Causes and Effects of Animal Cruelty | Free Essay Example

7 hours ago

📝 Want to know more about the causes and effects of animal cruelty? This essay sample focuses on the negative impact of animal abuse on the environment and society. The analysis of the effect cruelty to animals has on the society shows that there are numerous negative consequences of such acts, as there are no animal abuse cases that have absolutely no outcomes.

🔗 Original essay:

📑 Paper type: Essay
📖 Pages: 5
🔠 Words: 1183
📚 Subjects: Sociology
⚙️ Language: 🇺🇸 English

🔎 Works Cited:
Bright, M. A., Huq, M. S., Spencer, T., Applebaum, J. W., & Hardt, N. (2018). Animal cruelty as an indicator of family trauma: Using adverse childhood experiences to look beyond child abuse and domestic violence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76, 287–296. Web.
Cooper, D. E. (2018). Animals and misanthropy. London, UK: Routledge.
Hoffer, T., Hargreaves-Company, H., Muirhead, Y., & Meloy, J. R. (2018). Violence in animal cruelty offenders. New York, NY: Springer Nature.
Tanner, J. (2015). Clarifying the concept of cruelty: What makes cruelty to animals cruel. The Heythrop Journal, 56(5), 818–835. Web.

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