Membership Essentials

14 hours ago

Sermon: The marks of the true church - Beglic Confession Article 29 - Lords Day March 2nd, 2025 - Trinity Reformed Church

ekklēsia - means called out to gather. Matthew 16. We have an increasing trend of people that wander from church to church. Some don't think they need to be a member of a local church. For many reasons. Some will say "I'm spiritual" - research is showing a trend where church attendance is dropping. There is a trend professing believers who don't become members. They lose accountability. There is a problem of obedience overall.. we are commanded not forsake assembling.

Church membership is a gathering of believers submitting to His teachings.

Faith is essential. Those who have been redeemed gather together with a local church. Acts 2:39-43,47. Acts 4:32,5:14. 1 Tim 4:12 - If you do not believe you cannot be a member.
Baptism - a sign of church membership. You will never see a church member baptized. Normative is when they professed Christ they would then be baptized. Mat 28:19, Acts 2:37-38, 40-41, Acts 8:12-13, 36-38, 16:14-15
Discipleship - Mat 28:19 - we profess faith, we are baptized, we start to learn.
Serving one another - God has gifted His people to minister to one another. Rom 12:4-8, 1 Corinth 12:18, Eph 4:7. Gifted for service.

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