 3, and Oh, I didn't have 14 on here for Carter. Sorry about that. Hold on a minute. I had I only gave him 3 and 13. I didn't give him 14. So that's my bad. I'll just read it to you. It's no big deal. I have it right here. So Christ purchased our freedom in Galatians 3 13 Now 14 says to the end that through their receiving Christ Jesus Now, because you received Christ Jesus, through receiving Him, you can receive that freedom.
When you ask Jesus to be Lord and Savior of your life, you ask Him to come in your heart, you ask Him to be that Lord and Savior, you believe and you trust that Jesus is the one that God has sent for us to redeem us from all sin, to die for us, for us to be free from it. If you know that He is the only begotten Son, if you ask Him to be that Lord and Savior, you say, Father God, I know that you sent Jesus Christ into this earth to redeem, to atone for my sin.
I thank you that I ask Him to be Lord and Savior. I ask Him into my heart. And I thank you that I am now a new creation in Christ Jesus. And I am now a child of the most high God. It's that simple. It's that quick. That few statements saves you between a life of heaven and hell saves between you a life in here on this earth between blessing and cursing.
But he purchased us in verse 13, in 14. It says to the end that through their receiving Christ Jesus. The blessing promised to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles so that we through faith might all receive the revelation of the promise of the Holy Spirit. So when we are receiving what Christ has done, we're also receiving the blessing.
And I could do, at some point, I'll do an in depth teaching of how powerful The blessing is. That's an empowerment to prosper you, to excel, to exceed, and rise above all what's to try to keep you back and hold you down. The blessing is an empowerment. It's not something that we just say, God bless you in passing.
You know, when somebody sneezes. It's an empowerment, but again, it's something that a lot of people don't realize, because what Jesus did, we received that blessing upon us. Now let's go to the next scripture. Let's go to Galatians 4 and verse 4, and it says, But when the proper time had fully come, God had sent his Son, born of a woman, born subject to the regulations of the law.
Verse 5. This is so important right here. This is another scripture that indicates The price has already been paid. Verse 5. To purchase the freedom of, to ransom, to redeem, to atone for those who are subject to the law, that we might be adopted and have some shit conferred upon us and recognized as God's sons.
Verse 6. And because you really are His sons, God has sent the Holy Spirit of His Father into our hearts, Crying Abba Father. Now look at verse 7. Underline this. This is the Amplified Version. Therefore, you are no longer a slave, but a bondservant, but a son. And if a son, then it follows that you are an heir by the aid of God through Christ.
You are no longer a slave. Satan keeps trying to enslave you with the curse. He keeps trying to put those sicknesses and diseases, and if you want to know what you are redeemed for, you want to know, excuse me, I almost swallowed my lozenge, if you want to know what you have freedom from, go look at Deuteronomy 28.
The blessing is Deuteronomy 28, 1 through 14 and Deuteronomy 28, 15 through through 63 or 66 or 68. It is the curse. And if you go read Galatians 3, 13, you go read Galatians 4 and 4 through 7, go back and read Galatians or Deuteronomy 28 and go, I am redeemed from every single one of these things.
It's amazing what revelation we can find in the word of God. What is in the curse? Find out what it is. Find out that you are redeemed for it. Go back and forth. From Galatians 3, 13, and 14, Galatians 4, 4 through 7, to Deuteronomy 28, read it all, the blessing and the cursing. The more we find out what we are redeemed from, the more we find out how much freedom we actually have, the more we will stop putting up with our enemy trying to make us enslaved again, in our spirit, in our soul, in our body, socially and financially.
He's always done this since the beginning of time. Satan has always tried to enslave God's people one way or another to stop them from receiving what God has in store for them. Now Galatians 4 and 31, look how powerful this scripture is as well. So brethren, we who are born again are not children of a slave woman.
A the natural, but the free, the supernatural. You see how powerful that is? Yes, we were born of natural, you know, my mom, she, you know, born me naturally. But God is saying, you're not just born naturally. You are born supernaturally when you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You became a new creation in Christ.
You are part of the supernatural. The supernatural is definitely greater than the natural, and it trumps all the natural things upon this earth. You're not limited to those things. That's what we have to know, how powerful the blessing is, how powerful God's favor is, how powerful the anointing is that God has given to us, how powerful the name of Jesus is, and how powerful the word of God is that's used as a sword against our enemy.
It's a weapon. Galatians 5 and verse 1. So we already know we've been purchased for the price. In this freedom, Christ has made us free and completely liberated us Stand fast then and do not be hampered and held asnared again or submit again to a yoke of slavery Which you have once put off. You put that yoke of sabotage You took all that yoke of slavery and you tore it off when you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior But again, Satan will try to come back and try to put it back on you.
And that's why you see so much destruction in the body of Christ, because they don't realize that they have been purchased with a price. And if they do, they don't realize the redemption rights that we have with that purchase that God has paid for because of Him sending Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
to destroy the power of the evil one. If we knew the redemption rights we had, we wouldn't put up with all the stuff we're putting up with. Too many times God's children are underneath their circumstances. Their circumstances are overwhelming them instead of being over their circumstances and telling their circumstances where to go and what to do.
We have more power and authority than we realize. But again, a lot of people won't talk about this in the body of Christ. They won't talk about the authority of the believer. Why? Because Satan doesn't want you to know about it. It is in the scriptures. But I wanted you to know today how important it is that you have the revelation that you are free.
You have been bought with a price. You've been paid for because of the blood of Jesus and what he did for you on Calvary and what he did for you by going to hell in your place. He redeemed us. That's that purchase that he paid for. No one else could have done that but him. And that's the reason why God had to send Jesus.
To destroy that part of the curse that was brought into this earth because of Adam and Eve. You've been bought with a price. So don't let Satan take away from you your redemption, writes. Of what belongs to you and that is your freedom in every part of your life Now that's all the encouraging scriptures today I have more but i'm gonna save those for monday because I have a feeling god wants to expound upon More of these freedom scriptures because more people have to have this revelation because so many people don't know The redemption rites that they actually already have been given to them So i'm going to go back over more of those on monday morning You Okay, now here's the prophetic word.
This is a little bit longer one. Actually, this is the third one from last saturday It's february 8th It's called A Firestorm of Truth Will Hit the Establishment And Set it Ablaze a firestorm of truth. Oh, sorry A Firestorm of Truth Will Set the Establishment Ablaze I'll say it right this time All right So now first paragraph For I The Lord this day am telling you my children in the United States: This is where big government goes to die.
You'll begin to see more of their puppets exposed, expose themselves and malfunction on live TV. These puppets or so-called government officials have just been given orders to step up their resistance because the establishment is hemorrhaging everywhere and it must be stopped at all costs. What the establishment doesn't realize, the more they resist and the more they pursue the establishment,
the more they pursue to save the establishment, the more hemorrhaging will take place, and their fall will quickly pick up pace, and soon there'll be nothing left of what they hold dear. The deep state is desperate to stop the audits. They must stop DOGE at all costs. Their money is drying up everywhere.
They turn, and there isn't enough time to hide explosive evidence that could end them all in a day.
Rapid fire. One blow after another of exposure and truth that will knock the breath out of your enemies with no time to recover from the previous blow that hit them. A firestorm of truth will set the establishment ablaze and the corruption and all who are a part of it. Big government is collapsing. The establishment and machine and all of its components are falling apart.
Dark secrets lie in the books, in the education system, and that is why your enemies are petrified that this will be found. Similar to the USAID, this is another honey hole they siphon money through under the cover of education. It's a scam and a fraud, on another level, and using and abusing children at the same time.
This audit will reveal more of who truly has been running your government, and how they are truly criminals on an unprecedented scale.
Ukraine's money will be proven where it truly went and who received payments and what really has been hidden behind war funding. There are more dark secrets buried in Ukraine. All these secrets and criminal activities that have been committed by your government, O United States is about to be discovered. This money laundering scheme using another excuse of helping to stop wars has been going on for far too long. They never wanted to stop wars when it's another ploy... another honey hole... to steal from the American taxpayers.
Just wait until you hear how many wars were started on purpose to siphon money, to hide secrets, and to control and manipulate the nations. How child trafficking has been funded through this as well. There are numerous pedophiles in your government and laptops and audits will prove that child pornography is bigger in your capital than you realized.
Adrenochrome will be proven and expose what else your government likes to do with children. I will show you every dark secret of Planned Parenthood and what they really do with their body parts and the money that is brought in from murdering those children. How your government designed this very company as another honey hole for profit and more control over the population.
Money will lead to many dark secrets your government has been hiding from you. But these are the days secrets are coming out everywhere to stop your enemies' full takeover of this nation, says The Lord of Hosts. My United States, just wait for the audit of the Pentagon. Many will fall and many lives that were killed to save these secrets is unconceivable.
Money your government paid your military and the intel sources to do against this nation is unfathomable. Follow the money and you will find the crimes and all the criminals.
The generals and high ranking officers who are guilty will be convicted of treason and heinous crimes against this nation. Some of them were bigger threats to this nation and its secrets than your enemies in other nations were.
I will show you these audits that hired and trained assassins and terrorists against this nation. How they started wars and conflicts that could have more, have more control and more covert operations. This will all come to light how the establishment used your own military against you, when some of them were unaware.
If they did find out, they would have become another "casualty of war", or they would suddenly "commit suicide". You'll find out how many did not harm themselves; it was just made to look that way to save the establishment's full control over the nation. O my United States, many books have been cooked, and many lives were taken to keep these secrets.
But now all their books will be exposed to fully take down their enemies from within your borders, says The Lord of Hosts.
O my United States, I'm evicting, eradicating, nullifying, neutralizing, completely removing, every senator, governor, congressman, or woman who took money under the table. It's about to come out in unprecedented levels and unprecedented ways. Exposures are coming to wipe out the criminals that have been trying to hijack and sabotage and destroy your country for their own financial gain and greater power over the nations.
My children, these exposures will set this nation on a fast track for the biggest political upset and reset ever seen! The entire government body and its system is about to change abruptly. It's time for a great release in The Land of My Eagle, says The Lord, your Redeemer. Then I also heard: The dark secrets being hidden in the Blackhawk helicopter that hit the plane in DC.
It will start a wildfire of truth of how much your leaders have embedded, been embedded everywhere in your government and higher ups in the Pentagon to cause death and destruction in unprecedented ways. The assignment given to the person to aim that helicopter at that plane will be exposed. There are many more things that will be connected to this accident
that will tear apart another one of your government's underground systems meant to disrupt transportation and help the infiltrators against this nation.
The system to sabotage the FAA is being exposed; how dark and how evil the plans really were. It was far worse than what you've seen so far. My children, that's why the violent shaking must come to this nation, to stop more catastrophes before they take place. I'm disrupting your enemy's designed attacks against you that you wouldn't have seen coming.
Your enemy's death machine is being annihilated by Me, says The Lord of Hosts. You see in this prophetic word God is giving us more in depth and more details of how the enemy has been running our government and how Embedded they are to every single part of the infrastructure in this government and how has affected so many people not only in this nation But around the world.
That's why there has to be a political reset And that's why no matter if there are their resistance is growing against us And they're trying to use every form and fashion. They're trying to use every judge and every obstacle to stop President Trump. But that's why we, as a body of Christ, have to stand up with force and use the Word of God even greater in this time.
As our enemies intensify their weapons against us, we have to intensify the Word of God against them. This is a time that we have to hold that line right now for this nation. Amen. Right now for the nations around the world. Because devastating things will look like they will take place. It will knock people off track.
It will set them in a state of confusion if they're not relying on the Word of Almighty God. None of this is to bring fear. God's been saying that over and over again. That's why He warned the people of Egypt, when they, the Israelites, as they were leaving Egypt, He kept saying, earnestly remember or take seriously.
All the things that I've done, because he knew they were gonna run up against obstacles that were gonna keep them from their Promised land deception. It was gonna be frustrating things. It was gonna be things that were trying to try to overwhelm them. Things that were gonna try to confuse them, things were gonna try to get their faith or trust off of God, and remembering all the things that he did.
That's what Satan is doing now. God has done so many things for us. He's done so many things for our nations. He saved our nation today more than once. We can't forget what he's done. And so when things start to look like they're going in a different direction or things start to look like what in the world is going on, you're gonna know what in the world is going on.
You're gonna know that God is annihilating our enemies. You're gonna know that he is setting them ablaze. They've been trying to set us ablaze. They've been trying to take our freedoms away in every way they could. They've been trying to deceive us with disinformation and lying and deception in every way they possibly could shove it down our throat to get us to believe their evil report instead of getting us to believe in God's.
Let's look at this scripture. Exodus 23 and verse 27, and I'm gonna read this out of the CEV first. I have two different translations. I'm gonna read this out of Exodus 23 and 27 out of CEV. I will Terrify those nations and make your enemies so confused that they will run from you They've been trying to make us run and they've been trying to confuse us to get us to give in to their power But instead God says he will terrify those nations and make your enemies so confused They will run from you.
How many times have we seen in these scriptures what God does against the enemies of Almighty God. When we're in a state of war, which we're in, which a lot of people wouldn't agree. Oh, they say, okay No, we're a free country and we have President Trump back and everything is hunky dory. It's not. There's underlying things going on that we still have to stand up and fight against.
But the good news is we have God and we have God on our side then no plan and no evil and no army That's against us is going to be successful All right new numbers 13 and verse 30 The reason why he sent me here back here today is because again in the world, there's two reports There's an evil report which is contrary to the Word of God And then you have the good report, which is the word of God, which is the truth, and that truth will set you free.
Okay, so there's either the evil report or the good report. There's only two voices. And let's see here, right here, what happened. Also, in the wilderness, as they were going into the promised land that God had promised them, there was two reports. And watch what happened. Caleb cried to the people. This is verse 30.
Caleb cried to the people before Moses and said, Let us go up at once and possess it. We are well able to conquer it. Verse 31. But his fellow scouts said, We are not able to go up against the people of Canaan, for they are stronger than we are. Stop right there. You have Caleb, and you have Joshua. You know that they saw.
You know what? These are giants, but they're nothing against our God. We saw a God that took out the biggest empire on this face of this earth, and these people are nothing in the sight of Almighty God. They had faith. But then you had, you could say, the religious leaders. The ones that are gonna always give you doom and gloom.
The ones that are always going to give you an evil report. Do you know how many people out there that I, that I've heard of people saying, they always are giving us a bad report and they're never giving us any encouragement. They're never gonna give us anything good. Well in the world, God's always gonna give you and warn you about something bad, but he's always gonna give you hope and that final outcome.
He's always gonna warn you first about something happening, but he's always gonna give you the victory in the end. There's a lot of doom and gloomers out there. I promise you there is. Verse 32. So they brought the Israelites an evil report. Why was it evil? Because it was not the truth. We're just, we're, they're stronger than we are.
These giants, we, we're, they're too big for us. That's an evil report. Why? Because it's contrary to what God was saying. It was evil. It was a lie. So he brought to Israelites an evil report of the land which they had scouted out, saying, the land through which we went to spy it out is a land that devours its inhabitants, And all the people that we saw in it are the men of great stature.
So they looked big, they looked like they were killers, and we can't do it. That's how they saw it. They saw, they went by sight. And things weren't how they appeared to be at all. Because the giants caught word. Of what God had done just down for the Israelites in Egypt and they were going to leave But God's people lost sight of what God did and they didn't continue to pursue their enemy.
God is warning us right now We have to still Continue to pursue the enemy and believe the report of God and not the evil report Saying this is going to go on for a long time. The evil ones are going to stay where they are They're going to get away with what they want. They're going to destroy our country You We're never going to get our freedoms back, our country, we are all doomed.
That's all a lie. That's what your enemy wants you to believe, so you stop pursuing him. Just like he conned the Israelites into stop pursuing and going across that finish line and getting the promised land that they were promised. Verse 33. There we saw the Nephilim, the giants. They were like Goliath.
They stood between 9 and 12 foot tall. I'm sure they were intimidating looking. But if they wouldn't have known the power of Almighty God, they wouldn't have given two hoots and a crap. Probably not the best language to use, but they wouldn't have given, they wouldn't have cared how big these giants were because they would have known, you know what?
My God is bigger. My God is bigger than these Nephilim. My God is bigger than these giants. Let's go forth and take the land that God has promised. We can't care how big these giants are in our land, whether they're the deep state and the establishment, the secret societies, all these big huge corporations and social media giants.
We can't care how big they may seem and how much money they have and how much freedoms they've taken away from us and how much they have destroyed our country. We have to continue to pursue what God says is already ours. That's what we're supposed to do. We have two ways to go about this. To continue on, or to back off.
There we saw the Nephilim, or the giants, the sons of Anak, who come from the giants, and we are in our own side as grasshoppers. As we were in their sight. They believed a lie. Now I want you to keep reading. Now if you read into the first part of, for the sake of time, I don't have time. The first part of Numbers 14.
If you read like the first, like verses 1 through 3. You're gonna find out how they were murmuring, groaning, complaining. And they were just like, and they were tearing apart Moses saying, Why did you bring us here just to die? Same thing they did when they got to the Red Sea. When it looked like they were, you know, in a state of panic because they were surrounded and there was no way out.
Now they're sitting there thinking you took us out of Egypt. You took us out of our comfort zone. We walked across this desert into the promised land. Now there's giants and now we can't go over there and we're just gonna die here in the wilderness. Well, those people did die in the wilderness. Some of them did.
The ones who chose not to believe. Look at verse Numbers 14 and verse 9. So they're murmuring, groaning, and complaining and Numbers 14 and verse 9 Only do not rebel against The Lord. So they were rebelling against God because they were more in fear than trusting and believing in what God was doing for them.
Neither fear the people of the land. God is telling us not to fear the people in our land, and God is telling you not to fear the people in your land, no matter where you live. For they are bred for us. Their defense and the shadow of protection is removed from over them, But The Lord is with us fear them not but they still did if they would have known not to fear God Look, you may imagine what God would have done.
They would have walked right in they would have scattered They would have taken over the promised land without a fight Numbers 14 and verse 11
and The Lord said to Moses. How long will this people provoke and Despise me and how long will be before they believe me trusting and relying on and clinging to me for all the signs Which I have performed You So he's asking Moses, how long are these people, how many signs do I have to show that I'm still the great I am, I'm the God who nothing is impossible, I'm the God who delivered them, I'm the God who provided for them, I'm the God who healed them, I'm the God who led them through the wilderness with a cloud by day and fire by night?
How many more signs and wonders do I have to prove to them that I'm still the God? God is saying the same thing to us now. How many people? How much is it going to take for us to stand and truly believe God is still the same God yesterday, today, and forever. God is still the one who delivers. He's still the one who guides.
He's still the one who protects. He's still the one who's nothing is impossible. He's still the most high God. And he's not going to leave us in the wilderness. He's not going to leave us wanting. He's not going to leave us with people who are trying to destroy our freedoms. Jesus paid too high of a price for him not to defend it.
We have to defend it. We have to stand up and say, I'm not taking it. That's what we have to do. Never surrender. Let's go to Psalms 81. Psalms 81 in verse 13. Oh, that my people would listen to me. That Israel would walk in my ways. And speedily, then I would subdue their enemies, turn my hand against their adversaries.
Again, if we would just listen to God, not fear, not worry, not doubt, not unbelieve. If we would just listen to Almighty God, then He would speedily deliver us from the hand of our enemy. We have to pray. And continue to stand for those people who refuse to wake up, because there's some in the church that still are not awake.
Deuteronomy 23 and verse 14. Deuteronomy 23 and verse 14. For The Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you and to give you up your enemies before you. Therefore shall your camp be holy, that he may see nothing in Indecent among you and turn away from you. Remember he walks in the midst He goes before us.
He walks in the midst of us now Because of the greater covenant we have because the blood covenant god's on the inside of us in first john 4 4 And he's greater than he that's in the world and he says right here. He gives up the enemies before us He destroys enemies before us The fact the battle is The Lord's therefore shall your camp be Holy We're supposed to do housecleaning ourselves on a daily basis, getting rid of anything that we're doing against God, against his word, grieving the Holy Spirit in any way, by sinning.
God's not expecting us to be perfect. That's why he's given us the ability to come to him boldly to repent and ask for forgiveness for our sins because he knew we were going to make mistakes. We're humans. But we're still supposed to try to walk that holy walk, cleanse out all that sin that's trying to hold you back and keep you down from what God has promised from you.
Let's go to Joshua 1 5 and 6. No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses, so I'll be with you. I will not fail you. No one forsake you. Again, God will not fail and he goes before us and he'll stand before us all the days of our life. He doesn't abandon us at all.
Verse 6, Be strong, confident, and of good courage, for you shall cause the people to inherit the land which I swore to your fathers to give to them. That's why we're supposed to stand confident, knowing that God goes before us. That God stands before us all the days of our life and as he was with Moses.
He will be with us. We can't forget how powerful God was with Moses. How he was for his people in the land of Goshen. How he protected them from all that shaking, from all those plagues. He's still the same God today. We have to be confident in that. Joshua 8 in verse 8 and 9.
This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it, For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. So it's important to have the word of God in your heart, day and night.
I promise you, day and night, it will change your life. That's why he had me start out first thing in the morning, to have you guys start out your day with the word of God, with encouragement, warning you about certain things so you're not knocked off your feet. So you know how to handle it with the word of God God wants to encourage you But also get into the word at night before you go to bed One of the most important things that I know that I've ever started was at night Starting praying before I go to bed no matter how I feel no matter what's going on No matter what kind of attacks or no matter what kind of how sick or no matter what's been going on I pray for a minimum of an hour because Satan is trying to attack us day and night That's why it's so important to get into the word day and night and when you are Renewing your mind with the Word of God how much it can change your thought patterns and the way you see certain things What you accept and what you don't accept anymore.
Let's go to Joshua 23 verse 9 and 10 Joshua 23 Verse 9 and 10 for The Lord God has driven out from before you great Strong nations, and as for you, no man has been able to withstand you to this day. God drives out those governments. God drives out that those corrupt and rogue regimes, God drives out those nations that are before us.
Who can be against us if God's on our side? It's so important for us to realize the power of Almighty God and that He does care who's in leadership. He does care what governments are ruling and reigning in and around the nations. Now if they're against Him, He drives them out. Verse 10. One man of you.
He's showing them. The Israelites. Even one man of you shall put flight a thousand. For it is The Lord your God who fights for you, as he promised for you, as he promised you. God fights for us. He gives us supernatural ability. He gives us supernatural strength. If we try to fight our enemy on our own, we'll lose.
But we don't have to fight our enemy on our own. We fight it with supernatural ability and strength that God has given to us. And what are we fighting? To stay in faith. Because God's already fought our enemies for us. We're just standing up and fighting, and we're just speaking the Word of God against our enemies.
And we're in agreement with Almighty God that He wins. And if He wins, that we win. And if he goes before us, we shouldn't be afraid of any person. We can't forget and we have to earnestly remember these truths and hold on to the hope of Almighty God that he is still the same. That he is our everything. I promise you, he is our deliverer.
He hasn't changed. Our enemies want you to believe that that's not true today. But that's why God put in the scriptures, He is same. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. There has been an evil report that God is not. But we're not going to listen to that evil report. We're going to stand, and we're going to listen to the good news.
The report of Almighty God that said He's the same. He is the same. He's paid for your freedoms. He's ransomed you take back what already belongs to you and don't let the enemy talk you out of something That's already been given to you now for the sake of time. I have plenty of other scriptures I will give to you more on Monday.
I gotta go over this prophetic word since it's very long And it's very detailed. So a firestorm of truth will set the establishment ablaze They have been trying to destroy our nation our freedoms you What our nation stands for. They've been trying to destroy the body of Christ. The power of the body of Christ that has been given.
They've been trying to set ablaze the Word of God. Manipulating it and twisting it and how they see fit. So it weakens us, so we don't fight them back. But look what it says in the first paragraph. For I The Lord this day am telling you, my children, the United States This, in the United States, this is where big government goes to die.
Why is it so important that big government dies? It is ripped apart. It's shredded, annihilated. Think of the trillions, not just billions, the trillions of dollars that our government has defrauded us. Out of our own money, used it against us, used it for their honey pots, siphoned money, money laundering, giving it to train our enemies, for trained assassins and terrorists.
They have made and designed wars they can make more profit off of it. And have more of their dirty system in the midst of all the nations. So no matter where it's at, they control it. It has been a very dark and evil thing. And that's why this big government and out of control spending has to be stopped.
And that's why it's so important for us to pray for these audits to pray against these judges that are trying to stop Almighty God because he's the judge over all the earth and every person that gets in the way of Almighty God will be stopped but we have to stand in the gap intercede on the behalf of our nation and Ask God and continue to stand and pray and say Father God.
We thank you that big government is being destroyed We thank you that their unlimited amount of money that they're receiving from us is being ripped away. We thank you, Father God. And also, I've been saying this for years, The Lord's been showing me certain things, like the last 15 to 20 years. I've said to Him, every way, that my tax payer dollars, and I don't even know a third, I mean a fourth of it, and compared to any of this, what we're finding out now, is the last few weeks.
But any way that my taxpayer money, any way I pay taxes, and it went to terrorists, and it went to anything, Father God, it says in your word in Proverbs 6 31, when a thief has been caught, he's gotta give it back sevenfold. So I pray, and I decree and declare today, that any way my taxpayer money has gone for evil, I thank you, Father God, that you are giving it back to me, seven times.
Sevenfold or seven times, depending on which way you're looking at it, in different translations. Sevenfold is bigger than seven times. Some people say that's not even, even in the Bible. Yes, it is. Yeah, it is. So what we have to do is pray down, just like the walls of Jericho, pray down the government.
The, the big government, the swamp, the establishment, the, the, they're out of control erratic system has to be ripped apart, the way they cannot regain their strength. Their money has to be fully ripped away from them. That's why you're seeing them like foaming at the mouth because they're seeing their strength being taken away because it was the money.
Find the money, follow the money, find the truth. They don't want truth to be found. They don't want their money to be found because that's what's keeping them propped up in those positions. So here's where big government goes to die. You'll begin to see more of their puppets expose themselves. and malfunction on live TV.
Their puppets are so called government officials, have just been given orders to step up their resistance. So that's why all of a sudden you're seeing them screaming almost on a daily basis. You're seeing them demand people to fill the streets. with protests against Doge and against President Trump.
That's why you see all these out of control judges that think they have control over the executive branch, which they don't. And it's unconstitutional what they're doing. That's why you're seeing them stepping up their resistance. But we, as children of the Most High God, have to step up our resistance with the Word of God.
That's how we fight. We fight with the Word. They've been given orders to step up their resistance because the establishment is hemorrhaging.
Once their honey holes are found and ransacked, that is causing more hemorrhaging that they cannot afford.
He says, what? Oh, sorry. And they're hemorrhaging everywhere and it must be stopped at all costs. That's what the establishment's saying. What the establishment doesn't realize the money, the money, or sorry, the more they resist and the more they pursue to save the establishment, the more hemorrhaging will take place and their fall will quickly pick up pace and soon there'll be nothing left.
So the more they try to stop the hemorrhaging, the more hemorrhaging they will receive. Just like Pharaoh did. The more he attacked God's people, the more Egypt was hemorrhaging. The more plagues that were against them, and the more things that were taken away from them. The deep state is desperate to stop the audits.
They must stop Doge at all costs. Their money is drying up everywhere they turn. And there isn't enough time to hide explosive evidence that could end them all in one day. You remember how God says he can save a nation in a day? Well, we saw him do that the day in Butler, Pennsylvania. We saw him also do it again.
And what happened in the golf course when that another assassination attempt against president Trump, we've seen him. There's another assassination, assassination attempt on his life last weekend. And again, God's stopping us. He's saving our nation in a day on a continual basis. But he can also save in a day, he can also bring our enemies down in a day.
So hide explosive evidence that could end them all in one day. Can you imagine what that is? I can't, but I'm excited for it though. Rapid fire, one blow after another of exposure and truth that will knock the breath out of your enemies with no time to recover from the previous blow that hit them. So they're going to continuously hit, like rapid fire, one blow after another, after another, after another, after another.
They're not going to be able to recover from the previous hit. They're going to keep taking hits. A firestorm of truth will set the establishment ablaze, and their corruption, and all who are part of it. A firestorm. There is nothing they can do to stop the fire of Almighty God. They can't. Big government is collapsing.
The establishment's machine, and all of its components, Are falling apart.
Dark Secrets! lie in the books in the education system. And that is why your enemies are petrified. This will be found similar to USAID. This is another honey hole. They siphoned money through under the cover of education. So one of their biggest honey holes or one of their honey holes, not the biggest, but one of the honey holes was USAID, which we've been finding out more and more.
also was the Department of Education, and you're gonna find out things about the Fed Reserve. And you're going to find out things about the Treasury, and you're gonna find out things about the Pentagon, and you're gonna find out things about the FBI, and you're gonna find out things about the CIA. Oh you're gonna find out all these different things, that they used.
As fronts for Trump. More honey holes. Way to siphon money through. FEMA is another honey hole. And I'm telling you, the way they have funded all these different roars, we're gonna find out how really deep dark the secret is. But this is about the education system. It makes it look like they're doing good, when really they are doing everything against us and everything against education.
But what Satan means for harm, God will turn into something good. And how they meant to destroy our children, God is going to eradicate it. He's going to restore our children. And that's what we had to truly believe. Think about what he did in the land of Goshen and think about what he's doing now. This is another honey hole they siphoned money through under the cover of education.
It's a scam and a fraud on another level, and using and abusing children at the same time. This audit will reveal more of who truly has been running your government. And they are truly criminals, on unprecedented scale. These people are complete criminals. And we think how bad, we think we know how bad this is, we don't.
We've only touched the surface of it. It's far worse. Now, Ukraine's money will be proven where it truly went, and who received payments, and what has really been hidden behind war funding. There are more dark secrets buried in Ukraine. All these secrets and criminal activity committed by your government, oh United States, is about to be discovered.
This money laundering scheme, using another excuse of helping to stop wars. Has been going on for far too long. They never wanted to stop wars when it was another ploy and another honey hole to steal from the american taxpayers Just think how many people have been Excited, you know, the liberals have been excited raise taxes raise taxes raise taxes raise taxes raise taxes ask the question What is raising taxes fixed anything?
Has it made our lives better? No. Has it made our country healthier? No. Has it made us stronger in any way? Militarily? No. Has it made us financially stronger? No. It's such a lie. But so many people believe it. The Green New Deal, all electric energy, all that's, that solar powered stuff, clean energy, all a lie.
Global warming, a lie. Back about 1950s or 60s, it was global cooling. When that wore out, all of a sudden that changed it again. It's all a lie. You'll find out with clean energy. That was another big, huge honey hole to siphon more money through and to get people keep get people's money and just to try to destroy and bring in another this, this one world government, great reset, any way they could steal money from us.
They did. And God's saying it's time to stop it. Just wait until you hear how many wars were started on purpose to siphon money, to hide secrets, to control, manipulate the nations. How child trafficking has been funded through this. Now how sick of an individual that used war and use it to fund child trafficking.
This is how dark and bad this is.
And I'm going to have somebody on here in the next couple of months that has been a huge advocate for child sex trafficking. And I cannot wait to have this person on because there is a war against this. And I believe president Trump is going to end child sex trafficking. What has been going on behind the scenes and how another way that sick, evil rogue regime called the establishment was profiting off of it, off of children.
How sex trafficking has been funded through this as well. There are numerous pedophiles in your government and laptops and audits will prove that child pornography is bigger in your capital than you realized. It's a fact. It's true. And it's disgusting. And why do you think that anybody who goes up against child trafficking, They ruin their life if they do not kill them.
There's so many secrets embedded in child trafficking. Now adrenochrome. Some people don't even know what this is. This is where they put children in a state of panic. This has been in movies. I think it was called like the Maze Runner. I don't know if it was the, I don't know, the second one or something, I don't remember.
You know they put this stuff out on, out on movies everywhere. They don't care. They just think that you're gonna think, oh that was Hollywood and that's not true, that's a conspiracy theory. So those of you who do not know what adrenochrome is, they put a child in immense fear and panic. They get their adrenaline so high, right before the point of a heart attack, then they drain their blood.
It's sick, it's disgusting, and vulgar, and vile, and horrible, but they do it. And that's another thing that they've been hiding. That's how some of them have stayed healthy for so long, they've stayed in control for so long because it supposedly makes them younger, I don't know, some sick thing, I don't know all about it.
I'm only telling you what I know. But it's disgusting what these people have done.
I will show you every dark secret of Planned Parenthood and what really they do with their body parts and the money that is brought in from murdering those children. Why do you think that our government pays Planned Parenthood? We're gonna find out, it's more, it is So not for women's health at all.
That's another front. It's a lie. Not only he says how your government designed this berry company as another honey hole for profit and more control over the population. You find out, I think it was, it was a Elizabeth Singer, Sanger or something her name was, who started Planned Parenthood. She was a racist.
They put it in specific neighborhoods, colored neighborhoods. Planned Parenthood is a disgusting, vile corporation that was funded, has been funded by our government. You'll find out how deep and dark and evil a lot of these people are and how bad it, it truly, truly is. So we're gonna find out why Planned Parenthood was designed, who funded it, and And what they've been doing with it money will lead to many dark secrets Your government has been hiding from you But these are the days secrets are coming out everywhere to stop your enemies full takeover of this station Says lord of hosts.
That's why all this has to be shaken to it such an extreme It has to be shaken to such an extreme because there has to be truth and there has to be complete justice That's being served because there hasn't been there's been so much darkness that god is going to destroy that darkness with light But I'm telling you, when he exposes certain things, it's not going to be easy to hear.
My children, just wait for the audit of the Pentagon. Now, you guys know I love the military, but we have had people embedded, especially during the Obama years. And they've been before that, obviously, but there have been people that have purposely been put in there to do things against us. Just wait for the audit for the Pentagon.
Many will fall, and many lives that were killed to save these secrets is unconceivable.
Money or government paid, your military and the intel sources to do against this nation is unfathomable. Follow the money and you will find the crimes and all the criminals. The generals and high ranking officers who were guilty will be convicted of treason and heinous crimes against this nation. Some of them are a bigger threat to this nation and its secrets.
Then your enemies and other nations were, that is a very strong statement. Why? Because our, our nations, you got, you gotta thing. Nations against us are enemies. They're out to save themselves. People in our own government, in our own military, in our own intel, they were there to, not to save our country, but to hand it over to other countries to bring in a one world government for destruction.
They're worse. that our other enemies are because they're enemies from within, you know, and they take an oath to, to protect from foreign and domestic enemies. But again, they weren't going to protect us from themselves. So they've allowed a lot of things to happen in our borders and in our country that should have never taken place.
So a lot of these, again, a lot of those hundreds of billions of dollars that have been siphoned through the Pentagon, we're going to find out where it went. I will show you these audits they hired and train assassins. and terrorists against this nation. How they started wars and conflicts so they could have more control, more covert operations.
This will all come to light, how the establishment used your own military against you when some of them, he's talking about soldiers, had no idea this was going on. They're just taking orders. They think, they truly, truly want to save our country and protect our freedoms.
And then establishment used them as pawns.
When they were completely unaware, and if they did find out, they would have become another casualty of war. So these soldiers would have found out they were becoming a casualty of war. Or they would have suddenly committed suicide. You'll find out how many did not harm themselves. It was just made to look that way to save the establishment's full control over this nation.
A lot of people didn't Epstein themselves. Epstein didn't kill himself. We all know that. We're not stupid. But so many people that, you know, supposedly committed suicide did not and we're going to find out who they all were and what happened to them. And our intelligence agencies have a lot to do with it.
Oh my United States, many books have been cooked and many lives were taken to keep these secrets. But now all their books will be exposed to fully take down the enemies from within your borders, says The Lord of Hosts. So God is going to take care of the enemies on the outside of our borders, but God also has to take care of the, fully take care of the enemies inside our borders.
Oh my United States, I'm evicting, eradicating, nullifying, neutralizing, completely removing every single senator, governor, congressman, or woman who took money under the table. It's all about to come out in unprecedented levels and unprecedented ways. Exposures are coming to wipe out the criminals that have been trying to hijack, sabotage, and destroy your country for their own financial gain.
and greater power over this nation. My children, these exposures will set this nation on a fast track to the biggest political upset and reset ever seen. Can you imagine finding out all the things that people have done? Oh yes, it's gonna be a political reset. You think how many people are gonna be handcuffed and be tried for treason for what they've done for stolen elections and also sending our military men and women to die?
For all the money laundering, child sex trafficking, I'm kidding. All the murdering of innocent people because of big pharma and the viruses that they are creating. Oh, just wait for, oh, just wait for the things that come out about Bill Gates. You think, Anthony Fauci is gonna be tried and he is gonna be judged, but Bill Gates is also one helping with the viruses.
So again, God has to destroy all of these people that are doing these things. The entire government body and its system is about to change abruptly. It's time for the great release in the land of my eagles, says The Lord, your Redeemer.
And then I also heard, The dark secrets being hidden in the Blackhawk helicopter. They hit that plane in DC. We'll start a wildfire of truth of how much your leaders have been embedded everywhere in your government and higher ups in the Pentagon. To cause death and destruction in unprecedented ways. We have to pray for Pete Hexeth.
We have to pray just like President Trump. He has traitors in the midst. There are people that are going to try to keep the truth from being found out. They're going to try to bury it. They're going to try to, you know, try to cover it up. We have to pray for his protection, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
And for the people who are there who are trying to hide these things, we have to pray that those people are exposed. Every infiltrator to be removed. This will start a wildfire truth of how much your leaders have been embedded everywhere in your government, higher ups depending on to cause death and destruction in unprecedented ways.
The assignment given to this person to aim that helicopter at that plane will be exposed. Whether it was that person doing it themselves inside the helicopter, or if it was a person outside that controlled it. Remember, they can do both ways. They can remotely Get in to a, a plane, a helicopter, a train, a car, it doesn't matter.
God said in a prophecy back a long time ago before this accident even occurred that they can do things and they can get into a system at will and control any type of thing that has a computer system in it.
This assignment given to this person to aim the helicopter at that plane will be exposed. There are many more things that will be connected to this accident. So things will be connected to this accident that will tear apart another one of your government's underground systems. Meant to disrupt transportation and to help the infiltrators against your nation.
So, he's consider he's telling you this is an underground government underground system. And it's affecting you. And has taught to cause disruption in transportation
the system to sabotage the FAA Is being exposed. I think it goes beyond just DEI There has been a system to sabotage the FAA a long time ago how dark and how evil plans they really were Is far worse than what you have seen so far my children That's why the violent shaking must come to this station to stop more catastrophes before they take place I'm disrupting your enemies designed attacks against you That wouldn't have been, that you wouldn't have seen coming.
A lot of these things we wouldn't have seen coming. And just like what Pastor Dave and I were talking about just the other day, on take five, is when you see something to do with our phones, if you see internet disruptions, if you see planes being grounded, if you see these things, don't be petrified, don't be afraid.
That is God stopping catastrophe after catastrophe. It is God disrupting the enemy's plans. It's not just to make us feel uncomfortable. He said we're gonna be uncomfortable. There is gonna be something that's gonna be unconventional, unprecedented, unusual. But he's saying that's for our protection. I'm disrupting your enemies designed attacks against you that you wouldn't have seen coming.
Your enemy's death machine is being annihilated by me, says The Lord of Hosts. It was a death machine. This establishment machine has been a death machine in various ways. And we find out what's going on in our Pentagon. We find out what's going on in the Federal Reserve. We find out what's going on in the IRS.
We find out what's going on in our government. We find out what's going on in the Supreme Court. We find out what's going on in all these different layers of all these different systems. Again, shock and awe. And remember how many times God's been talking about shock and awe and all these different prophecies?
And I've been seeing headlines, I haven't watched it, but I've seen headlines of Sean Hannity. Guess what the headline was?
And he's had a couple different headlines with shock and awe. God gives us news before the news. He's been giving us these phrases before they were using it. This is definitely a time right now we are living. You're going to start seeing that phrase shock and awe even more. And some of these things are going to shock people, but they're going to disturb people.
They're going to really bring in disturbing people because of how bad. It was without us being aware. We have to pray for our military men and women in service. We have to pray for our first responders. We have to pray for our veterans. We have to pray for people who have been affected. We have to pray for all the other people in the world, the nations all over the world, the body of Christ, every person, because they've all been affected in some way, shape, or form.
We have to pray against this insanity. And some people say all these things are conspiracy th
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