The SKS: A go-to rifle in 2025

11 hours ago

The SKS Rifle in 2025: Is a "Bubba'd" SKS the Ultimate Go-To Rifle?

The SKS has been a reliable, budget-friendly rifle for decades, but in 2025, does a modified SKS ("Bubba'd" SKS) still hold up as a practical survival or go-to rifle? In this video, we break down everything you need to know about customizing the SKS, including its history, the evolution of surplus SKS rifles, and the best aftermarket upgrades available today.

We’re using an SKS with a Tapco Intrafuse T6 adjustable stock—a once-popular mod that’s now hard to find. We’ll also discuss current replacement stocks, the Archangel 35-round magazine, and the availability of 7.62x39 ammunition in today’s market. Whether you love or hate modifying military surplus rifles, this deep dive will give you all the info you need to decide if a bubba’d SKS is worth it.

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