Episode 2972: Faith in Action - Morning Episode

4 hours ago

St. Cunegunda of Luxembourg
Nightly Zoom Coordinates for Rosary:
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Speak Lord
Rosary / Undoer of Knots

Book Recommendation of the Day
Didache: Anonymous, a manual on Christian morals and liturgy.
Some say there isn’t a fight over our traditional faith I don’t like getting into and I have to pick my hill to die on. Well we have SO many battles to fight to restore our church that I don’t look at it as one battle to die at but many battles to be wages. They came after our liturgical calendar, then our religious, then our mass, the santity of the sacraments especially the holy eucharist and confession, then the saints then the blessed mother and now they want our scripture. So as many times as they waged war on our church you can be assured I will fight in each of those battles. If you are wondering what I am talking about I did an episode on yet another biblical series that came out on Prime called “House of David”. What a travesty that is as was the chosen and mary. They keep attacking and so we must resist and fight and fight hard. Don’t worry what people will say about you and instead all you fear is how you will be judged because although we are not fighting Golaith we are fighting 100 type of Golaiths and that includes both inside and outside our church. At least David had a loyal army behind him. Where is are army? The rosary is our weapon and we are the loyal laity army.
Faith in Action: Lenten Readings and the Lessons of the Saints"
As we now step into the Lenten season, we focus on penance, purification, and charity, preparing our hearts for the Passion of Christ.
Epistle: Isaiah 55:6-11
"Seek ye the Lord, while He may be found: call upon Him, while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unjust man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him."
This passage from Isaiah emphasizes God’s mercy and the call to conversion. Lent is a time to forsake our sins and turn to the Lord with humility, trusting that His grace will sustain us. The prophet reminds us that God's ways are above our ways, and His Word shall never return void it will always accomplish His divine will.

Gospel: Matthew 21:10-17
"It is written: My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves."
In today’s Gospel, Christ enters Jerusalem, and in righteous anger, He drives out the money changers who have desecrated the temple. This event highlights the need for purity of heart and reverence in worship. As we begin Lent, we must ask ourselves: Is my soul a house of prayer, or have I allowed the distractions and sins of the world to corrupt it? Just as Christ cleansed the temple, so too must we purge our hearts of all that separates us from God.
Traditional Saints and Historical Feast Days
1. St. Cunegunda (d. 1040) – A holy empress who consecrated her life to chastity and service. She reminds us that detachment from worldly honors leads to sanctity.
2. St. Marinus & Asterius (d. 260) – Roman martyrs who upheld the faith amidst persecution, reflecting the Lenten theme of perseverance through suffering.
These saints exemplify the virtues of purity, faithfulness, and generosity, which we are called to cultivate in this penitential season.
Theme of the Day: Purification and the Call to Holiness
As we reflect on today’s scripture and saints, the theme that emerges is purification of the soul, of our intentions, and of our spiritual lives.
• Isaiah calls us to repentance and trust in God's mercy.
• Christ cleanses the temple, teaching us to rid our hearts of all that dishonors God.
• The saints of the day model detachment, perseverance, and self-sacrificing love.
Lent is a time of purification and renewal. We are given this season to examine ourselves and to remove whatever hinders our growth in holiness. Just as Christ cleansed the temple, we must allow Him to cleanse our souls.

Traditional Catholic Quotes for the Day
• "Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation." – 2 Corinthians 6:2
• "He who desires to go on advancing from virtue to virtue, from grace to grace, should meditate continually on the Passion of Jesus." – St. Bonaventure
• "Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish." – Luke 13:5
These words challenge us to embrace penance, renew our devotion, and prepare our souls for Easter.
Conclusionary Prayer
"O merciful Lord, as we enter this holy season of Lent, grant us the grace to cleanse our hearts and turn to Thee with true repentance. May we imitate the zeal of Christ in purifying our souls, and may we follow the example of Thy saints, who placed love of Thee above all else. Strengthen us to embrace penance and charity, that we may grow in holiness and be prepared to share in Thy Resurrection. Through Christ our Lord. Amen."
Thank you for joining us in today’s reflection. May Our Lady guide you on your Lenten journey, and may the Holy Ghost strengthen your faith.
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

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