War in Ukraine, Analytics. Day 1076: What Would be the Worst Scenario for Ukraine? Arestovych

11 hours ago

In today's war diary, Nikolai Feldman and Alexey Arestovich discussed the main news on the 1076th day of war:

➤ 00:00 The position of state authorities on the murder of a serviceman during mobilization. The hypothesis about the original plan of President Zelensky from March 2022 - will the military bear all responsibility for the lost war?
➤ 05:56 Deliberate policy of pitting civilians and the military against each other after the failure of the counteroffensive in summer of 2023
➤ 08:22 Let's recall the chronology of events: first busifications, the resignation of military commissars, intimidation of the population.
➤ 10:57 How can supreme power of Ukraine now abandon the policy of intimidating the civilian population and pitting them against the military?
➤ 12:40 Examples and consequences of continued erroneous policies of the authorities.
➤ 16:05 The price of busification: the UN is concerned about the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russian soldiers.
➤ 17:48 "Emergency war": a sniper profession may appear in Ukraine. 500 thousand people left Ukraine in 2024. Extraordinary measures of politicians.
➤ 21:10 Will financial support for Ukraine to wage war continue?
➤ 26:35 Transition to a system of large units in the Ukrainian army: the right decision taken at the wrong time is the wrong decision.
➤ 31:36 Calculating the minimal numbers for Ukrainian armed forces. What could be the worst-case scenario for an attack on Ukraine?
➤ 34:00 "Ukraine will be forced to make brutally painful decisions": the grief of the defeated.
➤ 37:38 How does one counter the demands that will be imposed on Ukraine?
➤ 46:20 The legend about Ukraine in NATO continues to sound for Ukrainians.
➤ 48:33 Heroism in war. Who and how is capable of fighting modern wars?
➤ 52:55 Will Russia seize Kyiv and Lviv in 2026 if the US stops aid to Ukraine?

Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Advisor to the Office of Ukraine President : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Arestovych
Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWy2g76QZf7QLEwx4cB46g

Nikolay Feldman - Ukranian journalist, social researcher, blogger.

💳 Fundraiser is under Alexey's Original Stream in Russian: https://youtu.be/vxgrU7NYoKM

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