Can You Handle the Truth? The Military-Industrial Playbook & Fossil Fuels - Preface

13 hours ago

Preface for the book "Can You Handle the Truth?: Mass Murder, Torture, and Lies: The Military-Industrial Playbook & Fossil Fuels" available for purchase on Amazon.

“The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.” – Aristotle

“An informed citizenry is at the heart of a dynamic democracy.” – Thomas Jefferson

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” - Former CIA Director William J. Casey

Can You Handle the Truth? Mass Murder, Torture, & Lies: The Military-Industrial Playbook & Fossil Fuels is a book for those who seek to know the truth, no matter how unsettling. It is for those who believe that knowledge is important, that truth is essential for progress, and that justice must prevail over systemic corruption. By the end of this journey, you will see the connections between the military-industrial complex, big tech, fossil fuels, and covert operations with clarity.

The book reveals many truths the military-industrial complex and the fossil fuel industry go to great lengths to keep from the public awareness, to the detriment of all of humanity. This book covers many truths:

-The Truth: The Development, Evolution, and Criminal Use of Non-Lethal Weapons - weapons developed by the U.S. Department of Defense under the Joint Intermediate Force Capabilities Office and military contractors like Raytheon, and the origins of many of these weapons under Project Pandora and Project BIZARRE. These weapons exist and are being deployed, as evidenced by nearly 100 patents listed in the book and in numerous reports of civilian torture as captured by organizations like the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights.

-The Truth About Surveillance, Harassment, and Attempts to Silence Those Who Speak Truth to Power: Covering the long history of covert harassment or outright silencing of activists and those who reveal the secrets of the military-industrial complex or stand in opposition. From the FBI's harassment and attempts to destroy Martin Luther King Jr. under COINTELPRO to the CIA's surveillance of Noam Chomsky. From Edward Snowden revealing the NSA violations of privacy for everyone under PRISM to the attempts to silence Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks.

-The Truth of Psyops & Non-Consensual Human Experiments Like MKUltra, the Tuskegee Experiments, and Project Pandora: Psychological operations aim to influence and manipulate the perception and behavior of individuals, groups, and entire populations. Information is publicly available on the CIA, CDC, and other websites due to releases under the Freedom of Information Act. The U.S. government is not alone, the American Psychological Association and other private sector entities have willingly taken part in the torture of thousands, even to this day.

-The Truth of Big Tech and the Media: Mass Mind Control and Influence: How big tech is working hand-in hand with the government and military-industrial complex to misinform billions of people to divide and conquer us. With insiders such as Tristan Harrison revealing the truth:

-The Truth of the Military-Industrial Complex and the Fossil Fuel Industry: The long history of murder, torture, corruption, and conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity on behalf of the fossil fuel industry and other corporate interests. Including the overthrow of governments through CIA programs.

-The Truth on The Illegality of Torture and Human Rights Violations: All of these programs and technologies are being used to violate our human and civil rights in violation of international laws like the UN Convention Against Torture and the laws of nations.

This book is about the truth and a call to action, detailing what we can do to stop these abuses and create a better world.

Can you handle the truth?

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