Investigating Japan's Megaquake Warning

5 hours ago

I came to Japan to see the Megaquake. But the government's warning was 3 months ago now. So where is it?

In August 2024, Japan issued a 'megaquake advisory' for the first time. This surprised everybody. Cuz it came right after a magnitude 7.1 earthquake hit Kyushu. Which in the past might've been good news. Cuz it would seem like the stress build ups in tectonic plates we are measuring have been released.
But our prediction tech is improving.

Living here, I've felt small earthquakes almost every week. Wakes me up at night. But what's just a jump scare for me now actually forms the data points in prediction models. Turns out AI is pretty good at predicting the future based on historical data.

Take this experiment in China for example. The trial lasted for 7 months. During which, the University of Texas was tasked to predict the time, location, and strength of quakes.

So they made an AI that made 22 predictions a week in advance. 8 predictions were false warnings. But 14 predictions were almost exactly accurate. And in the end, they only missed 1 real earthquake. So...


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