NTEB BIBLE STUDY: The Minor Prophets Part #13 - Malachi Part #2-NOW THE END BEGINS-FEB 2 2025

6 days ago

ON THIS EPISODE: We started this series back in the end of 2024, taking an intensive look at the 12 minor prophets from Hosea to Malachi. It’s been a blessing, and tonight we come to the 12th and final minor prophet, the prophet Malachi. Malachi has a powerful and potent message, he prophesies of the coming of Jesus Christ at the First Advent! Not only that, Malachi offers stinging rebukes to the Jews and Israel for not doing what the LORD set them apart to do. And in that, we see the reason for the time of Jacob’s trouble and the great Tribulation that is still yet to come. Tonight we will cover Part #2 in our look at Malachi the 12th and last minor prophet.

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