Practicing Master II / Striker-Defender Drone / Manhunt climax Theo Parnell #Gameplay #Division2 #WZ

6 hours ago

This seems to be a more promising build than in the previous video. The idea is to give players a constant +2 Armor Regen similar to Memento (without the need to stack) and a very powerful Defender Drone giving damage reduction similar to Protection from Elites, especially with Future Perfect on Lexington can even give an Overcharge.

Memento gives a large decrease in damage when used instead of the Striker Backpack, but the constant bonus armor is an enormous benefit.

The Striker-Memento builds in this mission force Players to be very aggressive and take risks. And I prefer lazy, safe builds that can hang back and take their time. So that's my goal in making these builds.

Current Build Breakdown:

Main Weapon: Lexington (DTOOC 3rd Attribute, Future Perfect)
Secondary Weapon: Vector 9mm (DTOOC 3rd Attribute, Ranger)
Pistol: Busy Little Bee

Mask: Belstone Armory (CHC)(CHD)(CHC)(Blue Core)
Chest: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(CHC)(Blue Core)
Holster: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Blue Core)
Backpack: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(CHC)(Blue Core)
Gloves: Striker's Battlegear (CHD)(Blue Core)
Kneepads: Emperor's Guard (CHD)(Blue Core)

Crusader Shield
Defender Drone

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