4 hours ago

I recently said that Jasmine Crockett is an actor playing a role.

That is just my opinion and I could very easily be wrong.

She says the same talking points as the rest of them, but she seems to have been pushed out front and center, similarly to AOC when she first came onto the scene.

Here she says that President Trump is “occupying” the White House and is an enemy to the United States.

She says that even though it is clear to even most normies that Joe Biden was “occupying” the White House and is an enemy to the United States.

She says that even though President Trump won in an epic landslide and took his legal and rightful position.

She says he swore an oath just like they did, even though even most normies can see that they all broke their oath.

She says that he is putting us all at risk, even though he is the one trying to have peace throughout the world.

She calls his supporters followers, like we are a cult, even though the vast majority of the country all voted for him.

She calls him a dictator and accuses him of saying that elections should not take place and that he is going to stay in the White House.

Really? Show us proof of that then.

Trump is the one trying to create free and fair elections, while the Democrats want to keep having (s)elections, you know, like the dictators they are.

Whether or not she is an actor playing a role for the white hats, she is red pilling people every single day with her antics and her ridiculous lies.

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