Odecha Bekahal Rav (I Will Give You Thanks) - Worship Jesus with Flags

7 days ago

I will give You thanks in the great assembly
I will praise You among many people
I will give You thanks in the great assembly
I will praise You among many people...

Our soul is waiting for You
For the day we will see You
With united hearts all nations, all people
Will confess that Messiah has risen
Oh what joy, The Lord will reign
All creation will sing His praise
Every nation, people and tongue
Will shout the sound of victory!

I will give You thanks in the great assembly
I will praise You among many people
I will give You thanks in the great assembly
I will praise You among many people...

In the clouds with might and honor
With angels You will return in glory
Every eye shall see Your return
And every tongue confess Your name
We will see You, Jesus
We will remain in Your presence
Grant us Your peace
We will exalt your name forever

I will give You thanks in the great assembly
I will praise You among many people
I will give You thanks in the great assembly
I will praise You among many people...
Praise dance with flags to "Odecha BeKahal Rav (I Will Give You Thanks)" song by Praise to Our God 5 Concert
Dance Featuring: Marta Pawlowski
Flags: Like the Son of God - Angelic Wing Worship Flags made by Living-Flags.org

RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/account/content?type=all
BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/QmD3gDnNpqQF/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxOqfZ9dnZtubr8DJmQDq0w
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/WorshipJesuswithFlags
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/marta_pawlowski89/
TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@worshipjesuswithflags

I do not have the right to own this music. I use it in my video presentation featuring worship flags.

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