Hasan on a Pike......r?! STES 03-03-25

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Not my best work for a title but I am excited to speak with the Evening Show crowd tonight! You get to keep your bragging rights over the morning as they missed by 65 this morning. I'm offering you THEIR Overtime tonight. What do you say?

Tonight we go over Hasan Piker's ban from Twitch and why it's garbage, even though Hasan is annoying. We will also go over what happened at the Minnesota Capitol today with a controversial sports bill up for a vote, a reincarnated Llama is leaving and do Democrats treat Republican blacks like runaway slaves?

This and much more on Steel Toe tonight!

Join us and hit like!

$180 Away From 930pm! Thank you so much for being here for me! https://streamlabs.com/steeltoemorningshow/tip https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=G2QLUXSWHRYSY SteelToeMediaInc on Venmo

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