9 days ago

(Please ask the Lord if there are others He would like you to forward this testimony to.)

We feel it's important to make the record straight what Precious Testimonies believes - as many other credible born again Christians believe - that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints (Mormons - The Mormon church) is a full-blown Satanically inspired, highly deceptive counterfeit to the REAL. Anyone who does a full investigation from what credible Christian Apologetic ministries provide into what the "church" of LDS teaches - it becomes clearly evident of WHY it is a spiritual cult - teaching things that do NOT clearly line up with the accurately translated and wisely applied Word of God (Which is a VERY SERIOUS matter with God - See: James 3:1; Revelation 22:18-19). Having said that - just because the brother in this video says his sister "was a good Mormon" does NOT imply nor assume he is endorsing the church of LDS (Latter day Saints) as a trustworthy religious organization, denomination and/or religion to be a part of.

Also - Though this precious testifier (Wes) doesn't go into elaborate detail in this video about the importance of the matter: Having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is where it STARTS and all other spiritual issues follow after that. Because Jesus ALWAYS WAS and IS and forever WILL BE FULLY God (which Mormons teach otherwise), fully One of the three divine Persons of the eternal Godhead who always was and forever will be ... and because Jesus Christ is the One who God the Father says in the Word will judge all people as to their eternal estate ... it is Jesus who the Father and the Holy Spirit says we're to honor and glorify during our lifetime, giving Him honor and glory and demonstrating our devotion and thanksgiving to Him. In so doing, we are equally honoring the Father and the Holy Spirit -- the other two Persons of the eternal Godhead.

Ask and trust God to reveal this to you if you don't believe Jesus Christ ALWAYS WAS and is FULLY God - FULLY one of the 3 Persons of the eternal Godhead (And never WAS nor ever WILL BE a mere angel as they heretically teach): "No one can say Jesus is FULLY GOD but by revelation from the Holy Spirit." (See: 1 Corinthians 12:3)

"WHICH IS THE TRUE CHURCH?" -- If you have never heard the truth of the matter: NO denomination; building; location; organization; structure of any sort - be it a local park or a cave or a billionaire's yact ... is the CHURCH. God's definition of the "Church" is: The called out ones. God says that every true born again believer in Jesus Christ is "a called out one serving Jesus Christ." Hence - every true born again believer is an INDIVIDUAL MEMBER of the universal, world wide "called out ones." Each individual thereof is one of the "members of the church." Thus - wherever individual born again Christians meet together, that is where "the church IS." When they disassemble and go their separate ways - say to their homes ... "the church scatters." Thus when any "institution", "denomination" or local church fellowship where people assemble claim "We are the right church," they error in not understanding their definition of "the RIGHT church" is totally flawed. The "church" is PEOPLE; God's body of true believers connected to the Lord Jesus Christ their eternal Savior and spiritual head who is connected to God The Father (their spiritual Father) through the uniting and bonding of the Holy Spirit - period.

Saying it a little differently ... wherever a true born again Christian IS, that is where the "church" IS. Thus it is impossible for them to GO to "church." Satan has so confused everything sacred to God it seems that churches on the street corner (for instance) should NEVER label themselves as a church. They should label themselves as A LOCAL CHRISTIAN FEELOWSHIP (they can add their own unique name) to try to help eliminate the confusion that runs rampart over this issue.

So if you're a young Christian convert, DON'T ask God to lead you "to the RIGHT church", because you ARE now the church - one member of it anyway. Rather - ask and patiently trust God to lead you to a local fellowship of Christians you can unite with that can be loving and trusted. That can mean a house or restaurant where a handful of Bible believers unite for fellowship - praying for each other - receiving and giving encouragement - helping each other understand God's Word WISELY ... or to a fellowship where hundreds or thousands meet.

Highly recommended reading: "10 Lies I Told As a Mormon Missionary":

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