Miesha Johnston

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Miesha Johnston is a Speaker, Author and a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in ET Experiencer Regressions,

Past Life Regressions, and Trauma Recovery Hypnosis.

Miesha is a third-generation ET Contactee and has experienced MILAB & Mk-ultra, writing about her experiences in her books:

Covert Abduction: Military Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogation, and Mind Control

They Weren’t Butterflies: A Monarch Survivor’s Story

Galactic Genealogy Planetary Origins

Miesha has a new Oracle Deck, The Unimaginable.

As the founder of the Star Family Contactee Support Group and the former director of the Nevada UFO Contact Center International, Miesha speaks at conferences and gives interviews globally. She has appeared on TV in Europe, Canada and Russia and is featured in the documentary, “We Are Not Alone” on Prime TV.

Miesha was a working group member of Steven Greer’s C.S.E.T.I. She is now the owner operator of UFO Night Watch Tours of Las Vegas, leading CE5-type tours in Las Vegas, Hawaii, and California for 10 years

For more information about Miesha & and to join her groups, visit her website www.StarseedAwakening.org & http://www.ufonightwatch.com/


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