#236 | Supreme Court Rejects the Case, Secession Teases, Susan Bans Dissent | Beauty & the Beta

20 hours ago

Streamed live on Dec 13, 2020
*Please note - the information posted below was accurate when originally streamed. Links may now be outdated and/or inactive.

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Artwork by Facepalm Reality
Facepalm Reality's Twitter: http://bit.ly/2AZfI4V
Facepalm Reality's YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2uxbrr9

Every Breath You Take remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocH-aauM_wU
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPZtCSScFWM
Additional music by Chris Gard, Morbicae Official: https://bit.ly/2GrOAnv

Items referenced:
‘Kill yourself’ teacher is on leave: https://bit.ly/2VQjnPp
Nerf gun Santa video: https://bit.ly/36UXPrn
Woke Santa resigns: https://bit.ly/2W0JNhn
Gardner booted from McCloskey case: https://bit.ly/340OegJ
Jose Diarrhea: https://tinyurl.com/y6hdkg3d
NYC car runs through BLM protesters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4upixqT9jT0
Story on the car incident: https://bit.ly/3m93Dlm
Sidney Powell lawsuits dismissed: https://bit.ly/2LiKW1R
Sidney wants Supreme Court appeal: https://bit.ly/2VRTcba
Supreme Court declines to hear PA case: https://bit.ly/2WdP8SN
Supreme Court declines to hear Texas’ case: https://bit.ly/2K1CaF1
Cuomo on the Texas lawsuit: https://bit.ly/37f25St
Electoral College vote is on for Monday: https://nbcnews.to/3gFIRIY
Giuiliani says not done: https://bit.ly/2WdI34u
Allen West teases secession: https://abc13.co/37f9KjN
Texas state rep floats Texit: https://bit.ly/3p1qsJJ
Call not to seat members who supported lawsuit: https://bit.ly/3m56FXO
Marine One flyover: https://bit.ly/3a6u0pQ
Video of DC fights: https://bit.ly/3mcKEq8
4 stabbed: https://bit.ly/37e8gWS https://bit.ly/3mftyrI
More street fight footage: https://bit.ly/3nfg6W4
‘F--k Antifa’ on Proud Boy butts: https://bit.ly/3nffUGk
YouTube bans questioning the election: https://bit.ly/2WdPUz0
YouTube’s blog post: https://bit.ly/3lY6jSB
YouTube takes down Scott Adams video: https://bit.ly/3oJYba8
Hunter Biden under federal investigation: https://cnn.it/2KoGiPb
Evidence against Hunter came from his laptop: https://bit.ly/3mew7Kx
Politico said it was Russian disinformation: https://politi.co/3otruhM
NPR said it was a non-story: https://bit.ly/3gGGs0H
NBC News’ headline on Hunter: https://nbcnews.to/3m6Ml8l
Axios report on Fang Fang: https://bit.ly/3mf3BIA
Did Swalwell bang the Chinese spy?: https://bit.ly/3nhOeAq
Swalwell family still friends with her: https://bit.ly/2VZT754
On the DNC payroll?: https://bit.ly/3a7ZWdm
Swalwell warns about the Trumps and foreign spies: https://bit.ly/3n7wI1I
Nancy has no concern about Swalwell: https://bit.ly/3a3yOfz
AP fact check on flu cases: https://bit.ly/2HTW6IN
CDC’s flu numbers: https://bit.ly/3mb8cLO
Atilis gym video: https://bit.ly/3ntjSLH
Don’t let a man in a dress control us: https://cbsloc.al/34bKKIf
Man beaten over mask confrontation: https://bit.ly/3oRmcMN
Boise Anne Frank memorial: https://bit.ly/2KcIVUa
Surprise cringe, Cartoon Network anti-racist PSA: https://bit.ly/383pgyC
Wassmuth Center for Human Rights GoFundMe: https://bit.ly/3akVBDR
Cynthia Johnson’s warning to Trumpers: https://bit.ly/3gLXHOe
Cynthia Johnson’s voicemail: https://bit.ly/2InFObz

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