RFK JR - Americans Didn’t Suddenly Get Lazy “We are Being Mass Poisoned by the Food Industry”

11 hours ago

RFK JR - Americans Didn’t Suddenly Get Lazy “We are Being Mass Poisoned by the Food Industry”

• 42% of children are obese
• 75% of children are overweight
• Half of all adults are obese

• We’re being poisoned by a food industry that is highly subsidized and owns Congress

• We’re the only country that allows for public funding for food to go towards soft drinks

• 10% of food stamps are going to sugar water that is designed to make you diabetic

• We’re spending $10 Billion a year to make our kids diabetic

• All 175 exotic diseases have skyrocketed because our bodies have turned against us. Our metabolic processes are ruined, our mitochondria is ruined, and our our immune systems turns against its own organs (e.g. auto-immune disease).


• These were healthy kids who had zero risk
• And now they’re sick for life, relying on new medicines that are developed by the NIH
• The NIH collects royalties on the chronic diseases they are causing

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