Americanism - Trump's Vision. NWONOW#27

4 hours ago

"I foresee America becoming a benign police state..."
"When fascism comes to America it will come in the form of Americanism." ~Anton LaVey

“When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” ~Unknown

The Hatman is joined by Harry and Talking Head (#6) to discuss the difference between hegemony and cultural homogenization vs. atomization of the republic, which one is better from an evolutionary point of view, the philosophy of Dune, and whether or not cultural cohesion could ever be accomplished without religion as a prerequisite.

Trump version 2.0 is used as a backdrop and the conversation quickly devolves into the lowest level of political debate.

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View some of The Hatman's artwork here!

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The Hatman's Blog:

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Harry's Infamous Tax Statement:

Harry's Facebook:

The Hatman is a Preternatural entity that haunts the dreams of children and adults alike, in physical manifestation he is an artist, self proclaimed genius, Head of the NWO, Reptilian Parasite, Psychic Vampire, and humbler than you.

Talking Head (#6) fixes ovens, builds Doomsday Devices, and suffers from a Lefty-Brain Virus.

Harry is a self-described Survivalist and Freedom Fighter. He claims Income Taxes are Illegal and that he beat the IRS in open court.

Both The Hatman and Talking Head (#6) are members of the Secret Jewish Space Laser Agency (Goyim Division), and are able to target both individuals and high-value/under-utilized real-estate remotely.

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