I Just got off a 30 minute interview with the Detroit News about the pandemic.

12 hours ago

I Just got off a 30 minute interview with the Detroit News about the pandemic.
I made sure to mention that, in my humble opinion, they’re nothing more than the propaganda arm of the radical left.
I always record these interviews to ensure they can’t twist my words—transparency matters.
Not surprising that they were unaware of many things Governor Whitmer said and did during the pandemic.
Welp, it’s on record now:
“Google a haircut.”
“Implore one another to wear the mask—if not, do it forcefully.”
Sneaking down to see her sick dad on a private jet while we weren’t allowed to travel.
Violating her own orders by going out to eat with 16 friends.
CDC changed the definition of what a vaccine does from “provides immunity to provides protection.”
PCR test is hot garbage.
And the list goes on…

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