(2011) Investigative Journalist Sydney White says VACCINES are BIOWEAPONS that are DESTRUCTIVE to the IMMUNE SYSTEM.

5 hours ago

Investigative Journalism: A Risky Business
Sydney White is a veteran investigative reporter and senior alumni of the University of Toronto. She has been in the media for most of her life, in the Press Department of the UN, the Australian Delegation to the UN, and the British Information Services. She has worked in England, Australia and the United States and has traveled in Europe, India, Sri Lanka, and South America. From 1995 onward she has given deputations to the Ontario Legislature and the City of Toronto. Sydney wrote for the national newspaper Discourse and Disclosure on politics and economics. She reported on radio CIUT and CKLN, and for the last 14 years has taught Studies in Propaganda at the Free University of Toronto.

During her long career she learned that reporting facts can be a risky business, and that dissent has a price censorship, both soft and up close & personal. Her experiences prove that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. For those who are entering the perilous world of authentic media, she has hard-won advice as to their rights and responses when CSIS comes knocking. This event should be attended by all, especially those who are looking to enter the field of journalism.

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