Completeness Is True Love | Path and Tarot Reading

4 hours ago

Completeness Is True Love | Path and Tarot Reading

5 of Cups – Disappointment ♂ ♏

Change can lead to challenges that give way to frustration and dismay. Know that this is only a temporary energy. Disappointment gives experience and lessons that will be useful in the future.

Keywords: dismay, lessons, frustration.

XII Hanged Man

When one is hung upside down you can see the world from another Perspective. It may hurt to hang by a single foot, but it will allow you to gain a unique experience through sacrifice. Remember, when your feet are pointed to the sky, it means you are standing in a new perspective.

Keywords: baffled, perspective, experience, sacrifice.
Water ▼ Emotion.
Mem (Water) מ is the creative ability to look at things from the view of the astral.

VI Lovers

While the lovers archetype can indicate a potential romantic partner, the lovers can also indicate that you have become complete. Your divine masculine and feminine energies are in absolute harmony. You can now enter the physical plane and have a true love experience.

Keywords: romantic partner, divine masculine, divine feminine, harmony, complete love, completion.
Gemini ♊ Intellect.
Zayin (Sword or Armour) ז is the complete landscape that the vessel has access to.

Change may bring frustration and dismay, but this feeling is temporary, offering valuable lessons that will serve you in the future. While you may feel upside down and uncertain, viewing things from a different perspective will lead to growth and new insights, even if it requires sacrifice. Trust that balance within yourself is being restored, and this harmony will guide you to true love and completeness, both with others and within.

For 2025-03-03 |

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Music: “Free At Heart” Music by Hamurakabi for © PathandTarot

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