To prevent Terrorism in the future Elon keep those Condum shipments going

3 days ago

Lets engage in "sly genocide" by sending more condums to the Taliban and Hamas? USAID had a good idea didn't it? I was as upset as anyone else when I learned we spent 200,000 dollars to send condums to our enemy. But on second thought I saw the unintended consequence that might be good. Send condums to all the terrorists to prevent more " little terrorists"!!! Lets stop the future generations of terror now, please Elon, don't stop those condum's a "win win" the current terrorists can have their sick fun at the same time preventing future generations of more terrorists. We won't have to do a thing while they'll be fornicating themselves out of existence. Anyway it sounded good for a minute. God Bless and I remain your humble servant.

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