Is Donald Trump a Christian Man?

22 hours ago

Personally, I believe we are all born sinners.

We all fall short and we all make mistakes.

I have time and time again and I know I will fall short and make more mistakes in the future.

But I also know that we must repent of these mistakes and we must try to prevent making the same mistakes again.

As Christians, we need to help each other be better and admonish each other when we fall short. Colossians 3:16 says: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and ADMONISHING one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

Trump himself says he has never asked for forgiveness of God.

Trump himself says that he does not know any bible verses but states the bible is his favorite book.

Trump was pro gay marriage when he ran for president in 2015.

There is clip after clip online, so I just put a few together as a compilation.

Luke 17:3-4 "Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him."

Acts 3:19 "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord."

Too many Christians have "Trump Idolatry Syndrome" and we really need to do better as a group of believers. Unfortunately, most Christians "believe" but do not preach or spread the word. Many "believe" but do not admonish each other. Many "believe" but do not live like Christians.

It is time we act as the salt of the earth. Admonish each other and the secular crap all around us. We need to stop the pagan rituals and holidays and we need to come back to Elohim, the creator!

Jasher 12:38 "38 And Abram said to them, Do not bow down to me, but bow down to the God of the world who made you, and serve him, and go in his ways for it is he who delivered me from out of this fire, and it is he who created the souls and spirits of all men, and formed man in his mother's womb, and brought him forth into the world, and it is he who will deliver those who trust in him from all pain."

REMEMBER - GOD is in control. This is all for show and if we can wake enough people up, we can delay their plans to end the world and bring about the antichrist.

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As always, God bless you. Thank you for reading my message.

sin, sinners, born sinners, mistakes, fall short, repentance, repent, prevent mistakes, Christians, help each other, admonish, Colossians 3:16, word of Christ, wisdom, teaching, psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, grace, Lord, Trump, forgiveness, God, bible verses, favorite book, pro gay marriage, 2015, president, compilation, Luke 17:3-4, rebuke, forgive, trespass, Acts 3:19, convert, sins blotted out, refreshing, presence of the Lord, Trump Idolatry Syndrome, believers, preach, spread the word, live like Christians, salt of the earth, secular, pagan rituals, holidays, Elohim, creator, Jasher 12:38, Abram, bow down, God of the world, serve, deliver, fire, created souls, spirits, formed man, mother's womb, brought forth, trust, pain, God in control, show, wake people up, delay plans, end the world, antichrist, Rumble, account, register, DDConspiracy, follow, channel, Conspistory, X, Twitter, X Spaces, weekly, join, current events, discuss, God bless, message, faith, salvation, redemption, 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eternal, truth everlasting, love unending, grace abounding, mercy enduring, justice prevailing, righteousness reigning, peace ruling, joy overflowing, hope unfailing, power unlimited, glory unsurpassed, majesty unmatched, holiness perfect, purity spotless, beauty unrivaled, splendor radiant, light unapproachable, fire consuming, wind mighty, voice thunderous, presence awesome, fear inspiring, wonder evoking, marvel astonishing, miracle working, sign displaying, wonder performing, impossible overcoming, limit breaking, boundary shattering, chain loosing, captive freeing, prison opening, blind seeing, deaf hearing, lame walking, dead rising, sick healing, broken mending, lost finding, wandering returning, sinner saving, saint preserving, church building, kingdom advancing, gospel spreading, name proclaiming, glory revealing, will accomplishing, purpose fulfilling, plan completing, story unfolding, history directing, future securing, eternity promising, all things new, restoration full, 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