In 1999, the CDC wanted to find out "if these mercury vaccines are causing autism".

11 hours ago

In 1999, the CDC wanted to find out "if these mercury vaccines are causing autism".

"So they looked at one vaccine, the hepatitis B vaccine... and here's what they found: The relative risk of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years and lung cancer is 10. This was 11.35. They knew."

"They pushed the panic button and they had a secret meeting... They had a two day meeting with 52 individuals, including all the major vaccine companies, regulatory agencies that administer vaccines, WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, HHS."

"And somebody recorded that meeting... I got a hold of the transcripts in 2005, and it is horrific. It's a nightmare."

"These regulators who are supposed to be protecting us... they're looking at the science and they are saying: It's bulletproof. We are causing autism."

Join: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ✅️

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