Paranormal Pride

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Bret ‘The wizard” Yacobucci

Rune specialist and Neutral energy worker
Unique Perspective Metaphyiscal (UPM)
Facebook: @UPMcambridge
Instagram @UPM

I bring a unique perspective to the table when it comes to all things energy work. Through my unique life experience I have seen and experienced both immense highs and light situations through to the extremely dark or low situations. Through it all I have learned how keep it positive despite all odds. Tools, techniques and practices were paramount to my success in navigating the minefield of trauma I had to endure.

Today through the use of runes, tarot, talismans, stones and crystals, wood working, leather work, mindfulness techniques and practices developed by myself; I am working to assist others in helping themselves by passing on the tools that are relevant to them. The grand scope of my work has allowed me to work with terrestrial and non terrestrial entities alike with tremendous success. For it is through true love and appreciation of all living energies can a true understanding of how interconnected everything is be achieved.

To achieve this aim it has taken a great deal of trauma on my behalf that I truly have no hard feelings towards as I have made the choice on how to perceive it, work with it, understand it and learn from it. For through the fire of experience is our path of life forged. I aim to be a guide, healer, protector and a beacon of light, love and prosperity for those who are willing to learn or show a willingness to change for the better. If I can go through what I have in my life and come out motivated to make positive change; others can too!

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