Accountability isn't about control

4 hours ago

Think holding someone accountable means being tough on them? That's not accountability — that's just being an asshole. Real accountability is an act of service.
Accountability isn't about control — it's about helping your Brother become who he said he wants to be.
When we hold each other up, we all rise.

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Accountability isn't about imposing your will; it's about helping others achieve their goals. This clip breaks down the true meaning of accountability with a powerful message. #Accountability #SupportEachOther #RealTalk
True Accountability: An Act of Service
21:55 - 23:28
And I think it can make everybody's life better if we work together with love and respect and help each other hold each other accountable. And holding each other accountable, accountability has gotten really, really weird. It's kind of like organized religion to a large part. People wanna make up their own standards and expectations and then try and impose those on others. And then they're shocked when people rebel against that or they don't wanna have anything to do with them anymore. It's because you're being an asshole. Accountability doesn't look like the imposition of your will on other people. That's not accountability at all. That's you being an asshole. A lot of people wanna say it's um, I'm showing them tough love and blah blah blah, whatever. No, you're not. You're being an asshole. You're imposing your will on other people. Holding someone accountable is when they tell you this is what I wanna do, this is what I wanna change, this is what I wanna be, this is how I wanna act. And when you see him not behaving that way, you're like, hey bro, I thought you said this is what you wanted to do, this is what you wanted to be, this is how you wanted to act. Is what you're doing right now? Did what you do yesterday align with that? How can I help you get to where you need to be? I love you brother. Accountability is an act of service to someone else. It is not the imposition of your will on them. It is not the imposition of your fucking opinion on them. It doesn't matter what you think. It doesn't matter how you feel. You're not actually helping them. You're trying to make yourself feel better or more important, stop being an asshole.

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