Susun Weed joins Weeds of Wisdom to talk about Mitochondria and the Motherline!

2 days ago

Susun S Weed has written six books and is the voice of the Wise Woman Tradition. Her teaching has helped millions of women attain better health & become more powerful in themselves.
Ms. Weed has no diplomas of any kind, having left high school junior year to pursue mathematics & artificial intelligence at UCLA, and having left there junior year to pursue life. She began studying her study of herbal medicine in 1965.
Her areas of focus are: folkloric herbalism, eco-herbalism, ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, philosophy and psychology of healing, comparative religion, and women's health/spirituality. She is especially interested in altered states of consciousness as they pertain to learning, healing, birthing, and dying; and the role of plants in these states. - For more information or books and classes from Susun. - visit my website and sign up for a class!

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