EDTA Nature Wins

16 hours ago

Dr Ardis Show Click Link: https://thedrardisshow.com/?aff=161
Disease Reversal Webinar Click Link: https://webinar.redlifedevices.com/rlt-optin/?uid=434&oid=21&affid=19
Dr. Ardis is proud to announce his new formulated MicroSomalâ„¢ Calcium Disodium EDTA USP/BP High Purity supplement!

New Liquid Formulation
Better Absorption
More Bioavailable
Advanced Glycerosomal Technology
Organic EDTA
Source Powerful Protection
Learn more from Dr. Bryan Ardis

There are at least seven types of EDTA and they are not all the same. GH's Microsomal Calcium Disodium EDTA is different. It is Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid, which is an incredible natural substance, similar to household vinegar, that offers powerful support for the body’s ability to detoxify from heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, and mercury. This EDTA contains sulfur which binds to mercury, preparing it for removal from the body. Most of the standard EDTA products alone will not provide the sulfur-binding benefits.
Cardio Miracle Health click link: https://jeybee25.cardiomiraclehealth.com/

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