Tony Demakis talks machine sales, family-owned business, and building the team

4 hours ago

Tony Demakis is one of those sons of a manufacturing-related business owner who didn't want to take over from his dad.

Until he did.

Now he runs Alliance Specialties/Alliance Laser Sales, and has great insights on how to succeed in our corner of the business world and how to build a great team.

He's also a fellow manufacturing show host, with his Manufacturing Alliance Podcast.

So it was great fun hearing his takes on everything from how he landed back in the family trade to his faith to his vision for leadership both inside and outside of work.

Here are the highlights.

00:00 - introduction
02:45 - did not like his dad's shop
04:00 - how he came back to work for his father
06:15 - how he started his podcast
07:15 - an early partnership with Bales Metal Surface Solutions
10:00 - what Alliance does
12:00 - how to build great people
15:00 - talking faith
20:15 - American-made
27:45 - looking to the past for what's needed now
31:45 - business is back!
32:45 - the strong survive
34:45 - tell your story!

And there's plenty more where that came from!

Tune in and check out the whole thing. Share it with your friends! Follow us on LinkedIn, and subscribe and sign up for alerts for future shows!

A couple of helpful links:

Alliance Specialties/Alliance Laser Sales:
The Manufacturing Alliance Podcast:
The book I mentioned in our discussion, *Freedom's Forge:*

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