Chilean ruling mafia directed by the clandestine mafia in the USA, CIA, NSA, FBI

7 days ago

In this video you see another one of the countless instances since my arrival in Chile on Jan 9, where the Chilean ruling mafia directed by the clandestine mafia in the USA, CIA, NSA, FBI, has tried to get me into a confrontation that could get me arrested, similar incidents are happening daily. I park in an area away from where most vehicles are parked, precisely to make a bit more difficult for the narconazis to stage an incident, nevertheless, very shortly after parking here a group of Chilean mafia, probably Chilean intelligence, park their motorcycles blocking me from exiting. At the same time, another Mafioso working for the same agency, place its vehicle behind me, I know the only one who’s going to get in troubles is me, therefore, I move to another area. These mafiosos always work in packs, those packs include law enforcement elements standing by nearby, this mafia is operating in similar way globally, under the noses of every single government.

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