Rev. Dr. John A. Vacchiano • A Republic, If We Can SAVE It!

13 hours ago

Truth Fest • Jan. 25th, 2025
The clear and present truth is that our Republic has NOT been kept and is in dire need of being Saved!

Through the exegesis of Scripture and an in-depth reminder of our Country's founding principles, it is our hope and prayer that a Sacred Fire will be birthed in your heart, in turn manifesting a Sacred Cause that will empower you to fulfill your Sacred Duty to God, Country, and Family! Join us as We Appeal to Heaven – Declare our Total Dependence Upon Almighty God– and stand fast in the Liberty by which Christ has made us free!

Dr. Vacchiano has been preaching, teaching, and educating in full-time Christian ministry for almost 30 years.

Through the implementation of his Doctoral Dissertation entitled: Making Disciples: Reclaiming the Heart and Soul of the Church Through Transformational Accountability and his heart for Patriot Church, Dr. John has received a Divine Revelation that "There must be a Synergy NOT a Separation of Church and State!"

Dr. Vacchiano is steadfast in the belief that this Synergy of Church and State will Save our Republic and Make America Healthy Again!

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