Schadenfreude: As Its Economy Falters, Germany Eyes Return To Russian Natural Gas (As Trump Said)

14 hours ago

Posted • March 2, 2025: Huh. We guess shutting down nuclear power plants in a nation where the average temperature is 50° wasn't a good idea. Germany -- which has a lot of socioeconomic and political issues these days -- is struggling economically and now they're considering a return to using Russian natural gas: German industry begins calling for a return to Russian natural gas as the economy is on a path of decline — Bloomberg. -- Here we'd like to remind you President Donald Trump warned Germany they'd become 'totally dependent' on Russian natural gas. Huh, so Trump was right… weird. He was right. Again. It's so sad. Thanks German Socialist + Greens! They got the government they voted for. Good and hard, it seems. So they want to go back to paying for Putin's war machine. BRILLIANT! While demanding we give Ukraine money. Make it make sense.

Germany's green energy experiment failed miserably. Their manufacturing sector is collapsing and now they're crawling back to Russian gas. Sometimes the obvious solution is the right one. We all saw this coming. Further proof that all the talk is just about social justice team points. When the real world hits, their “compassion” always comes in behind personal gain. 'Compassion' is always something they mandate from others. ——> call Putin “Hitler.” ——> buy Hitler’s gas. —— Are they retarded? They're not bright, that's for sure. I'm beginning to think that maybe they don't really think Putin is Hitler and that all of Europe will succumb to Russia and NATO will collapse if Ukraine loses territory and there's a cease fire. Kinda how they got all chummy with Trump after the election, despite calling him 'LITERALLY HITLER' for the entire campaign. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Schadenfreude Alert: As Its Economy Falters, Germany Eyes Return to Russian Natural Gas (As Trump Said)
Twitchy: 'This aged QUITE badly': Trump warned Germany of becoming 'totally dependent' on Russian energy at the UN in 2018. Who's laughing now?

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