Meridian Police Traumatizing Idaho Families

5 hours ago

What is going on at MPD?

I connect the dots from Meridian PD to Samson Allen, Baby Cyrus, and Ammon Bundy. Lt. McGilvery is connected to all 3 in addition to battery of a fellow female police officer.

I play the video of Officer Chambers's take down of Samson Allen directly from Samson's brother, Gannon's, phone. There has been 2 recent rulings form Judge Lojek in favor of Allen's request. Will there be justice in this case?

Miste4Liberty wrap up of Samson Allen's pretrial hearing:
Officer Chambers moved from MPD to BPD but has recently "separated" from BPD:

Ammon Bundy exposing corruption:

Lt. McGilvery involved in the removal of Baby Cyrus:

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