Discussion of true sustainability and climate change/action censored by CBC

14 hours ago

I was supposed to be interviewed by CBC North on February 12, 2025 to talk about my Yukon Sustainability Award for Small Business. I got a call about 20 minutes before the interview was scheduled to cancel it. In response I made this video which I shared to Facebook and tagged CBC North. It started going viral for about the first 15 minutes to 20 minutes with multiple shares, likes and comments. After about 20 minutes engagement almost completely stopped and very few people have commented or even liked the shares that did occur. Clearly there is an agenda to hold back the truth from the public. I would not be a bit surprised if they flagged the video or reported it so that engagement would not increase. In response to that, please share this video.

I wanted to talk about real sustainability, the stuff that nobody is saying, but apparently because of a Facebook post the previous day, someone emailed CBC to tell them not to interview me.

Here’s the truth that I wanted to talk about plus some related ramblings. As our public broadcaster who gets taxpayer money, they should be all about transparency and open dialogue and debate. Open discussion of ideas and the toleration for contrary ideas should be normalized if we really live in a free and Democratic society. To anyone paying attention, that hasn’t been the case for at least the last five years, but not just within the media.

The truth is a massive threat that destroys giant lies. That’s why censorship and a lack of debate and transparency has become apparent to those of us with integrity lately. Since apparently the CBC is more interested in propoganda than truth these days, I will post this here and maybe they will reconsider discussing sustainability with someone who actually understands it and has been living and implementing it for decades.  Please contact me if you would like to discuss this or other topics in your podcast or other media. People need to hear the truth about what is really going on in the world.

I hope this video helps you see how much we’ve been lied to and talk about these ideas with everyone you know. The truth will set us free. Lies are the tools of enslavement.

Btw if you don’t wanna hear the truth, that’s fine, but unfortunate. Don’t sabotage people who are trying to do good in the world. If you really wanna shut me up, then behave like a real scientist and prove me wrong. Since science is the pursuit of truth, no one should be stopped from asking questions ever again. 

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