Gilgamesh, Nimrod And The Book of Enoch

7 days ago

Gilgamesh Nephilim King FOUND INTACT in TOMB!

You might have heard of the Epic of Gilgamesh, the oldest story ever written by a man. This epic follows the tale of an ancient king who challenged death itself. While many believed it to be a myth, recent archaeological discoveries have challenged that notion. So, let’s dive into the video to uncover one of the most mind-boggling discoveries of recent times about Gilgamesh,
the Nephilim King, found intact in a tomb.

In 2003, a team of archaeologists and researchers led by York Fespinder from the University of Munich made a remarkable discovery in the Iraqi desert just before the devastating war in the region. They stumbled upon a vast network of tombs inhabited by giant human-like beings.
Delving even deeper, they found the remains of other giants, ancient artifacts, and a buried settlement that spanned over 10,000 hectares. The findings closely resemble the legendary King Gilgamesh, as described in the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh.

Source 'Timothy Alberino':

Source 'Rapture Ready':

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