Talmud: Jews Hate Jesus and Christians

25 days ago

In this episode, Jack takes an in-depth look at how the Talmud views Jesus, Christians, and Christianity.

Was Jesus Anti-Semitic? w/ Guest - https://rumble.com/v5ylwvw-was-jesus-anti-semitic-w-guest.html

Israeli Terrorism Against Iraqi Jews - https://rumble.com/v6q0zts-israeli-terrorism-against-iraqi-jews.html

ACLU, NAACP, and SPLC Established by Jews - https://rumble.com/v5gpcvl-aclu-naacp-and-splc-established-by-jews.html

The Two Sides of Judaism: Zionism and Pedo****** - https://rumble.com/v6j47jg-the-two-sides-of-judaism-zionism-and-pedo.html

Talmud: On Christ - https://www2.gracenotes.info/topics/talmud-on-christ.html

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