Prophet Julie Green - Everything The Swamp Was Hiding is Coming Out in the Open - Captions

3 days ago

The video is a live show held on February 12, 2025, focusing on the fulfillment of prophetic messages, particularly concerning revelations and exposures predicted in a previous prophecy. Prophet Julie Green emphasizes the imminent collapse of corrupt systems, particularly within the U.S. government, and the revealing of hidden truths related to financial crimes, political corruption, and global manipulations. Theologically, the video underlines God's promise to deliver his followers from fear, adversity, and corruption, with references to various scriptures including Psalms and Jeremiah. Julie also addresses the audience's questioning of God's willingness to act, asserting God's faithfulness and omnipotence.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 02-12-2025 and may be watched here: 👉

Divine Deliverance: An In-Depth Analysis of God's Promises and Prophecy

In this episode, Prophet Julie Green discusses the February 12th, 2025 live show, focusing on recent prophecies involving major political figures and a forthcoming explosion of truth that will dismantle corrupt systems. Julie shares scriptures emphasizing God's promises of deliverance from all fears and adversities, urging viewers to maintain faith amid upcoming tumultuous revelations. The show also highlights the dangers of fraudulent communication and reaffirms the ministry's practices. The episode concludes with a powerful prayer and prophetic word about justice and exposure of corruption in governance.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:18 Prophecy and Current Events
02:08 Faith and Deliverance
04:38 Scriptural Encouragement
17:16 Announcement on Fraudulent Activities
20:27 Prophetic Word: Government Corruption Exposed
26:10 Global Schemes and Financial Fraud
31:52 Divine Promises and Encouragement
40:39 Daily Affirmations and Scriptures
41:32 Divine Power Over Global Entities
42:54 The Unraveling of Wicked Plans
48:46 Exposing the Criminal Financial System
01:03:10 The Role of Media and Intelligence Agencies
01:09:55 A Prayer for Deliverance and Justice
01:14:57 Closing Remarks and Encouragement

Video Information:

MUSIC: First Song - Heal This Land by Joshua Spacht
Second Song - Let The Journey Begin by Joshua Spacht
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org
Feb. 12, 2025
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
Ps. 34:4, 7, 17, 19
2 Tim. 1:7
1 John 4:4
Ps. 107:6
Ps. 50:15
Truth is going to decimate and rip away the power of the old guard and establishment.
But God!
God is the God of all. God will deliver you out of it all.
No enemy can stand the power and presence of Almighty God.
God can and He will. He is the God of surprises.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Ps. 33:8-12
Isa.54:15, 17
Luke 12:2
Ps. 10:5
Declare and decree that God is wiping out your enemies.
People will stand in awe of what Almighty God is going to do.
No one can stop God's hand from moving.
The defeat of your enemies is coming.
Nothing can stop God or His plans.
Hold on because vengeance is God’s.
When the enemy tries to intensify things, God will intensify the truth.
This is the time where God is delivering you out of every weapon the enemy has used against you.
Prayer Scriptures:
Rom. 5:20

Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday and it's February 12th of 2025. I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show today. Now, most of you, I know, watch every single morning. So you listened to yesterday's prophecy. One of the things yesterday's prophecy talks about was JFK.

It talked about many different things that all of a sudden in the news you're seeing talked about last night, there's an explosion that that's going to happen of truth. Truth is going to literally decimate, tear apart, rip away the power of the Old Guard, the establishment and the machine running this nation.

This is a time that all of us have been waiting for. It's here. And in this time, there's still gonna be things that are going to happen that are not going to be very comfortable. There are things that are going to happen and why these are things are being exposed that we're not going to like seeing but God those two words Because but God can change everything that we see in this earth today can change every situation circumstance every test every trial every form of adversity all the enemies their plots and plans and schemes and Bringing them to nothing.

Our enemies are also Terrified because this is another prophecy They're going to bring out the Epstein files. I think it was on day one of Cash Patel when he is finally confirmed because they keep delaying Cash Patel, Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK Jr. Because they know these three are going to go at it. And they are going to dismantle more of the establishment that has already started to being dismantled now.

So we are living in so many times, or so much time, of this explosive exposure of our enemies. We've been praying for this. We have been asking God for this. We have been longing for this for so, such a long period of time. And now we're here. But at the same time, we have to know the promises of God because when we see things that are uncomfortable, unusual, unprecedented, unconventional, people are going to wonder, is God going to fully deliver us?

Again, God doesn't do things halfway. He doesn't do things just a little bit. God's a God of all. And he talks about so many times in his word, that he will deliver us out of it all. That means out of all darkness, the evil, the wickedness, the corruption, the scheming, the poisoning, the just destroying our entire economy.

And our finances and every way they can. God is saying he's going to deliver us out of it all. This system that has been built up in order to destroy us, God's saying he's delivering us. Because there's a lot of people still in the body of Christ questioning. God can But will God? That's a big question mark on the hearts of so many of God's people.

God has the ability because most people know that God is Almighty God, but they always question his willingness. Will he deliver us? Will he heal me? Will he bring my prodigal child home? Will he save my marriage? Will he provide these finances for me so I don't lose my house or I don't lose my car or whatever?

Will he provide a job? Will he heal my body or my mind? Will he do these things? So much doubt, worry, and unbelief has been embedded in the hearts and minds of most believers because of the enemy. That's one of his weapons of warfare, to bring doubt, worry, and unbelief into each and every one of you. So all of you are consumed with and have that question, Will God?

If God has done it once in the Word of God, it states in his word that he's no respecter of persons. So if he has done it once, is he have delivered anybody in this situation that's similar to yours? You Or even if it's not, God said he would deliver us out of it all. I want to start with Psalm 34 in verse 4.

He has me back into this chapter once again this morning. Because so many people need to know that God will deliver them out of all of their fears. Plus, God will deliver them out of all of their situations and circumstances. Psalm 34 in verse 4, and it says I sought and inquired of the Lord and required him of necessity and on the authority of his will He heard me and he delivered me from all my fears So if people have a lot of fears right now, this is a scripture that God is saying.

He delivers us out of all fear. So if you're being tormented, have any anxiety, worry, if you're being tormented by fear in any way, shape, or form, God says right here in the scripture, He will deliver you out of all fear. So where there's a question mark, I know God can, but will he deliver me out of this situation?

Will he deliver me and take away this fear? Will he deliver me and give me a sound mind? Even though it says in God's word, he's not giving us a spirit of fear, but a power of love and a sound mind. So we know fear doesn't come from God. We know that he doesn't allow these certain things to happen. These are forms of weapons that an enemy uses against us to get us to question God.

If we're questioning, will God? Then he has contaminated our faith or our trust in God. That's why we have to read the word and find out what it says. He said he will deliver us out of it all. So again, if you're having any thoughts or any questions or any doubt and worry and unbelief regarding will God do this, get in the scriptures, do a study on how many times God says in his word, I will, and he doesn't say from some things.

It's all things let's read psalm 34 and verse 7

the angel of the lord Encamps around those who fear him who revere and worship him with awe in each one of them He delivers so the angel of the lord Camps around that means we're not alone. That means we have the greater one. Remember he goes before us He also marches with us You And we know in 1st John 4, 4, he's a great one who lives on the inside of us.

He surrounds us. So even though our enemy is trying to surround, they're trying to, you know, back us in a corner, if we look at the scripture, the angel of the Lord encamps around those. Woo, his children. There was one decree and declaration I was praying this morning. That the hosts of angel armies are surrounding my home, surrounding my family, surrounding this ministry, surrounding these words, surrounding even our, our country.

Surrounding because the angel armies, remember, God is the Lord of Hosts. Lord of angel armies. He will deliver us out of everything. God is not a God of some. God is a God of all. So if there's any question, will God do this? Go read the scriptures that says God will. And then go find out all the scriptures that say, I will deliver you out of it all.

I'm going to read you several of them. But that's not even all of them. Okay, let's go to Psalm 34 and verse 17. And it says, When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, delivers them out of all their distresses and troubles. So if you are going through distresses, if you're going through troubles, remind yourself of this scripture.

Read the entire chapter of Psalm 34 and know that God says all. So everything that you are going through is underneath the word all. It's included. And so when Satan says not this time, when Satan says it's too big, when Satan says you're not good enough, No, it says when the righteous cry out for help, God will deliver them out of it all.

Let's go to verse 19, Psalm 34 and verse 19. Many evils confront the consistently righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. So again, God doesn't tell us. That we're never going to be confronted with evil. He says we're actually going to. But every single way we've been confronted with evil, God says, The Lord delivers them out of it all.

So even though we're confronted by the enemy in every single way, in every single direction, every way we look, God's promise is to deliver us out of it all. Go to Psalm 107. There's a lot in Psalm 107. I'm just gonna read the first verse 6. Psalm 107 and verse 6. Read all of Psalm 107 as well because it's a really good chapter about delivery and crying to the Lord and he does deliver out of it all and he says it more than once.

But they cry to the Lord in their trouble and he delivered them out of their distresses. So the key thing is when we cry out to God, I believe there's been millions upon millions of people crying out to God to be delivered. Whether it's from stress, whether it's from sickness and disease, pain and affliction, they're praying for their children, they're praying for their marriages, they're praying for finances, they're praying for the country.

In all these different avenues the enemy has used against us, God's people have been crying out to him. But if we know we cry out to him, especially using his word, he promises to hear and he promises to deliver. And again, he doesn't promise to deliver you out of some of it. He promises to deliver you out of all of it.

So have confidence today that no matter what you're dealing with, you know that it is God saying to you, I will deliver you out of it all. It doesn't matter how bad, it doesn't matter how big, it doesn't matter how dark, He will deliver you out of it all. One more encouraging scripture. This is Psalm 50.

Psalm 50 in verse 15. I think I gave it to him. If not, I will read it. Let's see here. It says Psalm 50 in verse 15. And call on me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you and you shall honor and glorify me. So again, when God's people call upon him, his first response, he's going to deliver you. If you don't call upon him and try to figure out things on your own, then don't expect his help.

But when you are calling upon him, this is one of his promises. Right here, and call on me in the day of trouble. I will deliver you, and you shall honor and glorify me. So stay encouraged today. Go find out how many ways God delivered his people. How many scriptures in the word that he promised to deliver people out of everything.

God is a God, we saw yesterday, In the encouraging part, He's faithful. He can be trusted. You can wait upon the Lord and wait and see the salvation, to see our breakthroughs, to see the answers of prayer. God will perform these very, very things that He promises. So hold on because God is on the scene in every situation and when God is on the scene we know our enemies run in stark terror because no foe can withstand the power and the presence of God.

Of Almighty God so be encouraged today. Your enemy is a forever destined loser That's it. He will always be a loser He will never have a win in the end as long as we hold on to the promises of God And believe that God can And God will. And how's he gonna do it? He's a God of surprises. So just be excited today.

Because God loves to surprise each and every one of us. Just like, I know I, you know, I love to surprise my children. I don't care if they were little, if they're this age now. I love to see their faces. I love to see their surprised look on their face when they receive something they don't know they're getting.

I love to do that. And just like being used in this ministry, I love to be used by God to be that answer that somebody needs to a prayer and being used by God to meet a need or to do whatever, to pray for somebody and a miracle happens, to see the reaction of people realizing that God still answers prayers.

That God's still a miracle working God. He is he doesn't change and so many people would have so much more confidence In their prayer clauses and in their prayer life if they knew that God heard and God delivered And he loves to surprise you The joy it brings to God when you get an answered prayer.

And to see the look on your face. And to see the joy that you're experiencing. Because you held on, and you didn't grow weary, and you didn't give up. And it just explodes the faith on the inside of you. If God can do it this time, no matter what I face, God can do it again. God loves. God loves to surprise.

God loves to heal. God loves to deliver. That is who He is. He's not the version that most people talk about. He is not this one that sits there and says, I'm going to heal this person. I'm not going to heal that person. That's not what the Word of God says. It says He delivers them out of it all. And people have that question.

Why do certain things happen? Go to God. He will give you the answer. I promise you, He'll give you all the answers. To all the questions that you have for him, you can find them in his word But you can also find those questions when you're going to him in prayer spend your time with him give him his word Sit back what I do.

I have always Usually have a pen and a paper with me And I'm listening. I speak, and then I be quiet, and I listen, and I hear what God has to say. Because God will always have something to say, because that is our fellowship with Him. If we listen, He'll give us words. He'll give us directions. He will give us everything we need.

Because that is who he is. Okay. Now I also want to, before I get to this prophetic word, I have to make this announcement. I don't like to make announcements at all. Okay. We're getting way too many emails in. I'll make this announcement now and I'll probably make it later on, but I have to make this announcement.

All right. This is a friendly reminder. We are receiving emails from viewers and people writing into the website that other people on various platforms are responding to comments or direct messaging. Some of our viewers saying that they are my assistant. Listen, if anybody's reaching out to you in comment sections and saying they're me, my assistant, or anybody from JGMI.

They're asking you for money. They're asking you for donations of any kind. That is not us. We don't ask like that. We don't do that. So, if anybody's asking you on any form of comment section, there are so many different platforms with illegal and fraudulent channels. They're not ours. They steal our content and they put them on their own.

And then they get in comment sections, they look like they're us, And they're not so if anybody's reaching out to you saying they're my assistant. They're not my assistant They're not me and they're not anybody from JGMI I want you to know we would never harass anybody and we would never go out of our way to ask Someone for money like that.

So I want you to be aware It is not us. If you want to know the right channels, you go to our website at JGMI or jgminternational. org You can find every single platform that we have. That's the original one and it's not a fake channel.

Oh, and Rumble is the one having people subscribe. That is not us. People are thinking that we are making people and forcing people to subscribe to this channel, or to subscribe to Rumble so there is without commercials. That's what every platform is pretty much going to. But we are not forcing that.

Okay, we don't put that commercials on there and we don't force people to subscribe to Rumble That's just how it is. People are wait gifting other people's subscriptions. I don't okay Hold on unless Rumble is someone else gives gifts you a subscription, which is the little red present right below the chat No, but people are grift gifting other people's subscriptions Okay, I have no idea about this kind of stuff.

So I'm just going to know. Thanks Chris for letting me know, but I have no idea about what's going on with Rommel cause I don't see it. All right. I'm just being told by some of the employees here that stuff is going on. It's not us. And we wanted them to be aware. Okay. Let's get to this prophetic word. Do you guys know?

I don't like to make announcements. I just, that's not who I am. I like to get right to the point of what God is saying. But people have to know that they're, they're being stolen from. So. Alright, now, this prophetic word, this is the first one from February 8th, first one from February 8th, and it's called Everything the Swamp Was Hiding Is Coming Out in the Open first paragraph: Woe to those in governmental and federal positions who ran or was a part of the biggest

money laundering scheme this nation or this world has ever seen! Your days are numbered in your positions and all the crimes you committed and every way you defrauded the American people will all come out with the biggest and most extensive audits this nation has ever seen! Nothing will be left out!

All your honey holes, every record book, server, and where you store these money trails is all coming with explosive force to decimate this criminal financial system. Everyone who bankrolled and padded their pockets on the backs of the American people will all be judged and sentenced for everything they have been a part of.

Woe to the architects, and all your blueprints of this Ponzi scheme, and to all who have been a part of it and profited off of the backs of the taxpayers in this nation! You thought this fraud and thievery was protected by all your layers of agencies, and all your minions you have bought out to do your dirty work.

Every layer, every agency, every employee you controlled, manipulated, bribed, blackmailed, in every sector, to keep your machine funded and controlled by the Old Guard, every backdoor deal, every person slaughtered, to keep this glorified hedge fund running... exposure is the least of your worries! It's the unprecedented judgment in front of the world, and it will be served by Me, says the Lord of Hosts.

Your days of this great theft and deception have come to an end! These audits you see now are nothing compared to what is coming! To account for all the money you have laundered and used to blackmail and pay off your opponents, steal elections, control any nation at will, you designed everything you could to enslave the world

with your global system. You started wars to cause more chaos and conflict and distractions, to profit off the death of anyone who had gotten in the way of your plans. You paid to have every nation globally to have elections fixed so you would have your global puppets everywhere to align all the nations with your design.

You controlled the world with your news. You also paid to have them say what you wanted, so your fake news would be the only thing people would hear. Only to have every major news network that you pay to suppress the real news Will implode. News networks will receive an audit. It will show the money trail who and where it all went.

I will show how the intelligent agencies and the technology was used to brainwash and pollute the minds of every American and manipulate with psychological operations to influence the behavior of this nation, along with other nations to follow along. Your PSYOPs operations have been funded by the American taxpayers

against themselves, and it will all be exposed.

Audits will expose more than money laundering and fraud. It will expose all the criminal activity throughout the government of this nation on every level. Everyone who has paid to destroy this nation committed treason and ended the lives of anyone who got in the way. It's all coming out. The servers, laptops, emails, the photos, the phone conversations,

everything the swamp was hiding - is coming out in the open. These audits will collapse the establishment and their entire system. Their "legal fraud" system they designed and disguised as the government budget to destroy this nation, it is collapsing. The more it is exposed, the more panic your enemies will be in.

Things are about to take a fiery turn, and your enemies will take a shot at you, O United States, but it will fail. Hold on! My audits and more exposures and more collapsing of the system and their control is coming to an end. These are the days of your freedoms from their system and from the ones who have controlled it, says the Lord of Hosts! So in this prophecy again, he's talking about how our own government used The budget, the government budget, the one that's supposed to fund our government to help our allies across the entire world to do what need to be done, and they use it as a Ponzi scheme.

Money laundering. Hedge fund operation. He called it a glorified hedge fund operation. They've been doing it and what we've seen with USAID, and I've said this before and I'm gonna say it again because God keeps reminding us of this. This is just a drop in the bucket compared to the fraud, compared to the crimes that are about to be uncovered in front of the world.

Our enemies are so desperate, they are screaming on national television on a daily basis using very explicit words, very nasty words against President Trump and Elon Musk. Again, if they had nothing to hide, then why are they so angry? God's been saying back a long time ago that they have been put in a panic, especially since the assassination of President Trump did not go as they planned.

There's also explosive information that came out from Tucker Carlson, who was talking with Pierce Morgan, and one of the things that he was talking about, how the Secret Service was involved, and so were the intelligence agencies and, of course, the Biden. We also know that Josh Shapiro was involved. Again, God has been saying he's going to uncover all of these things.

Since that day, when they tried to kill President Trump on July 13th, then that same night, one of the things I was praying about, that God had spoken through me, one of the things he said was, not only is he going to reveal the assassination of President Trump, how there was definitely more than one person, and how there is just a similar to JFK.

It's a similar thing that happened because JFK was a threat to the establishment, and so was President Trump. And apparently, they tried to assassinate him the other day with drones flying over his motorcade. But we don't hear about that. And one of the things that Piers Morgan was so shocked about, he said, out of his two assassination attempts, back to back, very close, it was like, what, two weeks apart or less, How is this not being talked about?

And how do you not know who is doing this? There is front people, yes. Who were the people who trained them? How did they get this information? How did they get these weapons? Why was that person in the at the golf resort of President Trump's Why was he meeting with people in Ukraine? Why was he talking to some of our congressmen?

Again, there's so many things that don't add up. Why was the one in Butler, Pennsylvania? Why was he in a BlackRock ad? All these things go on. There are so many layers. But behind all these layers, of all the things they're doing, Money. Follow the money, find the truth. And that's why they're so afraid of Doge.

But God is saying in this prophetic word, This is only the beginning. Wait till they release the Epstein files. Wait till they get to the JFK files. Wait till they get to the RFK and the MLK. Wait to see what all those things that they are going to uncover because there's now true transparency because the deep state in the swamp is being eradicated.

And what eradicates such evil and darkness? The truth. Because lies are what's been keeping them in their positions. Now I want to go over and watch Pastor David and myself today on His Glory. It is going to be amazing. A very, very good live show today. I have several different prophecies already pulled up of God talking about declassifying documents and how it was going to be the worst nightmare to our enemies.

And it was on last night with James Comer and there wasI think it was her name was Luna. She's either a senator, I think, and they're talking about declassifying all this information and all that being coming out around I think the beginning of March or something like that. Again, a lot of these things, like confirmation hearings of Cash Patel and those people, it is being delayed.

It doesn't matter if it's delayed, it's still going to come out. And there are so many people that are in trouble right now, their masks are coming off. Because they have been participating in this biggest slush fund, money laundering, bribing scheme, illegal, illegal money operation this world has ever seen.

Think about all the billions and think about all the trillions of dollars that have gone to their, out of their own pockets or have gone in the hands of our own enemies. For their own gain in every way, shape, or form. All of this is going to come out. That's first scripture Psalm 94 and verse 23 Psalm 94 verse 23 And he will turn back upon them their own Iniquity and will wipe them out by the means of their own wickedness The Lord our God will wipe them out.

So if anyone has a question, Is God going to do anything about this fraud? Is God going to do anything about this treason? Is God going to do anything about this money laundering? All the things and all the crimes that they've been committed against the American people and our country, right here. The Lord God will wipe them out.

Say it. Declare it. Decree it on a daily basis. I thank you Father God. That you are gonna wipe them out and they're gonna be turned on their own heads because of their own iniquity. Everything that they have done will be done unto them. They try to wipe us out. I thank you Father God You're wiping out that system.

They built a system that was against us and that system will be their downfall. Here's another scripture. Psalm 33 and you guys most of you know this one because I've read it more than once. Psalm 33 verse 8

Let all the earth fear the Lord Revere and worship Him. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. When God does this, when God does what He's going to do to wipe out our enemies, people are going to stand in awe of Almighty God because of His power, because of His faithfulness, because He is delivering us.

Out of it all and how he's gonna do it. We've never seen it before It's so much bigger than what he even did in the word on a scale because we're part of that latter rain and again We're part of that greater Exodus verse 9 our exodus started a while ago. I'll tell you that it hasn't ended yet But it started a while ago verse 9 for he spoke and it was done He commanded and it stood fast the Lord brings a council of the nations to not He makes the thoughts and plans of the people of no effect.

So they had a plan to wipe us all out. They had a plan to wipe us out financially, to poison us in every way shape or form. They tried to manipulate our minds in every way they could and God is wiping it all out and bringing them to nothing. That's the promises of Almighty God. The reason why I said The exodus started a long time ago.

God's been talking about this greater exodus since 2010 and our exodus has started quite some time. Even in 2020, we didn't realize we were going through that exodus that had to happen for what we are seeing now because the criminal activity that our enemies were committing skyrocketed in those four years.

It was unprecedented. The amount of criminal activity This is all for their downfall. And they're trying to delay Cash, Tulsi Robert F. Kennedy Jr., because they're trying to hide as much as they can, and apparently, James O'Keefe had it come out that before President Trump had come in and Doge is gonna audit, this was one perone person got caught saying this.

I gotta find out what department he was in. You guys probably already heard this, but I just found this out because I look up stuff for Pastor Dave on Wednesday mornings as well. I gotta find it. It's right here somewhere. Hold on a minute. Just give me a Here it is. Caught on tape. I'm pretty sure this is why Jane's O'Keefe.

The EPA advisor admits agency hastily, Oh, hastily, sorry, hastily allocated billions in climate change funds Before Trump took office, what did God just say about climate change and how they were using that as a front and now they're trying to reallocate all that money to hide what it was really going for and to use it before he can take it away from him.

Oh, climate change is going to explode how bad it is. And apparently, stuff that even Obama put in place With solar energy and all this kind of stuff that company has imploded It's like billions and billions of dollars went to it by American taxpayer money again. This is so big We are just seeing a small little bit of this every plan Every way the council of the nations or the global government Everything that they're doing and have done is coming to nothing and we're seeing it All right.

Let's go to psalm 33 and verse 11 and 12

Psalm 33 verse 11 and 12, and it says the counsel of the Lord stands forever. So it's not going anywhere. God's counsel is not going to go anywhere. The thoughts of his heart through all generations. We are part of that. When some people say God doesn't do this anything anymore, I want you to read all the scriptures to them that say to a thousand generations or to all generations.

God has promises to that because He knew that there was going to be so many man made doctors and so many theologies and legalistic people that were going to come out and say God's different. He doesn't do those things anymore. Yes, He does. Verse 12. Blessed, happy, and fortunate to be envied is a nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His heritage.

We have, this nation chose God. Now, he chose Israel. This nation chose God. We have that heritage. We have that promise of God. He will be our God. He will be our deliverer. He will deliver us of everything and he will bring our enemies to nothing. Let's read on to Jeremiah 1 19. Jeremiah 1

and verse 19.

And they shall fight against you. So God's telling us our enemies are gonna try to fight against us. But what is he saying? But, so don't stop reading. People are gonna read the first part and go, oh my gosh the enemies are gonna fight against us and there's nothing we can do. No, keep reading. But it's a conjunction word.

He's not done talking. But they shall not finally prevail against you. So even though they're gonna try to fight against you, but they're not gonna prevail against you. For I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you. Remember, God is with us. He goes before us. He marches with us. He's doing what? To deliver us and to completely save us from our enemies.

Let's go to Psalm 21 and verse 11. They plan evil against you. They have conceived a mischievous plot, which they're not able to perform. They had more plots planned against us, and they are being trapped in every single one of their plots. Everything. Every, every way they had a safety net. For all their honey holes, for all their, you know, money laundering, for all their you know, servers, all this protection, all the layers of protection.

Yeah. It's imploding. All the firewalls have been breached, you would say. Alright, so, Isaiah 54 and 15. Behold, they may gather together and stir up strife, but it's not for me. Some people say it's from God, but it's not. Whoever stirs up strife against you shall fall and surrender to you. I love that scripture.

Because it reminds us that enemies don't have the power over us. They're the ones who are supposed to surrender to us. They want us to surrender. They want to put us under so much stress and so much fear and so much shakeness and so much financial lack that they want us to surrender to their system.

Surrender to their psychological warfare. But they're ultimately, ultimately the ones who have to surrender to us. Isaiah 54 or 17, I quote it every day. I pray about it every day. For each and every one of you, Isaiah 54 or 17.

Underline that. We triumph over opposition. It is the inheritance, heritage of the servants of the Lord. Those in him who the idol servant of the Lord is reproduced. This is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtained from me. This is that which I impart to them as their justification, says the Lord.

No weapon. Say it every day, all day long, throughout the day. Remind yourself. No weapon. Forming against you shall prosper. Daniel 4 and 35. And all the inhabitants of the earth are counted as nothing. And he does according to his will in the host of heaven. And among the inhabitants of the earth, none can stay his hand or say to him, What are you doing?

So no global government, no global entity. No matter how much money they have, AI technology, it doesn't matter. No one can stay his hand, or no one can stop his hand from moving. And we know when he moves his hand, it destroys our enemy, and it blesses his people. It always has, and it always will. No foe can withstand the power of Almighty God.

If we read these scriptures, we will have peace in our heart no matter what we see. I don't care if the enemies fill the streets, they're not going to be able to accomplish what they want. God will stop them. They'll have egg on their face. They'll look like fools. God will bring justice. Let's go to Luke 8 17 and we also know, now it says this in Luke 8 17 and also says this in Luke 12 and verse 2, But for there is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed, nor anything secret that shall not be known, and come out into the open.

So no matter how many layers, no matter how many safety nets and protective firewalls our enemies have, Every wall, every safety net, everything and every layer that protected them is all for nothing. Because every truth, all that truth that they're trying to hide, will all come out in the open. Let's go to Psalm 37, verse 12 and 13.

Psalm 37, verse 12 and 13. The wicked plot against the uncompromisingly righteous. How many scriptures talk about the wicked plotting? Psalm So by this, we know how many scriptures that I have read to you and how many scriptures are in the Bible that talk about the wicked plotting. This should be no surprise to us that they do this.

The wicked plot against the uncompromising righteous, the upright and right standing with God. They gnash at them with their teeth. The Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that their own day of defeat is coming. The defeat of the enemy is coming. It's not if. It is. And it's already started. Everything is starting to unravel now.

You can start seeing it. The unraveling has begun. Their house of cards is coming down. Their dam of lies is being shredded and torn apart from the flood and avalanche of truth. Nothing can stop it. Ephesians 5 11, this is out of the New Living Translation. Ephesians 5 and verse 11. Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness.

Instead, expose them. What are we supposed to do? How do we expose it? We expose it by shouting it out, by declaring and decreeing, by fighting, and by holding that line, and saying, Father God, I thank you that you are exposing every single thing the enemies are doing. No matter what they're up to, I thank you, Father God, it will not be successful.

And I thank you, Father God, because you're sitting in the heavens and laughing, I'm gonna join you by laughing, and I'm gonna thank you and I'm gonna praise you and I Because the, the, the day of defeat of my enemy is here. That's how we pray. That's how we war. Proverbs 21 and verse 30 the new international version, the NIV.

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. So no wisdom of natural men, no insight, so no matter how intelligent they are, and no plan that can succeed. Against the Lord. Well, nothing that they're doing will succeed against God and God's will in his plan. Psalm 10 and verse 5.

His ways are always prosperous. Your laws are rejected by him. He sneers at all his enemies. His enemies will never, never, never, never, never, never stop God's plans. God's plans are always to be blessed. God's plans are always prosperous and God's plans will always succeed. The enemies may get mad, they may try to reject God's laws, they might try to reject good, but they can't.

It will not be successful. Hebrews 10 and verse 30.

For we know him who said vengeance is mine and retribution and the meting out of full justice rests with me. I will repay, I'll exact the compensation says the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of his people. I love the amplified version of this scripture because it goes into so much depth of what God does.

He settles all cases. So if you're in a, a court case right now, and you know it's unjustifiable, then you stand on this word. We can see all these unjust judges trying to stop Executive Branch, President Trump, the Vice President, They're trying to stop their orders into freezing finances and to firing people that deserve to be fired.

They're trying to, again, sabotage, which God said that they were gonna try to sabotage in any way, shape, or form. They're using unjust judges to do it. But God said in His Word, He will settle the cause in the cases of His people. This is one of the scriptures I was using with praying for President Trump against all those stupid indictments that end up coming to nothing anyway.

They didn't stop him from becoming president. That's what they wanted. It didn't work. And so that's why they tried to assassinate him. But again, God will settle the cases and the causes of all of his people. So hold on because God said vengeance is him. Now I want to go back over this prophetic word once again.

First paragraph. Woe to those in governmental and federal positions who ran or was a part of the biggest money laundering scheme this nation or the world has ever seen. This just didn't. Their money laundering, their Ponzi schemes, their glorious, you know, hedge funds and whatever that they were, whatever you call it.

All that they've done financially. The reason why this is the biggest money laundering scheme ever is because of how many people it affected. It affected people throughout the globe. With its establishment, the swamp, the Old Guard, he mentions different names for them, but what they've done, not only to suppress and collapse this nation from within, but they were using our tax dollars against us who pay the government bills, but they were also using it against the nations.

This is an unprecedented crime against humanity. This is like, you think about mobs. You think about all the gangsters. Now they ran all their stuff. You know? You, like, watch, like, the Godfather movies, and you watch all the, you know, Italian mob movies and whatever. The Casino and all those. You think about, there were crime families and they did all these crimes.

Think about that on a world scale. Using not just millions, but trillions of dollars. Using it against every single thing they can use it against. They did. Against us. This is how unprecedented, unconventional, and so crazy, and that's why they're so petrified. They controlled the world markets, they controlled pharmaceuticals, they controlled the viruses.

Just think about how many viruses, all of a sudden, they're calling it a quaddemic. Now all of a sudden they're talking about a measle outbreak, and they're talking about a new strain of the bird flu, and they're talking about all these different other flu bugs, and they're talking about this, and they're talking about that.

God warned us about viruses. And now all of a sudden they're coming out. Why? They profit off of it. You know, there's cancer research, you know, there are cures for cancer. Why would they tell you when they gain all these trillions of dollars from it all the time? It's sad, but it's true. But we have God Almighty that is siphoning through all of this, who is literally just ripping apart, unraveling, dismantling this entire system.

This is what this prophecy, Is talking about we have only scratched the surface And we're already infuriated of what they were doing with the board of education People think it did something If you look at children's education Back before carter had an executive order that made the board of education Kids were smarter.

Education was better before the Department of Education. And ask yourself this question, what are they doing? Remember, the prophecies that God talks about, they had agencies that were fronts for money laundering and Ponzi schemes. It looked like it was there to help you, but it really wasn't there at all to help you.

It was there to destroy you. Talk about, talk about the Federal Reserve, talk about the IRS, we see all these different agencies. Now you have USAID, you have the Department of Education, this is so evil. And God is saying, you haven't seen anything yet.

Then he says, your days are numbered. He's talking about the people in governmental and federal positions. Your days are numbered in your positions and all the crimes you committed and every way you defrauded the American people will all come out with the biggest and most extensive audits. This nation has ever seen.

Doge is just literally tipping the surface. Just getting the surface. Wait till they start going down layer by layer by layer. And the deeper they go, The worst it's going to be. He said, nothing will be left out. All honey holes. I believe USAID was one of them. So is the board of education and so was part of the Pentagon expenses.

You got to think that the debt clock of our country is such a farce and it's such a lie. We don't owe that money and you're going to find out who really truly owes it. You're going to find out what we actually have in our nation. And what really truly belongs to us.

Now, all your honey holes, every record book and server where you stored these, the money trails is coming out with explosive force. So he's not just saying it's gonna just randomly come out and it's just gonna be like, you know, Oh, wow. I can't with that information. You just move on. Explosive force to decimate this criminal financial system.

You also have to realize this criminal financial system also funded the greatest election fraud system in human history. It doesn't just affect our elections. It affects elections all over the world. Everyone who bankrolled and padded their pockets on the backs of the American people will all be judged and sentenced for everything they have been a part of.

I think it was Elon Musk that shared out on truth. I think it was like yesterday or the day before that. He says, you have people in government. What do they do? No, and what are they doing? He showed their salaries. Like Nancy Pelosi, 205, 000. He showed Chuck Schumer, he showed like Mitch McConnell and, and Elizabeth Warren.

200, 000. The most anyone was paid a year was like 250, 000. But how is Nancy Pelosi worth over 220 million? If she, she's only made this money that she's making from the, how is she worth this much money? How is Elizabeth Warren worth that much money? How is Mr. McConnell worth that much money? There are things they've been padding their pockets with flying under the radar, putting in some bills, slipping it in there, for all these other different entities, and they're getting kickbacks.

I'm pretty sure that's the right phrase, they're getting kickbacks. And he says, this is all coming to an end. Woe to those architects. Now he's talking about the people who developed it. So now the people who just are a part of it, now he's talking about the people who developed it. Woe to the architects and all your blueprints of this Ponzi scheme and all who have been a part of it and profited off of the backs of the taxpayers in this nation.

He's talking about our tax system being completely fraudulent. You thought this fraud and the thievery was protected by all your layers of agencies. I don't know how many federal agent employees are our federal agency and employees. It's something astronomical, big government. And if people think big government and big spending is beneficial, obviously not.

We, the people, and just like if any of us, okay, if any of us, We're doing anything illegal, business wise or ministry, we could be audited at any time. And if we were doing something criminal, we'd be thrown in jail for it. But the government doesn't in criminal. And if, like, the senators and congressmen and fraudulent and illegitimate presidents can do stuff, would they get away with it?

No, that's not justice. And then somebody came out from the Democratic Party, I think it was yesterday, and even admitted on live television that Obama's third term was when Biden was president. Biden was just the puppet that they could barely keep alive in front of the camera. He wasn't obviously the one making the decision.

So okay, he's talking again about these architects. You thought this fraud and thievery was protected by layers of agencies and all your minions you have brought out to do your dirty work. Every layer, every agency, every employee you controlled, manipulated, bribed, blackmailed in every sector to keep your machine funded and controlled by the Old Guard.

He's listing all these different people. Every backdoor deal, every person slaughtered to keep this glorified hedge fund running. Exposure is the least of your worries. Because people who are being exposed, there have been people in our government been exposed, but nothing was done about it. Hillary Clinton was exposed, Chuck Schumer's been exposed, Adam Schiff has been exposed, Biden's been exposed, Kamala's been exposed, Obama's been exposed, but nothing was done.

It goes beyond just exposure. How can exposure end judgment? Is that justice to be served?

Exposure is the least of your worries. It's the unprecedented judgment in front of the world, and it will be served by me. Oh, so that woman was on the Sean Ryan show. That was calling out she was a whistleblower to the Democratic Party. So, thank you, Chris, for that. I knew it was on somewhere. I just saw it on Truth last night when I was checking stuff.

And for, obviously, Pastor Dave today. And I saw that, and I thought, how interesting that was! That this woman was talking about it being Obama's third term. We pretty much all knew about it. Biden wasn't coherent enough to do anything, so. He was just a presi a president sit in. But he really wasn't the president.

Because you can see what a president really does. President Trump is in the face of reporters, like, every day. They're already worn out by the first week. They're asking him to take a break. Because they were being on vacation for the last four years when Obama was. Obama. OO Biden was the, the resident in the White House.

Alright, next paragraph. Your days of this great theft and deception have come to an end. These audits you see now are nothing compared to what is coming. We're excited what we've seen so far, and God says you haven't seen anything yet. More is coming to account for all the money you have laundered and used to blackmail your payoff.

Your opponents steal elections, control any at will. They've been controlling nations at will with money. And this laundered money again, you think about President Zelensky, he was given supposedly 200 billion dollars. He only got like 78 billion. Where's the rest of it? Either he's lying or our government lied about how much they gave him.

Someone's lying and the audits are going to show it. And of course, still in elections, control any nation at will. You designed everything enslave the world with your global system. That's what is going on. Is they're using this our taxpayer money to fund their global government. It's disgusting and it's so bad.

And that's why God said this tax system is so not lawful. It's so not legal how much they're taxing us and what they're doing with it. That's why he's been telling us this for years and praying against this tax system. Then he says you started wars to cause more chaos conflict and distractions to profit off the death of anyone who got in the way of your plans.

You paid to have every nation globally to have fixed elections so you would have your global puppets everywhere. You and all the nations. are everywhere, and all the nations to align with your design. So they steal elections everywhere to have their global puppets. That's why you're seeing global puppets.

They are going to fall like flies, God said. People like Zelensky, he's a puppet. People like Trudeau, he's a puppet. All these type of people you're seeing, puppets. And all these other fraudulent elections and all these different nations, they will be exposed. Follow the money, find the truth. I think it was I think it was my sister that sent it to me yesterday.

Bye. Dan Bongino was talking about follow the money. Everyone's talking about follow the money. God's been saying that for years, follow the money. You're going to find all the fraud and you're going to find all this criminal activity that they've been hiding, hiding from us. Next paragraph, he's talking to the architects still.

You control the world with your news. Now it's not the news. It was their news because it was controlled. You also pay to have them say what you wanted. So your fake news would be the only thing people would hear. They tried to poison the waterhole, you would say, of news. Everywhere. Everywhere you could think they were poisoning it.

Only to have every major news network, they paid. So again, money laundering, this criminal financial system, that these architects designed, Which we found out who the architects were the other day, the secret societies that control the government, control the deep state. They're the ones who were using our money.

They weren't using their own. They're using our money and paying these news agencies to say certain things.

But they only have the news networks that you pay to suppress the real news. It will all implode. Follow the money, find the truth. They're gonna follow the money, you're gonna follow the money, and you're gonna see it go right into all the news networks. How much they were paid, who was paid, and what they were paid for.

News networks will receive an audit. It will show the money trail and who and where it all went to. And remember, so are the banks. God said big banks were gonna fall, so big banks are also gonna be audited.

I will show you how the intelligence agencies and the technology The C-I-A-N-S-A. Remember when Snowden guy talked about Snowden over and over and over again and he said Snowden was gonna be back in the news? Oh, all of a sudden, Snowden's back in the news again, and people are asking for Snowden to be pardoned.

He should. He is a whistleblower. He was telling that the American people, that our own government was spying on us. But our, but our government went after him for telling the truth. He wanted us to know our government was spying on us. He should be pardoned. He was a whistleblower trying to get the truth out there.

So just watch Snowden. Gotta talk about Edward Snowden. Watch it and watch what happens with him. And what he, what he found. I have a feeling more of what he was talking about will come out in the open because I think they suppressed a lot of that information and truth that he had. I will show how the intelligence agencies and the technology was used to brainwash and pollute the minds of every American.

and manipulate with psychological operations to influence the behavior of this nation. So they use the news to influence the behavior of the nation, along with other nations to follow along. Your psyops, psyops operations that have funded, been funded by the American taxpayers against themselves will all be exposed.

Again, our taxpayer money was using to brainwash all of us. You find out the taxpayer money was used to poison us. You'll find out the taxpayer money was used to all these different It is the craziest criminal activity on such a scale no one ever thought was humanly possible.

Audits will expose more than money laundering and fraud. That's what usually audits show. But now he's saying you're going to find out more than that. It will expose all the criminal activity throughout the government. Of this nation on every level. There's several level several several levels. You've always seen the surface of it The first maybe first one or two layers Everyone who has been paid to destroy this nation committed treason and ended the lives of anyone who got in the way It's all coming out the servers the laptops emails the photos The phone conversations and everything the swamp was hiding is coming out in the open These audits will collapse the establishment And their entire system.

These audits are their worst nightmare. Plus, the declassification. Oh, these classified documents. And there are some that they probably shredded and some that they thought they destroyed. But there's originals. And it's all coming out. Because God says he has it all. Their legal fraud system they designed and disguised as a government budget.

I think it was like Biden was passing, what, 2 trillion dollars a year or some stupid idiotic number or whatever. What do you need 2 trillion for? And now we're finding out of how disgusting and wasteful that money was spent to destroy this nation. And it's collapsing. They were trying to break us financially.

That's why they were trying to put so many layers of debt and put this country in so much debt. It could never, never get out of it. They're trying to bury us in it. Things are about to take a fiery turn and your enemies will take a shot at you. Oh, United States, but it will fail. Hold on. My audits and more exposures and more collapsing of their system and their control is coming to an end.

These are the days of your freedoms from the system. If their system and the ones who have control that says, Lord of Hosts, this is so, I told you. I had, there, there is more explosive words. Over the weekend, I got five. It's like, once I thought I was done, it was another explosive, powerful, prophetic word, after another, after another.

I could not believe how much I was hearing in one day. But I just sat there, and I just listened to what God is saying. Because in the enemies are trying to intensify things, God is gonna intensify the truth. This is the shaking, and it's exciting because we're seeing prophecy come out so fast, just like rapid fire.

We're also seeing it come to pass that quickly. This is a time the enemies are like those caged animals. But God's saying, don't fear them because he's gonna deliver us out of everything. So I want to pray over each and every one of you and I want to pray over no matter what the enemies have planned and no matter what this fiery turn is gonna do.

So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name. I lift up every person at the sound of my voice because Father God we know That we all have been affected in some way, shape, or form of this criminal fraud system. And how they were using our own money. They took from us fraudulently and disguised it as taxes and use it to poison our bodies, to poison our minds, to destroy us financially, to destroy our country, and to destroy the nations around the world.

Father God, I thank you. It says in your word that you are the God who redeems us. You are the God who delivers us out of it all. So Father God, I thank you that you are delivering us out of all of the poisonous actions that enemies have taken against us. That you are delivering us out of all the pain and affliction they've done to our bodies?

You are delivering us all from all the psychological warfare. You are delivering us all from all the financial strain. You are delivering us out of every weapon the enemy has used against us. Father God, I thank you right now for their freedom in every way, every way that Satan designed to destroy us.

Father God, I thank you that you have made us stronger through it all. And we know as we cry out to you, You hear and you deliver. So Father God, I thank you for unprecedented amount of deliveries and deliverances, Father God, from the hands of the enemy. If the enemy can shoot it out at a pace that no one could have comprehended, so can your glory even do even greater than that.

Because where evil abounds, grace abounds even greater. So, Father God, I thank you right now that there is so many people being delivered as I'm speaking your word, as I'm praying over them because of your glory is filling them.

I thank you for a new found confidence, boldness, joy, and peace that they have never known before and love. Shower your love upon them because some truly believe.

And that's the farthest thing from the truth. If Jesus would have to come back for just one, you'd send him back for that one. So I thank you, Father God, for showering your love upon them. For healing them and setting them free in Jesus mighty name and father God I also lift up this nation to you and I lift up every single layer every form of destruction criminal activity money laundering scheme Election fraud all the things that they are doing all the criminal activity Father God, we call it to be exposed, and we say no matter how far, no matter how deep, no matter how long it's been buried for, it is coming out in the open.

We thank you, Father God, for truth to flood the airwaves, for truth to flood our government, for truth, Father God, to flood this earth, to free us from the deception that's been holding us captive. And Father God, we call out any person that has been in these positions. that are still there and we call out the ones who are not even there anymore who think they're gonna Just slither away in the shadows and not receive judgment father God We thank you for your judgment and we thank you father God for restoration Of all that has been stolen from us.

We thank you. Our enemies will not get their way They will not have their plans and Father God your will is being done and we know your hand is not whacked short You will do what you said in your word you will do you will deliver us out of it all So we thank you Father God that we have that Protection that surround us by the name of Jesus and by the authority of that name and by the blood of Jesus We are protected like the land of Goshen No matter what happens, no matter the fiery turn, it will not affect us in a negative way.

We thank you for father God for your name and for your promises and for your faithfulness in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. I hope to encourage you today, but if you do have any prayer requests, know that we do pray for each and every one of you. You can go to our website at JGM international. org under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green ministries international 4620 East 53rd street.

Sweet 200 Davenport, Iowa 5 to 807 and mark your calendars for June 20th and 21st. The Holy Ghost and fire here in the quad city area. And some have said they can't afford it. God will provide, proclaim it, decree it, that God will provide for you. I promise you, I have been in that situation before. And when I asked him, and I would not give up on it, he provided for me.

He will provide for you. Believe it, that Satan will not keep you from this glory, from this atmosphere. Pray to Jehovah Jireh, who is your provider, and believe that he will provide that for you, because I know he doesn't want finances to keep you from his glory. Alright, now, and again, if you are being sought after out of any social media platform, that is not

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