Precinct Strategy Issues vs. Political Process. Dan Schultz March 3 2025

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February 28 2025
Would you pledge your life, your fortune, and your sacred honor to secure the blessings of liberty for your children? Wll you attend a monthly Republican meeting to be part of the political process?
Trump Victorious! God blessed us. Act locally. Now.

Please watch some of my most recent podcasts, too. Then take REAL political action.
Let's get organized & united politically, locally, in the best place, and the best way, possible, in our respective local Republican party committees. No?
You've now been told what you can and must do.
Now, we need to get back to hand-counted ballots. Here’s how:
Feb. 10, 2023, How to get rid of the machines:
My talk the next day at the Election Integrity conference in Charleston, SC:
The Precinct Committeeman Strategy works IF enough Americans work it by becoming PCs.
My appearance Sunday, November 3, 2024, on Steve Bannon's War Room. I come on at the 1:40 mark for about 8 minutes. You can watch the rest of the episode as well:
Shorter version without the intro:
This article gives a good history of the Precinct Strategy and War Room.

Luke Weinhagen's one hour talk, "The Question of War."

A Republic, Not A Democracy by Dan Smoot 1966 Apr 18
Democracy vs Constitutional Republic - What is America's Real Form of Government
Alan Sabrosky: "Professionals know that the proper use of psyops [psychological operations] is to give the target hope, because hope is the mortal enemy of both rational thought and decisive, timely action." Exhibit A: "Q."

Gallery of Freedom Fighters:
"There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what is morally right." -- Ronald Reagan
Please read and watch everything on my home page, starting from the top and working your way down.

Here's my appearance on on Royce White's terrific podcast:
My 19 minute talk at the Lindell event:

My November 18, 2022 podcast about how BEST to help President Trump to get reelected:

Links to other information and podcasts:
Here's the link to the October 6, 2022 podcast:
Here's the link to the October 10, 2022 podcast:
Here's the link to the September 21 2022 podcast I'd like you to watch.
Will you at least give this a try? Articles mentioned in my April 10 podcast:
We have an online communications & collaboration platform that is private & secure & not on Big Tech servers. We need to start using it.
Here's a link to the article discussed in my March 29, 2023 podcast:
The website contains zero information regarding why and how to become a voting member of your local Republican committee, how to find your local Republican committee and, whether, when you become a voting member of your local committee, there's a communications and collaboration platform in existence on which precinct committeemen can easily communicate and collaborate regarding reaching their Republican Party goals. has all of that.
At the current rate of progress, the Precinct Committeeman Strategy will fail because the missing ingredient, conservatives, continues to be in too short of supply to make a positive difference. And, it's an all-or-nothing battle. Either conservatives take over the Republican Party, and put themselves on a path to save our republic, or not. Most conservatives either do not know what to do, or do, and won't, either become PCs or advocate that conservatives become PCs. I don’t need most. I need about one out of every 125. Will you step up? Thanks,
Dan Schultz
Again, you've been told.

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