Trip Report Gum Swamp Creek Section Zero (or First Half)

12 hours ago

3/1/2025. Trip Report Gum Swamp Creek Section Zero (or First Half). It was beautiful weather 50's to 70's, low water at 2.4 feet pushing a nice current. Prior to the shuttle Van had suggested we might want to park a vehicle at the 74 bridge just in case there was a lot of downfall slowing us down. We parked Scotts truck at an area near the US 74 bridge and Andy shuttled back from the takeout at Springs Mill Rd. The put in was crowded with 11 boats but we slid off beneath the bridge near Richmond Dam and were on the water at 10:15. At 10:17 we encountered our first down fall which required a drag over and that took 20 minutes. On the other side we enjoyed the scenery for 100 yards and hit another downed tree. Obviously no none had cleared this creek. Due to low water, down trees that would have been jump overs were now portages or drag overs. And this is how it went on for the next 3 miles, excepting our lunch break at about 1.5 miles before we reached Ida Mill Pond (which is now a swamp). At lunch we celebrated Gene's birthday with cup cakes and cookies - thank you Kathleen and Ruth. Van brought some home fortified grape wine that a few shared. Despite the significant downfalls that tired us out, our spirits were upbeat, and we all chipped in to help each other under, over and around our challenges. By lunch most paddlers had agreed to exit at the 74 Bridge because we had only gone 1.5 miles in 3 hours, and we knew there was more downfall after the bridge. At this rate it would be getting dark at the intended take out. We had already lost count of the number of downfalls and it seemed the prudent thing to do. We continued on and reached the US 74 Bridge at 3 PM and exited on river right. Van and Ruth had a rope to help haul boats over the rocks near the bridge. Kathleen and Andy exited a little upstream to walk through briars up hill and then to the left to meet the others. We sang happy birthday again for Gene. Losses during the trip included Omer's phone (lost during lunch he thinks), Gene's Garmin, and some of Omer's red blood cells from briars (Kathleen patched him up really good). Things like this are common on Gum Swamp Creek. But everyone said they really had a great time. The crazy paddlers who went halfway to hell on this journey were Andy (TL), Omer, Van, Scott, Gene, Bill, Ruth, Kathleen, Laura, Donna and her son Aaron. And being that this was only halfway I rename this first half of Gum Swamp Creek as Section First Half. The Second Half still awaits if anyone wants to. We will look for higher water if we try it but do not want to wait too long. Briars and critters will increase. Thanks to all who came and supported the cause. Thanks Van for your suggestion to leave a vehicle half way and to Scott for leaving your truck halfway and for the shuttle back to my car at the put in. I hope those who went enjoyed your ice cream in Wagram on the way back. You all were great and super to paddle with. Stick a briar on your chest for your perseverance! Think of all the skills you learned! Pictures will be posted soon. Andy

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