#60 Ex CIA Contractor Explains Trump's Executive Order & Why We're Going To War With The Cartels

4 days ago

The conversation delves into the complexities of U.S. #Mexico relations, particularly in the context of the ongoing drug #cartel crisis. The speakers discuss the implications of designating cartels as #terrorist organizations, the potential #military strategies that could be employed, and the socio-economic influence of cartels in both Mexico and the U.S. They also share personal experiences and insights regarding the evolving landscape of cartel operations and the military's role in addressing these challenges. In this conversation, the speakers delve into the complex relationship between the military and political ideologies, particularly focusing on the divisions within the military regarding support for #Trump. They discuss Trump's foreign policy strategies, the influence of the #deepstate, and the potential for #supernatural events to unite a divided #America. The conversation also touches on the representation of veterans in #Hollywood and the current state of military insights regarding ongoing events.

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