MEET THE 'OLD SSAA’: How things have changed.

1 day ago


JEFF POW’s father, Graham Pow, was a cofounder of the SSAA WA and its founding president.

He was one of a band of shooters who set the organisation up in the early 1970s when WA Police moved to impose impractical regulations - without consultation.

In a sense of déjà vu, Jeff turned up to the recent gun rally to provide support against WA’s new gun laws. It was a fight ‘the old SSAA’ would have taken head on.

JEFF’S FATHER, Graham, also helped set up the Pinjar shooting complex, helped found the West Coast Pistol and Revolver Club and was active in the Jarrahdale SSAA.

His love for his sport wasn’t just shooting: Graham loved his old pistols, including his 445 Webley Revolver, and put his skills as an incredible woodworker and metal worker to good use.

JEFF continues to carry his father’s flag, citing that there ‘is no fire’ under the ‘new SSAA’ to support what WA shooters are facing now.

He talks about the need for the shooting community to come together and not be caught out ‘flat footed’.

Jeff also talks about WA Police’s ‘unhealthy and provocative approach’ by sending SMSs to shooters – and encourages members of WA Police to not allow themselves to be used as political pawns.


IF YOU’RE A SHOOTER voting in this week’s WA State Election, you need to watch this to find out who to vote for.

We explain what ballot papers you’ll get, and what you need to know to vote against the new gun laws.

The easy way to fill in the large ballot paper (for the upper house / Legislative Council) “above the line” is to Vote 1 for the Nationals or Liberals and then number the other parties in your preferred order.

Or vote “below the line” with at least 20 boxes for your vote to be valid. We recommend you:

• Vote 1 for Louise Kingston (Group M);
• Vote 2 for Ryan Burns (Libertarian Party);
• Vote 3 for Steve Thomas (Liberal Party);
• Vote 4 for Nick Goiran (Liberal Party);
• Vote 5 for The Nationals etc

… until you’ve numbered at least 20 boxes.

IF YOU’RE IN the lower house seat of Albany, vote for Tom Brough (Liberal Party), or if you’re in Darling Range, back Morgan Byas (National Party).

Don’t rush your vote: take just a couple of minutes to make sure you back the right candidates and parties.

WHATEVER you do, don’t vote Labor. A vote for Labor is a vote to take your guns away from you.

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