Residential School Mass Graves: Unearthing the Truth | Brian Giesbrecht

6 hours ago

Canada has for the last several years been gripped by an overwhelming national guilt over supposed genocide at Indian Residential Schools, with the claims of mass graves of murdered children being widely promoted by mainstream media and the government, and unquestionably accepted by many Canadians.

But what if the entire narrative is false?

Brian Giesbrecht, a retired Manitoba court judge has investigated these claims in depth, from the real history of residential schools to who would benefit from this false narrative, and he has written extensively on the subject.

Brian joins me today to reveal the facts. The facts about what conditions at the schools were really like, from statements made by indigenous people who attended them. The fact that not a single grave has actually been found, despite many attempts to do so. And the facts about where the 40 billion dollars that Trudeau’s government has committed to Truth and Reconciliation is really going.


Brian’s Articles at True North:

Permanent Astonishment (the book in which author and playwright Tomson Highway describes residential school as “nine of the best years of my life”:

Documentary – Unrepentant:
(this is the documentary Brian refers to in the interview that helped to popularize the myth of mass graves)


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