James White is another Judas Goat Leading the Sheep back to Rome #apostasy #endtimes

22 hours ago

The Third Heaven Traveler Blog and associated study links for this video




Expose Darkness 511


Email: vietrandy@gmail.com

This Blog is about our Spiritual Life IN Jesus Christ and Him IN us who believe on Him and how we apply this existence to our physical world. The Gospel is found 1 Corinthians 15:1-4KJV By the Grace of God this Blog is my written record of a "third heaven traveler", someone whose spirit lives in Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). Who is passing through this world and like Abraham a stranger and a pilgrim, rejecting those "cities" (religions) built by the hands of men. Maranatha!

In doing this study we want to make sure the reader and viewer of the video understand that we love those caught unaware in the trap of the Nicolaitans and pray their eyes be opened and pray earnestly for them in accordance with

1 Timothy 2:4:

"Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." And ultimately the “bad guy” behind all this is the “god” of this world - Satan.

(Whenever we're addressing Zionism specifically for the Jews - Romans 10:1, 11:26 KJB and in that they be saved. God knows who his chosen remnant of Jews are and for these we pray for. As for the PEACE of Jerusalem - Psalm 122:6,7 KJB - we pray for this knowing it will not be until the Reign of Jesus Christ will the true PEACE of Jerusalem be established forever, Amen! We also want our viewers to understand in the enclosed study links that Zionism is actually Anti-Semitic at its roots and practices. And ultimately the “bad guy” behind all this is the “god” of this world - Satan.
Additionally In accordance with the Fair Use Under Title 17 U.S.C. § 107

The content provided on this website is intended for educational and informational purposes only. Any copyrighted material included herein is used under the doctrine of fair use, as outlined in Title 17 U.S. Code § 107. This includes use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. The use of such material is not intended to infringe upon the copyright holder's rights and is limited to the extent necessary for these purposes.

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