2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich Original War Diary Pt 4 - Paul Hauser, Army Group Center, Guderian

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This Waffen SS combat footage fits in nicely with part 4 of this series covering the unit which would be come the 2. SS Panzer Division Das Reich. It’s based on an amazing original diary which follows the unit up to the gates of Moscow in the Winter of 1941/42 where our author, Kurt’s, regiment was almost completely wiped out.

So far during the campaign in Russia, the SS Division Reich hod to a large extent been pursuing a chaotically retreating enemy and seen little combat. By early July as the division began reaching the Dneiper River the Soviets had their backs against the wall and began to fight back more aggressively.

In early July of 1941 the SS Division Reich So far they’d been . was making it’s way towards the Dneiper River

Kurt continues with his July 8, 1941 entry
Carawonka is soon taken. During further attacks towards the forests, which lie behind the town, we’re able to destroy our first Russian tank. Actually it’s only a Russian armored car but we’re still content. The destroyed vehicle goes up in a mighty blaze and the ammunition cooks off causing a terrible noise.

July 10th
Our motorized advance continues towards the Dnjepr until we reach the last obstacle, Hill 215 which is near Chotemka. The Russians have built up a fantastic defensive line and seem intent in holding the position at all cost. They understand the significance of what a German breakthrough would mean here. Advancing out of a forest area that we are using for staging is made difficult by a steep incline that extends all the way to the Russian positions. In addition to direct fire, the Russians continually bombard this hillside and the forest area with heavy artillery which has a devastating effect. An infantry formation before our arrival had tried to storm the position without success. Having realized the importance of this key position there was only one possibility, it had to be taken. In the afternoon at 14.00 hrr, the 2nd Battalion gathered in the forest area in preparation of the attack. At 17.00 hrs, after a 45 minute barrage of our own artillery to soften up the enemy positions, the assault was ordered to begin. But that’s not what happened.

The Russians begin to cover us with rolling artillery barrages to the point of losing both sight and hearing. At the same time our own artillery has been forced to stop firing due to lack of ammunition which wasn’t brought up quickly enough to the front. To make things worse, we aren’t able to locate the enemy gun positions which means that there’s really no chance of put them out of commission. The accurate enemy fire into our staging area in the forest causes significant casualties. With our resupply of ammunition still 5km away we are in danger of having a serious problem.

SS Hauptsturmführer, or captain Rottach, in charge of the 8th Company, orders me to take a small contingency of men and make our way back and do whatever’s necessary to get the needed supplies up to the troops. Traveling back through the woods and then finally crossing a large open field turns out to be more difficult than expected. We’re under enemy artillery fire the entire time and only able to advance in short spurts of about 10 meters at a time. The forest underbrush is so thick that we are not really able to stay together, it’s every man for himself.

An artillery round explodes directly in front of me and a piece of shrapnel knocks my helmet off, luckily I’m uninjured. Eventually we arrive, quickly get things organized and within an hour have managed to set up a location at the base of the forest which we’ve filled with munitions and rations. The heavy enemy fire has made using motorcycles to transport the supplies impossible so we have to carry the heavy boxes by hand. Suddenly the Russians hit the length of the forest edge with their heavy guns, and I’m right in the thick of the barrage. It’s a terrible feeling us lying there pushing my body down into the forest ground hoping to survive.

A platoon leader stumbles up to me in the middle of all the exploding shells, completely confused and seemingly expecting to die. . . .Then suddenly everything stops. The Soviets have stopped firing. Shortly after the bombardment stops I’m able to link up with the company and report the successful completion of the order.

In Part 5 of the series Kurt describes the assault on Hill 215 so remember to subscribe.

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