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Prophet Julie Green - The Establishment Will Be Forced To Surrender - Captions
The video was delivered on January 17, 2025, urging listeners to pray for President Trump's protection, wisdom, and guidance amidst political turmoil. Prophet Julie Green emphasizes the importance of faith and the belief that God will lead to ultimate victory, despite the actions of traitors and saboteurs within the administration. The message draws from various biblical scriptures such as 2 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 15:4, and Psalms, to offer encouragement and strength. It also condemns certain political figures for their actions perceived as detrimental to the nation, including Gavin Newsom and other establishment leaders. Julie asserts that these figures will face divine judgment and removal. The video concludes by encouraging listeners to persist in faith and prayer, especially for President Trump's safety, and provides additional ministry resources.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 01-17-2025 and may be watched here: 👉
The Establishment Will Be Forced to Surrender: A Prophetic Message
In this message, Julie emphasizes the importance of prayer, faith, and the power of scripture in overcoming adversity. With the change of U.S. leadership imminent, Julie calls for continued prayers for President Trump's protection and guidance. They highlight various scriptures, including Isaiah 54:17, 2 Corinthians 2:14, and Romans 15:4, affirming that despite the enemy's efforts, God's plan ensures ultimate victory for believers. Several biblical stories, such as those of Pharaoh, King Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar, are referenced to illustrate how God has historically removed and judged disobedient leaders. Julie also issues a prophetic word stating that the establishment will be judged and forced to surrender, with specific references to political leaders and recent events. The message encourages listeners to hold onto their faith and hope, emphasizing that God is still in control and will protect and deliver His people.
00:00 Introduction and Current Events
00:51 Scriptural Encouragement and Hope
02:31 God's Promises and Instructions
04:08 The Power of God's Word
14:41 Prophetic Word: The Establishment Will Be Forced to Surrender
20:38 Historical Examples of God's Judgment
40:54 The Handwriting on the Wall
41:13 Daniel Interprets the Writing
42:53 The Fall of King Belshazzar
43:41 Introduction to King Saul
44:07 Saul's Disobedience and Downfall
47:22 David's Rise and Saul's Jealousy
49:04 God's Sovereignty Over Nations
53:31 Prophetic Words and Modern Parallels
55:12 Eviction Notice to the Enemies
56:27 Judgment on Modern Leaders
01:06:59 Call to Prayer and Obedience
01:08:46 Closing Prayer and Encouragement
Video Information:
MUSIC: We Win (More than Able) by AFTR
COPYRIGHT 2025 Julie Green Ministries International
Words of Encouragement Scriptures:
2 Cor.2:14
Rom. 15:4
Eccles. 1:9
Ps. 25:5
Micah 7:8
God will protect you and will always give you hope in your final outcome.
God wants to give you hope in your final outcome, so heed His warnings and do not fear what's to come.
There's joy, peace, and hope in the Word of God. It has your answer to every situation you're facing.
Jesus is always there in the midst of your storms and He will destroy the power of the enemy over you because He has already defeated him.
Prophecy Scriptures:
Ex.14:14, 24-25, 31
Dan.4:17, 32-35
1 Sam.15:11, 18, 22-23, 26
Ps. 103:6, 19
Ps. 59:1
Ps. 47:3, 8
1 Tim.6:12
God is fighting for you and He wants you to hold your peace and remain at rest. Continue to thank Him for His protection and your victory.
The evil is not enough to stop God's goodness and His plans for you.
God's dominion is everlasting and His kingdom rules from generation to generation.
God will reject rulers that are against Him.
God will defend and protect you and stop those who are rising up against you.
Take earnestly that God is still the Ruler over all the nations.
Continue to fight the good fight of faith.
God is giving you marching orders and needs you to obey and heed His warnings.
Prayer Scriptures:
James 4:7
Ps. 91:7
Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Friday and it's already January 17th of 2025. And we are just a few days away from in this country changing the president of the United States. And of course we have to continue to pray over his protection, to pray that God gives him wisdom and knowledge and exactly what he needs to do That is God that guides President Trump and not people that are around him that are there to sabotage anything that he's supposed to hear from The Lord.
Because we know there are traitors. We know that there's people on the inside. So again, continue to pray. But I love that Carter played that song this morning because it reminds each and every one of us that we do win. And one of the scriptures that God was giving me to give to you this morning. Because we've heard all these things.
We've been given warnings. We've been given God's been telling us a heads up about things that are going to happen on this earth. Things that are unprecedented, things that are unconventional, things that it will bring fear to some when it's going to bring great hope and great peace to others, knowing that God has spoken these things, warned of these things.
And he said, he will protect us. And of course he always. Is giving us hope in our final outcome and we win and we do win We win against our enemies because god said in his word in isaiah 54 17 That no weapon formed against us shall prosper. There are many things going on right now against president trump There are many things going on against this nation But god is declaring that we should be saying and decreeing That we win and I want to start with the first scripture this morning You It's 2 Corinthians 2 and 14.
2 Corinthians 2 and 14. And it says, But thanks be to God who in Christ always leads us in triumph. As trophies of Christ's victory and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance and the knowledge of God Everywhere, so this is a scripture if you put it all out there It says we win god causes us that victory So it doesn't matter what the enemies are trying to do against us.
It doesn't matter their plot plans or schemes God is holding on telling us to hold on to the fact That we do win. He promised us that he's leading us into this triumph victory He promises us that because of jesus christ So do not be moved and remember god's been giving me these words Weathering the storm batting down the hatches keep your armor fully fastened for battle hunker down Leave no door open To your enemy war is coming and then the last one he gave me this morning for this week is the calm before the storm.
He gave it to me a couple weeks ago, and he's saying it again. I mean, even though he's telling us to be on high alert, and he's telling us to weather the storm or batten down the hatches, it's not to bring a defeat. It's to bring us protection, safety, and, of course, our hope in our final outcome. That we do win.
That God is the one who is declared in a creed because of what Jesus has done His promise to us is that we win. And so it may look like we are losing. It may look like everything is going in the wrong direction, but we do win. And if you want to know the name of that song and the person who sings it, Carter always puts it in the description box for you.
Okay? So anytime in every morning, there's one or two songs that are played for that first five minutes. Those songs will always be in the description box for you. So if you like them, you can enjoy them yourself as well. Alright, here's another scripture I want to give out to you this morning. It's in Romans 15 and verse 4.
Romans 15 and verse 4, and it says, For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that by our steadfast and patient endurance And the encouragement drawn from the scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope. I'm gonna have them hold that there right there for a minute.
Why does God have all these things written in the scriptures for each and every one of us? Because there's nothing new under the sun, and the enemy always tries to attack God's people. The enemy always tries to overthrow God. The enemy always tries to get people to turn away from God. It's always been his tactic.
But, God has always promised from generation to generation, and remember, we're part of those thousand generations, He's saying, for whatever was written in former days, Was written for our instruction. That's why he keeps going back to the book of exodus And he keeps going back to all these different scriptures in psalm how god's people earnestly did not Take seriously what god did for them And that's why God is telling us.
That's our instruction. To earnestly or take seriously all the things that God has done in the past and what God is doing now because He is the same God. That's part of our instruction right now. That by our steadfast patience, things don't always happen overnight. Things don't always happen when we want them to happen.
But they will happen because it's a promise of God and God can't lie. And God keeps His promise. Forever. He keeps his covenant forever. It's not going to change. But again for our steadfast patient, endurance, and the encouragement drawn from the scriptures. Why do you think that God has to give you encouragement every single morning?
In the scriptures that he gives out every single morning. Because there is encouragement in the word of God. There's joy or strength in the word of God. There's peace in the word of God. There's hope in the word of God. Everything that you need. For every situation that you're facing right now in your life.
The Word of God has your answer to every problem, to every impossible situation or circumstance. There is nothing in your life that God has not already given us the answer in the Word of God. The Word of God is your key. God is the problem solver. So again, the scriptures give us endurance and encouragement drawn from scriptures that we might hold fast To cherish hope to hold fast.
That means we're going to have an opportunity to let go But God gives us the encouragement in the scriptures to hold fast to his word With that encouragement that there is hope in the final outcome that no matter what the enemy is doing against you God always promises you that you win because jesus has already won it for you Another scripture I want to give out to you this morning is psalm 25 You And verse five, Psalm 25, verse five, Guide me in your truth and faithfulness and teach me.
For you are the God of my salvation. For you, you and only you, altogether do I wait expectantly all day. Why do we have hope? Because right here it says that he guides us, he leads us with his truth and his faithfulness, and he teaches us. God is giving us these instructions. Amen. He's giving us things to do, but he didn't do it without us giving the ability to be able to accomplish it.
He gives us his truth, which his truth sets us free, and of course, we know his faithfulness. But it cannot fail us. God is our teacher. He's our hope in our final outcome. So we can have that hope today, that we win. We can have that hope today, that victory is assured. We can have that hope today, that every single thing that we're seeing upon this earth, in our nations, or in our own mind, in our bodies, or our families and situations and circumstances, that it's subject to change.
Because when God has a final say, we win. All right, last and final scripture for the encouragement this morning, and it is Psalm 31 and verse 24. Psalm 31 and verse 24. Be strong and let your heart take courage. All you who wait for and hope for and expect The Lord. So be strong. God has given us the ability to be strong.
That's why right now in this time that we're living in because of all the things that are about to happen. God is saying we need to be strong and we need to hold on to our strength. It means we need to protect our joy at all costs. Satan wants to come in and bring every single thing against us to keep us from our joy and to rip that away from us.
We need to protect our joy. Be strong and let your heart take courage. All who wait for and hope for and expect The Lord. Expect The Lord for what? Expect Him to do. What he said in his word, he will do. He said he will always cause you to triumph. He said he has hope for your final outcome and he is saying to you that you do win.
No matter if it feels like you're losing, no matter if it feels like you're failing and you've fallen and you can't get back up on your faith. And it's hard because it seems like everything is against you, but that's what he even says in Micah chapter 7 verse 8. Rejoice not against me, O my enemy. For when I fall, I shall arise.
And in darkness, The Lord is a light unto me. And if you read Micah chapter 7, verse 8, the enemy tries to rejoice over us because he's trying to steal your joy. He's trying to overwhelm you. He's trying to bring a darkness into you. But even if we fall, we shall arise. So if you've fallen today, you've been discouraged, you've been frustrated, You've been overwhelmed.
God will help you up. He'll pick you up just like he did that awesome illustration in the Bible where he did that with Peter when he fell in the water after Peter was walking on the water. And he looked at the wind and looked at the waves. It brought in fear, took his eyes off Jesus, and he started to fall.
Jesus is always there in the midst of our storms to pick us up, to be that light in the midst of that darkness, and to destroy the power of the enemy So you have the victory. That Jesus paid for so no matter what the enemy is telling you today If it's contrary to the word of god if it's hopelessness If it's loss and despair and it looks like you're defeated That's a lie from the pit of hell because that's not at all What god's word says about each and every one of you and there are so many scriptures in the word of god That say those very same things that i'm telling you this morning in the scriptures that I gave to you There's several, but I always want to give you just more than one because there's so much joy and encouragement that God's people need for this very day in this very hour, but we are not left Without hope because God is that hope we hold on to that.
He will do what he said in his word He will do for each and every one of us now I hope that encouraged you this morning because no matter what happens, there are so many people I know that they are writing in We are reading these emails. I promise you we are praying over these emails We can't respond back to each person, but I promise you that we are praying faithfully You Over each and every one of you.
That's what this ministry is here for. And there are people that are writing in because they're afraid of the things that are about to happen upon this earth Because of what God has warned us about but every single time he's ever warned us. He's never Left us without hope he is warning us So we have that hope so we don't give in to fear and we don't give up We don't quit the judgment that's coming the things that are shaking.
It is not for us We are not a part of it. And so I don't want you to be Overwhelmed with the anxiety of what is going to happen upon this earth. God warned us He's tearing their system apart. He's evicting them. He's removing them He's cutting them off and he said he's making us Stronger than our oppressors.
So even in the midst of this intense things intensifying we have that hope So hold on to the scriptures and go back and read The team puts out on a blog post and they put on teachings You can put you can find all those scriptures every single day in the description box are those scriptures For you to have if you don't write them down in the middle of this broadcast You can always go back in the description box and find each and every one of these scriptures for you and The team is so amazing that even though I don't have them on the screen or I haven't given them to garter And i'm just i'm just saying them because I know they're they're coming up in my spirit You Like Micah chapter 7 verse 8.
The team will still write those scriptures down. Even though they're not shown on the screen, they'll still write them down. So they are a very, very amazing team and I love each and every one of them and they are a blessing. Not only to me, but I know they're a blessing to so many of you. So I want to thank each and every one of you for doing that for all of our viewers.
All right. Now, in this prophetic word this morning, this is the second one from January 11th. The first one I gave to you yesterday, and this is the second one. It's not very long, but it is extremely powerful prophetic word. And again, God is saying what we are going to see. The title for this prophecy is called The Establishment Will be Forced to Surrender.
The Establishment Will be Forced to Surrender. My children, the establishment in your nation will be forced to surrender. They'll be forced out of their positions. They will be tried for their treasonous acts. They will be judged to a degree never seen like this before. My children, I have sent your enemies
their eviction notice, and it will be carried out by me. I will assure you of their removals! As your government is trying everything in their power to attack you with all they know, I will attack them without warning. The terror they will try to bring to you, they will endure themselves says The Lord. I told you these were the days governors would fall; and Gavin Newsom
will be the first of many! I'll expose the order he received from Washington to sabotage the state of California; not to complete any of the emergency procedures, cautionary and preventative actions they should have protected you. They purposely allowed this to destroy you, O California, and to take down the rest of this nation. It was only a worst case scenario,
because it was allowed for the greater good of the establishment. They sacrificed you to save themselves. Yes, this was their plan, and I will show you their hands that allowed this tragedy to take place.
The Biden knew. Obama knew. Nancy knew. Chuck knew. Kamala knew. They all knew. The Old Guard chose not to protect you so they could cause distractions to pull off the only option they have left to save their machine from being torn apart by the next administration coming in. The establishment is fully aware of President Trump's ability to take them down with no way of recovering their control.
Woe to you, Gavin! You are their pawn, and you will be let go to cover the tracks of many other governmental officials involved in this heinous acts of war and destruction. Gavin, you had the choice to stop this, and you ran with it anyway, knowing what it would do to millions of people. You are being judged with no one willing to save you.
I'll remove you, Gavin, and judgment is coming sooner than you think, says The Lord of Hosts. O United States: the devastation in Hawaii, in North Carolina, in Tennessee, in Georgia, in Florida, in California, were all done on purpose for the establishment's endgame. That endgame is being stopped by me, and it will bring an end to them and not to you.
I'll expose their dirty and dark plans to cause this destruction. I will show you the blueprints and the architects and why they chose these locations and the times for what was to save themselves.
I will show you the technology they used to complete all of these things and who was all involved and how your government funded it "under the radar", including how many more of these types of catastrophes they were willing to cause to protect their power and control. But I Am ripping it apart in front of the world.
My children, the shaking in your country is about to get much worse. To stop the next catastrophic moves against your land. As I move my hand to protect you, continue to fight the good fight of faith and you will see me defend you as I remove all who are against you. I Am showing the world that I Am very much alive and I Am the protector of this nation, so hold tight my children and fight it's almost over and you will have the restoration and freedoms I have promised you, says The Lord, your Redeemer.
And some people may say this is harsh, but it is a time where God has warned not only His people to be fully awakened, but He's also been warning the enemies of Almighty God to turn from their wicked ways and repent. God has always given a warning before fall of kings and leaders of nations. Sometimes, they get judged, they repent, they turn from the wicked ways, and God restores them.
And other times, they are completely annihilated. Now I'm going to read some examples to you that God does show Himself as the God whom nothing is impossible, and that He is the one who rules over the nations, and not the ones who the enemy chooses to be for that particular moment in time. Now this start, I'm going to start with the scripture, Exodus 14 and verse 14.
Now, God is telling us that we win. God is telling us not to give up hope. This is something similar that Moses did right before the complete devastation and destruction of Egypt and all of Pharaoh and his army. This is what we need to know. This is part of the hope that God is telling you to hold on to today.
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. and remain at rest. This is when they were surrounded with no way out. The enemy was coming in one direction, you had the mountains on the other directions, and then you had the Red Sea. They were surrounded. But the Prophet Moses was speaking. The Lord will fight for you.
It looked like they were gonna die. It looked like they were being sent right there, surrounded, dead end, and they would be taken back over by Pharaoh and brought back to Egypt. But that's not what God was saying to them. It may look that way, but it's actually another. The Lord will fight for you. You should hold your peace and remain at rest.
God is telling us that he's fighting for us and we should hold our peace and remain at rest. Even though they looked like they were going to lose, it looked like they were on a dead end with no way to go and no hope. In their final outcome. It looked one way when it was actually another. It's going to look one way when it's really another for us.
That's why God is telling us. He is Fighting for us. He is going to do what he said was gonna do in yesterday's prophecy He said I will fight for you and I will save you just as I have done with Israel God is going to fight for us. He is. He has been. Look at this. No one could have came out on top the way President Trump did.
Without God, it's impossible. He had all of everyone, the establishment, all these nations, everybody against him, and it wasn't enough. The evil wasn't enough to stop the goodness of Almighty God and his plans that he has for each and every one of us. We still have to pray for his protection. There are still people out there trying to kill him.
They apparently, they just stopped another attempted assassination at the Capitol last week, I think. I think it was last week or this week. Some guy with a machete and some knives. Why isn't anybody talking about it? They don't like to have a lot, that a lot, on the radar. But it did happen. These people are still out there.
And so what we have to do is know that God is fighting for us, And so instead of panicking, or instead of giving fear, we sit there and declare and decree, I thank you, Father God, we win. I thank you, Father God, that our enemies are being cut off. Because, Father God, you see the defeat of the enemy coming, and you're sitting in heavens, and you're laughing.
Because the defeat of our enemy is coming. And no matter what they do, it's not bigger than you. That is our attitude. God has given us that hope. We have to cherish that hope. We have to hold fast to it. We can't let go because satan wants to do everything in his power to make you so you let go Of that hope that god is faithful when he said he's in a fight for you and that we're supposed to Remain at rest and hold our peace He's trying to get you not to hold your peace and he's trying to get you not to remain at rest He wants you to give in to his tactics and his strategies and god is saying hold on It's not over until we win.
So let's go to Exodus. 24 and 25. Now he's telling his people he's in a fight for them. And as you see Exodus 14 24 through 25, you're going to see what God did against Pharaoh and his army. Pharaoh and his army could not withstand the power of God. Exodus 14, verse 24. And in the morning, watch The Lord through the pillar of fire and cloud, look down on the host of the Egyptians, and discomfited them.
Or he troubled them. In the New King James Version, it says he troubled them. Look go to verse 25 and it says and bound, clogged, took off their chariot wheels Making them drive heavily and the Egyptians said let us free from the face of Israel for The Lord fights for them against the Egyptians as God The Egyptians were taking after God's people in the in the Red Sea God was taking off their chariot wheels He fought for them, and then in the midst of them fighting for them, they didn't realize Oh crap, we're in trouble because The Lord that fights for Israel is the one true God.
They got that revelation when it was too late, when they were stuck in the middle of the Red Sea. Now let's go to verse 31. Exodus 14 and verse 31. And Israel saw the great work which The Lord did against the Egyptians, and the people reverently feared The Lord, and trusted and relied and remained steadfast to The Lord and to his servant Moses.
So they saw when God fought for them, took off the chariot wheels of the pharaoh and all of his army that was coming after God's people, and then they saw that when the Red Sea was parted for them, they saw it collapse on top of their enemy. They saw it. We are going to see it. We're going to see God fight for us.
We're going to see chariot wheels, however that's going to happen. We're gonna see God, literally, he said he was giving them an eviction notice and he was gonna make sure he carries it out.
Pharaoh and his army were evicted. They were eradicated. They were cut off. They were destroyed. They were brought to nothing and they were no more gonna terrorize God's people. He gave them opportunity to back off. How many times did Moses go to Pharaoh and say, let my people go? He refused it. Let's go to another instance where God eradicated or he removed a problem leader and judged them.
Let's go to Daniel 4. This is King Nebuchadnezzar. Now, we all know what happened in King Nebuchadnezzar. When he saw what he did with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, he got mad at them for not, you know, this is Daniel 3, when he they would not serve his golden image. They wouldn't bow down to it. They wouldn't praise and worship it.
He got mad, threw him in the fiery furnace. Then he realized that the Son of God saved Abednego. So he knew that God was the one true God because that was impossible to accomplish without him. Well, then somehow he forgot about it. Go to Daniel 4 verse 17.
Now, because he forgot and he got very arrogant and he turned away from God, this is what happens. This is what the prophecy, the prophet was talking about. This sentence is by the decree of the Heavenly Watchers, and the decision is by the word of the Holy Ones, to intent that the living may know that the Most High God rules the universe.
The kingdom of mankind and gives it to whomever he will and sets over it, the humblest and lowly of men. So Kingdom of Czar was being worn right here, that the most high God rules the kingdom of mankind and gives it to whomever he sets over it. The humblest and the lowest of, lowliest of men. God is the one who determines who's going to rule over a nation.
Now again, He allows certain things to take place. They, all the people that we see right now in the oligarch, the establishment, deep state, swamp, whatever you want to call them. They had opportunity to turn back. They refused it. Now look what happens. Go to Daniel 4 verse 32. I'm gonna read through verse 35.
And you shall be driven, and they're talking to Nebuchadnezzar again, You shall be driven from men, and your dwelling will be with the living creatures of the field. This was his, this was Nebuchadnezzar's judgment for not heeding the warning of God. You will be made to eat grass like the oxen, and seven times for years, or years, so seven years, you shall pass over you until you have learned and know.
That the Most High God rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever He will. So He says that in verse 17 and He says it again in verse 32. God is the one who rules over the kingdom of men and He gives it to whomever He will. And He's saying, because you did not keep My warning, the judgment you're gonna have is you're gonna be like a wild beast for seven years.
Until you know that I Am the Most High God. Let's read verse 33. That very hour, the thing was in process of being fulfilled. So the very same hour that was prophesied to Nebuchadnezzar happened to Nebuchadnezzar. He was driven from among men and did eat like grass, like an oxen, as David had said he would.
And his body was wet with the dew of heavens until his hair grew like eagle's feathers and his nails were like the bird's claws. So he became like a beast, literally, physically looked like a beast. Verse 34.
And at the end of the days, or seven years, I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven, and my understanding and the right use of my mind, So he went insane, but the right use of his mind Returned to me. So that means he became sane Again, so not only did he look like a physical beast, but he became in Absolute nuts and I blessed the Most High God in praise and honor and glorified him who lives forever whose dominion is Everlasting dominion and his kingdom endures from generation to generation Amen God's people need to take these scriptures seriously like King Nebuchadnezzar did after he was at like a beast for seven years.
These scriptures are still real to today and they still are right now, for right now, whose dominion is everlasting dominion. It doesn't say it runs out in 2024 or 2025. God's dominion is everlasting dominion, and His kingdom endures from generation to generation. It lasts forever. It endures any king, it endures any pharaoh, it endures any president, and it endures any globalist agenda.
We need to take seriously these scriptures of what God is saying. It's from everlasting dominion. His kingdom endures from generation to generation. God's people need to know this. Okay, Daniel 4 and 35. And all the inhabitants of the earth are counted as nothing. And he does according to his will in the most high heaven.
And among the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay his hand or say to him, What are you doing? So I'm going to have him hold that up there for a minute. All the inhabitants of the earth are counted as nothing. So that means all those people who are against God, are are accounted as nothing. There are nothing in his sight.
And he does according to his will. God will do according to his will, like he did in times past. He's still that same God now. In his will in heaven, the host of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, none can stay his hand. Remember God keeps saying he's moving his hand across our land. So no one can stop his hand from moving.
No one can stay his hand. No one can stop it. Or say to him, what are you doing? No one can overthrow Almighty God. And that's what these rulers, Nebuchadnezzar figured it out. After he was crazy, like a lunatic, and he was a beast for seven years in the field. Now, here's another story. Now, Nebuchadnezzar, of course, turned from his wicked ways.
He repented and he was restored as king. He was removed from his kingdom. But he's restored as king and then you have his son Belshazzar should have learned he saw what happened to his father and he didn't repent from his wicked ways Let's read about Nebuchadnezzar King Belshazzar Daniel 5 Daniel 5 and start with verse 18 O king the most high god gave Nebuchadnezzar your father a kingdom So again, the Daniel was talking to Belshazzar and saying look god gave Your dad this kingdom.
It wasn't because your dad was so smart and your dad was so powerful It was because Almighty God allowed him to be king and Daniel gate so again Oh King the Most High gave Nebuchadnezzar your father a kingdom and greatness and glory and majesty It was only greatness and glory and majesty because of God Verse 19.
And because of the greatness that he gave him, all peoples, nations, languages, trebled and feared before him. Something, okay, something similar The Lord is just telling me. This part right here, how God gave this kingdom. Greatness, glory, and majesty. And because of this greatness he gave him, all peoples, nations, languages trembled and feared before him.
That's another example of what kind of kingdom or nation he's giving to President Trump. It's not because of President Trump and his intelligence or his strength and ability. It's because God is giving it to him. God is letting us be able to receive these golden years. But all people, all nations and languages trembled and feared before him.
That same type of thing we're gonna see again. We're already starting to see it because you have the Biden for four years did nothing in Hamas and whatever they were doing with Israel was disgusting in holding those hostages, killing those people, and they did nothing. Days before Trump takes office, all of a sudden there's an agreement and Biden tries to take credit for that.
It was really President Trump because they fear him. And they should. Whom he would, he would slew, and whom he would be, oh, whom he would slew or kill, and whom he would kept alive, whom he would set up, and whom he would pull down. King Nebuchadnezzar had such power, but it was only given to him because of God.
Because it was his will for that particular time, and so he gave him that type of kingdom. It wasn't because he did anything to earn it. It was because God's will gave it to him for that particular time, because again, God is the one who sets him up and puts him down. Let's go to verse 19, or 20. Or a verse I haven't read yet.
20. Okay, thank you. Okay, verse 20. But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind and spirit were hardened, So he dealt proudly, he was disposed from his kingly throne, and his glory was taken from him. Why do you think, when God was talking about this back in 2021, starting, all throughout this entire residency of the Biden, why do you think his mental capacity left him?
God spoke it. That's prophecy. God was prophesying and God said this was going to happen. Why did it happen? Because no matter what he was warned and no matter what he was doing, he did it against God and so his mind. Left him you gotta think how bad how fast he fell mentally and his mind and spirit were hardened So that he dealt proudly he was disposed from his kingly throne and his glory was taken from him Now we know the Biden never had any glory again King Nebuchadnezzar It was his kingdom, but because he was doing without God It was taken away from him and then because he was going to repent it was given back to him It was never the Bidens Never.
He didn't win. He stole it. So let's go to Daniel 5 22. Again, references of what's happening now and what happened back then. Daniel 5 22, And you, his son, O Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart and mind, though you knew all of this, and knew it, and were defiant. So he knew that God gave him that throne.
He knew that when Nebuchadnezzar defied God, he went crazy and like wild beast for seven years. But even though King Belshazzar knew it, he didn't care. And look what happens. Go to verse 23. And you have lifted yourself up against The Lord of heaven, and the vessels of his house have been brought before you.
And you and your lords, your wives, and your concubines have drunk wine from them, and you praise the gods of silver and gold. They're doing the same thing right now. And think of all these people that are, you know, it's money and power. Money, money, money, money, money. The love of money. The greed of money.
Everything's about money. Same thing. They don't respect God at all. And of your bronze and iron and wood and stone, which you do not see or hear or know, but God in whose hand you, your breath is, I'm gonna read that again. But the God in whose hand your breath is, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored and glorified glorified, but have dishonored and disgraced.
So God's hand is your breath is in God's hand. Amen. That means your life can be taken at any point. Now, God doesn't do it, but he allows the angel of death. Now let's keep reading. Let's go to the next verse.
Verse 24, Then was a part of the hand sent from the presence of the Most High God. Now the handwriting is on the wall. And his handwriting was inscribed. Verse 25, In this inscription that was written, Many, many, teckle you farson, Numbered, numbered, weighed divisions. That's what it meant. So Daniel was sent there to interpret the handwriting on the wall.
That King Belshazzar, as they were drunk and they were partying, they saw the hand of God write these words on the wall. And so Daniel came in order to interpret that writing on the wall. Let's go to the next verse, verse 26. This is an interpretation of this matter. Many, God has numbered the days of your kingship and brought them to an end.
This is also showing more scriptures. The reason why I wanted to read so many of these today is, again, The Lord wants people to understand and know That God is the one who sets people up, He's the one who brings people down, and He's the one who numbers their days in leadership. No matter how hard they try, no matter what they do.
So, God has numbered the days of your kingship and brought them to an end. Verse 27, Tekel, you are weighed in the balances and you are found wanting, or you're found guilty. Weighed in the balances, the balances of justice. Verse 28,
and it says your kingdom and your kingship are divided and given to the Medes and the Persians. So he's telling, Daniel is telling Belshazzar, you're gonna die and your kingdom is going to be divided between the Medes and the Persians. Foretold in Isaiah 21, 2, 5, and 9. In verse 29 it says, then Belshazzar commanded and Daniel was clothed with purple and chains of gold.
But around his neck and a proclamation was made concerning him that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom It wasn't gonna matter at that particular time because King Belshazzar No matter what he was gonna say he was about to his kingship was gonna end verse 30
during that night that same night Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans
So what was prophesied, because he did not heed God's warning, he was removed from his kingship. And God knew his heart, he wasn't going to repent. He was so haughty and so arrogant, he was not going to repent, and so he was judged. And that's where you see the judgment come, which is in verse 30. Now, let's go to another king.
This is 1 Samuel. Now, most of you know about King Saul. Now, God never wanted the Israelites to have a king. He warned them not to have one, but they whined and they complained and they kept asking God over and over and over again for a king. So he got King Saul. Let's go to 1st Samuel 15 and verse 11. Now, of course, King Saul was doing things on his own, was not listening to God, was not obeying God's words.
And this is what happens. I regret making Saul king, for he has turned back from following me, and has not performed my commands. And Samuel was grieved, Samuel was the prophet at that time, Samuel was grieved and angry with Saul, and he cried to The Lord all night, because he knew what was going to happen.
Now again, God regretted making Saul king. Because Saul was doing just like King Belshazzar, he was going to turn back from following me, and, or, you know, because King Belshazzar was obviously later on. But I'm just saying it because I read that one first. But King Saul was the same type of spirit. It was haughty, he wasn't going to obey God.
Let's go to 1 Samuel 15 and verse 18. And The Lord sent you on a mission, and said, Go, utterly destroy the sinners, the Ammonites, and fight against them until they are consumed. Now that was part of sa Saul's instructions that was given to him by Samuel, the prophet that God gave to him. Go and do this, and he did it.
Saul started doing things that he wanted to do. And verse 22, 1 Samuel 15 and verse 22, Samuel said, has The Lord as great a delight in Burt offerings and sacrifices as an obeying the voice of The Lord behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to harken than the fat of ramps. So Samuel was the one who was supposed to do.
The sacrifice. Well, Saul being haughty and arrogant, took it upon himself and did the sacrifice himself. Let's go to verse 23, verse 23. 23 for rebellion is asked for the sin of witchcraft. So Saul was rebelling against God and Samuel was telling him, as you're rebellion against me, it's as bad as witchcraft and stubbornness and ideology and ho and your household.
Good luck images. So he had images that were of other gods that he should not have had because you've rejected the word of The Lord He also has rejected you from being king. So he was made king, but God was now Rejecting him as king. So God can reject, remove, Evict, bring to nothing, take away. Doesn't matter what it is.
He's the one who can reject somebody and From being in leadership. Let's go to 1st Samuel 15 verse 26. And Samuel said to Saul, I will return with you, for you have rejected the word of The Lord, and The Lord has rejected you from being king over Israel. So he kept giving him chances. Now you know that Saul did not learn, did not heed these warnings from Samuel that was given to him by God.
And then, of course, you saw and know that Saul went after David because of the jealousy, because most of his kingdom, including his children, loved and respected David more than they respected Saul. And so Saul wanted David killed. And of course, David was not killed. David was protected by Almighty God and became the next king.
When Saul realized that he was gonna be killed he didn't, he wanted his armor bearer to kill him because he didn't want to be killed by his enemies. and his armor bearer refused, and then the same battle that his sons died in, so did Samuel, or so did Saul, excuse me, so did Saul. Samuel warned him, and he refused to listen, but Saul eventually killed himself in the midst of that battle, and then God throned, gave the throne and the kingdom to David.
So when kings, when rulers, that are against God, they will be rejected. They will be removed. They will not stay. They will be evicted. They will not stay in the positions that they have and made themselves in or put themselves there. It doesn't matter how they got there. Even if they're people that are called by God, if, again, people have their own will, God can't force them to obey.
So you saw kings that raised themselves up, you saw kings that were appointed by God, and if they were going against God's will, they were rejected. They were evicted or they were removed. They were dealt with. Judgment happened to them. Let's go to Psalm 103, verse 6. Psalm 103, verse 6, and it says,
For, not for me only, but for all who are oppressed. So God executes justice for those who are oppressed. He sees what's happening around the world today. He sees how the enemy is trying to oppress God's people. And here's what he says, he executes that righteousness. Let's go to Psalm 103 and verse 19.
The Lord has established his throne in the heavens. And his kingdom rules over all. This is what a lot of these enemies of Almighty God, they need to be reading the Bible. And they need to be knowing that God still is a ruler over all. Their establishment is nothing. Their global reset is nothing. All the leaders that they have in all these different nations are nothing.
Their depopulation and everything they want to do against this country and against others is nothing compared to Almighty God. Go to Psalm 59 in verse 1. Psalm 59 in verse 1. This is David crying out, Deliver me from my enemies, O my God. Defend and protect me from those who rise up against me. David knew that God would deliver him from his enemies.
He would defend and protect him from those who are rising up against him. That's that kind of hope. That's that kind of knowledge that we have to have on the inside of us, that revelation knowledge that God is here to defend, he's here to protect, and he's here to stop those ones who are rising up against us.
We have to have that same type of revelation knowledge that David had. Let's go to Psalm 47 verse 3 and 8. Psalms 47 verse 3, and then I'll read verse 8. He subdued peoples under us and nations under our feet. God puts our enemy under our feet. Remember, he says in his word in Psalms 105 that he makes us stronger than our oppressors.
Let's go to Psalm 47 and verse 8 and it says God reigns over the nations and God sits On his holy throne. So again, god still is on that throne. God is still alive He's not dead and he's going to make himself known that he still is the most high god Just like he did on all his examples. Then he said he's into more examples This is the only ones I had time for today.
Let's go to psalms 22 And verse 28
for the kingship and the kingdom are The Lord's And he is the ruler over all the nations. How many scriptures does he have to give his children that says that God is the ruler over the nations? When right now, in churches, they will not speak this. They don't even believe it. But God still is the same God who he is the ruler over all the nations.
And so remember, even when David had Saul continuously pursuing him, and the children of Israel had Pharaoh continuously pursuing them, how many times did God show his goodness? How many times did God show that he was a protector? For more UN videos visit www. un. org How many times in the Word does it say that God saved, God delivered, God set free, God protected, God was their shield, God was their high tower, God was their fortress?
How many times? How many times does God say He subdues our enemies? How many times does God say that He's the ruler of the nations? Before people get it, I know you guys do, but there are so many Christians out there that don't. We have to pray for this awakening. The people realize and take earnestly or take seriously that God is still the ruler of the nations Let's go back over.
This prophetic word again. It's called the establishment will be forced to surrender. I gave you examples Let's see here. How many of the examples I gave to you? Four? Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, King Saul, and there's several more. They were humbled or they were removed. They repented or they were removed.
They didn't get their own. They didn't get their what they wanted. They didn't get their will in the matter. They either did what they were supposed to be doing. They were supposed to do God's will and if they didn't, then they were removed. The establishment will be forced to surrender. My children, the establishment in your nation will be forced to surrender.
They'll be forced out of their positions. They will be tried for their treasonous acts. They will be judged to a degree never seen like this before. When I just read you all those examples, that's still the God that's alive today. That he will force them out, and just like it says in Psalm 37, that he cuts them off.
And where they used to be, they will not be found. There's several scriptures. This is all, this prophecy. Again, when God gives me the prophetic word, I don't get to scriptures right away. I usually only get the scriptures, like, right before I go live here on I go live, I sit there and I study the Word of God, and I'm looking at the prophecy, and I'm reading over it, and all of a sudden, these scriptures come up that back what the prophecy is saying.
Now, next paragraph. My children, I have sent your enemies their eviction notice. Belshazzar was getting his eviction notice that day when the handwriting was on the wall. And God was saying, I'm going to divide your, I'm going to divide your kingdom. You're going to be removed. You're going to become nothing.
Because what you've done against me. God even said that there was handwriting on the wall of their defeat. This was a prophecy I think sometime last year or 2023. Time is flying so I don't remember which year it was. But he said there was handwriting on the wall that says they're defeated. And so he's saying right here, I have sent your enemies their eviction notice.
And it'll be carried out by me. I will assure you of their removals. As your government is trying everything in their power to attack you with all they know, I will attack them without warning. So they're trying to attack us. God has given us warning. But God is saying, I'm not gonna give them warning.
He's saying the terror they will try, they're not gonna accomplish it, they will try to bring to you, they will endure themselves, says The Lord. And then he says in the next paragraph, I told you these things, these days, excuse me, I told you these days were the days governors would fall. So, we're going to start seeing like a domino effect.
Of not only people in the federal government, but you're also going to see governors. And Gavin Newsom is going to be one of them. I'll expose the order he received from Washington to sabotage the state of California. And not to complete any of the emergency procedures. Cautionary, or preventative actions that should have protected you.
Now, there was instructions for him not to do it. Remember, President Trump told him, I can get you all the water that you need. I can get you all these things for you. You need to clean out the brush. You need to take all these preventative actions. So the worst case scenario does not happen. And even if you don't like somebody, why on God's green earth you If you know there could be a life and death situation for people or total devastation, total loss of homes and structures and people's lives, why would you not do everything in your power to stop it?
And they did nothing. Absolutely, positively, nothing. He got orders to do nothing.
And he says this is how they sabotaged California. They purposely allowed this to destroy you, oh, California. and to take down the rest of this nation.
California, the wildfires were not just to destroy California. It was for diversion. Yes, but it was also to cause a diversion and destruction, catastrophic damage, financial calamity to take down the rest of the country, to bury it under so much debt. That's what they've been doing for a long time. Why are they giving billions of dollars away when we have people right here in our own country that need help?
They're not stupid. They're, they have a plan. He said, Oh, it was, it was a worse, only a worst case scenario. It was only a worst case scenario because it was allowed. It was a worst case scenario because it was allowed for the greater good of the establishment. They sacrificed you to save themselves.
That's not really surprising. These people don't, they have no heart. They're cold. Again, Gavin Newsom is not stupid. He's stupid at going against God. But he should have taken these precautionary actions and didn't.
It's on him. Because, this is why. They sacrificed you to save themselves. Yes, this was their plan. And I will show you the hands that allowed this tragedy to take place. The hands. It wasn't just Gavin Newsom. Then he goes on to say, The Biden knew. Obama knew. Nancy knew. Chuck knew. Kamala knew. They all knew.
The old guard chose not to protect you so they could cause distractions to pull off the only option they have left to save their machine. They didn't care what happened. You say, Julie, why would, you know, Kamala want her own house to burn down? She didn't have another one. And I don't, like I said, I don't really think they gave a crap about her no more.
They didn't want her to begin with and now that she utterly failed was the election They don't, they don't want to have anything to do with her, and you can see that. Then it says, to save their machine from being torn apart by the next administration coming in. They know President Trump, even as soon as day one, could tear them apart.
The establishment is fully aware of President Trump's ability to take them down with no way of recovering their control. That's why we have to continue to pray for President Trump. They know he has all the dirt on them that he needs. They know it. They're not giving up their efforts. I, I have had a burden to pray for him on many occasions, and it's not time to stop now.
Not even after he's president. You can't stop praying for his protection. It's kind of like, you know, like Saul. Just because David was, you know, David was called by God. It didn't protect David from all the attempts. Saul kept trying, kept trying, kept trying. Yes, God protected him from the effects of it.
Saul never got what he wanted. He never got the death of David. But it didn't stop Saul from trying. Saul was never stopped from trying. He was stopped from being successful.
Now, he goes back to Gavin again. Woe to you, Gavin. You are their pawn. Just like the Biden. He was a pawn. He was a fall guy. So's Gavin. You will be let go. Oh, they're gonna let Nancy go too. Just, just wait. Because they blame her for the election loss also. For getting rid of being that forerunner to getting rid of Biden.
You'll be let go to cover the tracks of many other governmental officials. Involved in this heinous acts of war and destruction. Gavin, you had the choice to stop this. God is telling us he had the choice and he didn't take it and you ran with it anyway, knowing what it would do to millions of people.
How many families is this affecting? How many lives is this affecting? What's it doing to the air quality for millions of people in that area? You are being judged with no one willing to save you. He thinks the establishment is still going to save them and they're not just like Justin Trudeau. God said, no one's going to save you.
No one's gonna save him. God said he's gonna be removed for years and years and years. He's being removed right now. Gavin is the same, has the same outcome. He will be removed. I'll remove you, Gavin, and judgment is coming sooner than you think, says The Lord of Hosts. Remember, he stopped his recall. The people of California hate his guts, majority of them, because he's awful.
And, they had a recall, he cheated the recall. And, he stayed in power. But the establishment helped him to save him that time. They're not gonna save him this time. And no matter how he's removed, I don't know. I think he'll just step down. I don't think he'll have to take a recall. Oh, United States, the devastation in Hawaii, in North Carolina, in Tennessee, in Georgia, in Florida, and California.
Now he's specifically saying what happened with Helene, and now we have these wildfires. Look, we're all done on purpose for the establishment's endgame. What's their endgame? To destroy the United States of America and bring in the one world government. That was their endgame. Their great reset. Their global agenda that game is being stopped by me and it will bring an end to them and not to you So it's supposed to bring an end to us and God's saying that's not gonna happen I will show you the blueprints and the architects and why they chose these locations There's a reason and times for what was to save themselves and I wouldn't okay I'm not gonna say that yet.
God's been saying in prophecy just Again, they're not done trying stuff against California. And they can cause seismic activity. And guys I'm warning of that too in that area. I will show the technology they use to complete all these things and who was all involved and how your government funded it.
So now I'm going to show you how the government has funded all of these things. They probably named it something else. Just like FEMA, FEMA does not, that money does not go to help us, I will promise you that it doesn't, maybe a little tiny portion of it. And now the government funded it under the radar, including how many more of these types of catastrophes they were willing to cause to protect their power and control.
They were willing to cause catastrophe after catastrophe to keep themselves in control. He says, but I Am ripping it apart in front of the world. My children are shaking, and your country is about to get much worse. He's not saying it's going to get better yet. It is going to, but not before it gets worse first.
It's going to get worse to stop the next catastrophic moves. Against your land as I move my hand to protect you continue to fight The good fight of faith and you will see me defend you as I remove all who are against you Go look up all the scriptures that god shows that he removes the enemies of almighty god against his people I'm showing the world that I Am very much alive and i'm the protector of this nation So hold tight my children and fight it's almost over and you will have the restoration In freedoms that I have promised you Says The Lord your Redeemer.
God gives us that hope. God says that we are going to win no matter how much the enemies are going to try to bring this destruction and devastation. They're not going to be successful, but that's not without us continuing to stand and fight that good fight of faith. That's not with us still. We have to still continue to declare and decree and hold on to our hope that God is faithful to perform his word.
We have a part to play in it. God's been saying it over and over and over again. Some people are heeding that warning, and some people are not. The Christians around the world, there are so many Christians that are still not awake to what truly is going on in this time right now. And that we do have something to do about it.
And God is telling us to obey. Look what happened when Saul did not obey. It's important. Obedience is important. So we have to be obedient to what God is giving us with these marching orders. And that is for our final outcome. God's people, and I say this again, Did not get the promised land, some of them, because they chose not to obey.
In this time we're living in, there's going to be part of the church because they refuse to obey. They refuse to accept prophecy. They refuse to accept warning. Just like the children of the wilderness, they will not see. Those promises of God. They will not be able to be partakers of them. They'll watch other people get it, but they won't get it themselves because they weren't listening and obeying God.
And so I want to pray because we are living in that very moment in time right now where things are going to change and God is saying it's gonna look one way when it's actually another. But he needs us to have that hope in him that we win. So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, we declare and we decree that we have the revelation Father God, and we have that hope, that we have that hope and that final outcome that we win.
We declare and decree our victory over every single enemy. And we thank you Father God that you are removing them. We thank you Father God that you are bringing them to nothing. We thank you Father God their plans. Will fail every plan. We pray for President Trump. We pray for that rally We pray for the inauguration and father God that we pray that he will always be at the right place at the right time And we thank you for his guardian angels protecting him everywhere He goes and everything he does and we plead the blood of Jesus over him and everyone around him all of his family And we thank you father God right now that we can cause the enemy to flee Because it says in your word, resist the devil, and he must flee.
So right now, in the name of Jesus, we command you, enemy of Almighty God, that are in this nation and around the world. We command you, we rebuke you, and we rend you helpless against President Trump in this country. We rend you helpless against Israel. We rend you helpless against our minds. We rend you helpless against our bodies.
We rend you helpless against our finances. We rend you helpless against our families and our children. That's right. And we thank you and we praise you, Father God, that you are cutting the enemy off and right now you are sitting in heaven and you are laughing because you just see the defeat of the enemy coming.
We declare the defeat of the enemy coming and we thank you that you have given our enemies an eviction notice and we thank you that you are carrying it out. We thank you that they are made to fully surrender to you. Father God, we thank you for that hedge of protection around each and every one of us.
That a thousand may fall at one side and ten thousand at another, but it will not come near us. We thank you and we praise you that we have revelation knowledge that you are our fortress. That you are our protector, that you are the one who fights those battles for us to save us. That we are fully awakened to you and your will.
And Father God, we thank and praise you that we are taking seriously these mandates and these orders and these, the marching orders and these decrees and declarations. That you are the same to a thousand generations. And Father God that we know that you are the one who sits on your throne, and you are the king over all the earth.
You are the judge over all the earth, and our enemies are nothing compared to you. And so we thank you Father God to give each and every one of them that peace, to give each every one of them that hope, to give each and every one of them that strength, that they know in their hearts every single time that Satan tries to tell them they are defeated.
Satan tries to tell them they&a
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